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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched in on BBC2 about 15 years ago, and taped it onto VHS. I can see the shitty DVD from about 2005, and some tv series or pilot for one from 2008.


I can find a Region 1 DVD from 1998, but no info on it. It has a decent looking cover at least. Amazon, being the shitarse site that it is, amalgamates the reviews for both this and the 2005 DVD, so I'm not really sure what is what.


Just had a looksie and theres quite a few compliants about the R2 release for this and a few other films where they have player generated sub titles instead of the burnt in subs the film originally had. Google 'The Andromeda Strain ticker tape' The R1 definitely has the original subs. The R2 sticks them in the black box below. Nightwatch Bourne Supremacy and other films that had fancy animated subtitles also seem to only be affected on the R2 releases. Just looked on Amazon and as you said they have just thrown all the reviews together so god knows what you'd be buying

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I've said it somewhere else in this thread i think but that's the main reason i'm reluctant to go and see it at the cinema. Just the thought of being stuck in a room with a bunch of twats who won't shut the fuck up and watch the film makes my blood boil.

The thing I found most amusing about the bunch of twats who were in my particular screening was that they didn't seem to click on to the fact that the main characters were, in fact, not them, but more likely were the kids who they used to pick on or bully at school - and laughed regardless.

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Watched Arthur last night. Was suprised that it wasn't as crap as I feared it might be. Russell Brand wasn't superb by any stretch, but the rest of the cast made up for it, especialy Greta Gerwig. There were some moments I felt genuinly emotional (not saying when/what to avoid spoilers), which is allways good for any film.


I give it a strong 7/10*, worth a single viewing for sure.


* my ratings are fairly loose, anything getting a 5-8 is worth at least one viewing, but to get a 9-10 there is a huge jump in enjoyment.

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I recently watched Your Highness with Danny McBride and James Franco

Was it good?...Not really, at least not as much as I was expecting/as it could have been


Your Highness is one of the worst films that I have ever seen. When I'm in a really bad mood, I plan to write a full review as to why it is so shit and why everyone involved should be drowned in battery acid.

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Watched The Adjustment Bureau

Shit, really shit




I watched it on Blu Ray recently, I thought it was okay, more a failed opportunity than shit. I thought the relationship between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was one of the best I've seen on screen, it just felt so genuine and real and believable. The black guy from the Bureau was cool, shame Terrence Stamp and John Slattery were absolute balls. (and I usually love Slattery...well when he's in Mad Men)

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I watched it on Blu Ray recently, I thought it was okay, more a failed opportunity than shit. I thought the relationship between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was one of the best I've seen on screen, it just felt so genuine and real and believable. The black guy from the Bureau was cool, shame Terrence Stamp and John Slattery were absolute balls. (and I usually love Slattery...well when he's in Mad Men)


Yes, the only thing this film had going was Damon & Blunt.

The Bureau guys just seemed dull & robotic at times, real shame.

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I watched death wish on sky movies tonight its alright i just dont get the whole ''its a classic you must see it'' thing that people always say when talking about films.


What the hell are you talking about?

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just watched Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides, meh, really underwhelming. The whole thing just felt like a re-hash of the other movies, just cashing in. I think if they'd left the series at 1 or possibly 2 movies the Jack Sparrow character would be more fondly remembered, now the whole thing just feels like a parody of what it once was. I actually enjoyed some of the 3rd movie (which is widely regarded as the worst of the series), especially the ending but this one just didn't have the spectacle or fun of that. Disappointing.


It made a tump though so there will be a 5th.


Oh...i'd fuck the shit out of that mermaid though.

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Just watched Rise of The Planet Of The Apes film. Pretty bloody breathtaking, and not afraid to say I got a bit teary eyed at the ending.


Not sure if it was just the DVD copy of it I had, but during the first part of the credits, theres something about a soldier or someone, going to an airport, then gets a bleeding nose. Not sure if this was a cut in of another DVD that had been on the disc prior to ROTPOTA, or was this significant in some way?

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