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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw 'Avatar' last night, very impressive visually but the story did nothing for me. Didn't feel engaged by the characters or plot at all - not sure if its the revolutionaly, cinema-changing film James Cameron said it would be, but still. Entertaining, but nowhere near the classic it could've been.


Also made the mistake of watching 'Sex Lives of Potato Men'. Avoid at all cost!

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It seems that people are already shoe-horning the phrase "post-Avatar" into any and all discussions on the future of movie effects and the impact it's had in that respect. I still maintain it's not a particularly great film though.

Edited by Au
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Maybe I haven't looked back far enough but my favourite film I've watch in the past month has to be The Hudsucker Proxy which was on Dave a little while back. Awesome film and quite probably my fav Coen Brothers film. Paul Newman was exceptional as the devious villian and Tim Robbins was simply great as the hapless hero.




<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

1957 New York: Hudsucker Industries are having the greatest year ever business rise. Profits are up, shares are up, everythings great. Then the chairman stands up during a meeting with the Board of Directors an d jumps out of the 44th window. Without a will it seems that his shares will be made available to the public and the Board (led by Paul Newman) cannot afford the high price, unless they bring the share value down somehow. Enter the naive Tim Robbins from a small town into the post room. He's appointed the head of Hudsucker Industries to panic the market and drop the value of the shares. But the plan goes wrong.


[close spoiler]



Fantastic film, funny as hell and has a nice ending to boot. Everyone does a great job. I can't say enough things about how enjoyable i found this film.

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Oh there's a good quality one out? Excellent. I'd been itching to see that but nobody could be arsed going to the cinema during the long, bleak winter.


I went on a splurge at Amazon recently with Christmas money, so I'll have thoughts and reviews and that soon. Still waiting on a couple of them to arrive, including Starship Troopers on blu ray! Aww yeeah.

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stole from the youtube thread


I stole this from the youtube thread, as its a 70 minute documentery i decided to post it here


Its a deconstruction of why `star wars episode 1` is god awful


now you may think `i`m not watching a 70 minute documentary on why episode 1 was crap cause i know this already!` but the way this documentary is put together is great. the guy doing it adds his own humour and background funnies and it works real well. I enjoyed his slating of the movie but he also educated myself on the aspects of why it was so shit, the stuff i just couldn`t be bothered to work out myself.


He also adds in little comedy set ups and one liners that actually had me laughing.


If your a star wars fan and have a spare 70 minutes, its most definently worth watching.

Edited by Jimmy_kahoona
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Everyone who loves or even likes Star Wars should watch that review. It's incredibly astute and very very insightful whether you like his comedy asides or not (I mostly do, but I've watched it with someone who didn't like his dark and disturbing tangents and they still found a lot of his points interesting). It doesn't just rant about Jar Jar being annoying or the pod race being too long either, it gets deep into the core of the movie and tells you why it's a complete failure as a film. As Jimmy points out, he'll pount out inconsistencies and gaping holes in logic that you hadn't even thought of because your initial, visceral disappointment at the thing clouded your judgment. It's like, you hate The Phantom Menace, but this guy will show you that you haven't even scratched the surface of how bad it is.


FYI, he's doing Attack of the clones next. :D


What's wrong with your faaace?

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His Buffalo Bill gimmick grates quite quickly though. That detracted somewhat from the sense he was making. I loved his questions to people about "Describe the character of Han Solo" and everyone went rogue, handsome, obsessed with money or whatever and then he asked them "describe the character of Qui-Gon" and everyone looked blank.

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Yeah that schtick divides opinion but there are long sections of the review where he barely touches on that and just focuses hard on the film. From part 3 onwards it really isn't enough of a feature to detract from the review. The bit in his basement put a lot of people off which is a shame because the actual commentary on the film goes from strength to strength right up to the end.

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