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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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It really is one of the worst Bond's out there. Fucking stank that film. The Madonna cameo is repugnant. When the villain shown of his plan it reminded me of when Mr. Burns wanted to block out the sun.

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Good is a major stretch but there were certainly worse films from that year with better ratings on RT; The Book Of Eli (48%), Alice In Wonderland (51%) and Red (71%) to name a few. 2010 was not a great year overall but there were some flicks that garnered a lot more hatred than they deserved. Repo Men was one of these, along with From Paris With Love and The A-Team. Were they GOOD? Not really but arguably more entertaining than they were given credit for.


Personally the incredibly goofy nature of The A-Team movie was what I expected from The Expendables, which unfortunately ended up being quite dull for the most part.


What's wrong with The Book Of Eli? Yes there are better post-apocalyptic films, but it's still an entertaining and cool movie.

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When the villain shown of his plan it reminded me of when Mr. Burns wanted to block out the sun.


As opposed to all the other Bond films where they keep their plans firmly to themselves?

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Whats everyones thoughts on walter hills: the warriors?


One of my favourite films, specifically the Blu-Ray Ultimate Director's Cut. I think I've already watched it three times since I bought it earlier this year, and I have some of the soundtrack on my iPod. Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.

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Watched The Lorax. It's kind of flat. It's too by-the-book, lacks anything that really stands out, and is a bit too heavyhanded in its environmental and anti-corporate greed message. It's just not an essential film, especially when there's Wall-E.


Much more entertaining than the film itself is the fit that American right-wing nut jobs have had over it, with all the climate denial and corporate personhood propaganda they're pushing.

Edited by Vice
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Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


And they get it. It's clearly an action thriller.

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Whats everyones thoughts on walter hills: the warriors?


One of my favourite films, specifically the Blu-Ray Ultimate Director's Cut. I think I've already watched it three times since I bought it earlier this year, and I have some of the soundtrack on my iPod. Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


I love The Warriors. I have the Directors Cut, which is essentially the same film but with a comic book style cut in between each scene. How does the Blu-Ray Ultimate Directors Cut differ?

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Whats everyones thoughts on walter hills: the warriors?


One of my favourite films, specifically the Blu-Ray Ultimate Director's Cut.


Is that when they include the animated stuff? Because that stuff is fucking shit!

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I love The Warriors. I have the Directors Cut, which is essentially the same film but with a comic book style cut in between each scene.


That sounds positively awful, I'm going to try and find this.

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Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


And they get it. It's clearly an action thriller.


I mean full on action, as in big gang fights and shoot-outs and stuff. A lot of the film is just running.

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Whats everyones thoughts on walter hills: the warriors?


One of my favourite films, specifically the Blu-Ray Ultimate Director's Cut. I think I've already watched it three times since I bought it earlier this year, and I have some of the soundtrack on my iPod. Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


I love The Warriors. I have the Directors Cut, which is essentially the same film but with a comic book style cut in between each scene. How does the Blu-Ray Ultimate Directors Cut differ?


The Ultimate Director's Cut runs around 1 minute longer, adding a voiceover introduction from director 'Walter Hill (I)' describing a legendary Greek army's attempt to fight its way home, and comic-book freeze frame shots bridging various scenes in the film. - IMDB

They really add to the film, I think. Plus the Blu-Ray upscaling looks quality.


Here's a breakdown of the comic book stuff and Director's Cut changes, Gladstone - http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=4270


Personally I like the comic book stuff, but I can see why some wouldn't.

Edited by TripleA
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Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


And they get it. It's clearly an action thriller.


I mean full on action, as in big gang fights and shoot-outs and stuff. A lot of the film is just running.


Run Lola Run's almost all running, it's still an action film.


Okay, so I checked this different version of The Warriors out and I'm not watching any more. I'm actually slightly sad that I was even made aware of it because it's even made me love Walter Hill slightly less after seeing that. Sometimes making a classic does weird things to film directors.

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Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


And they get it. It's clearly an action thriller.


I mean full on action, as in big gang fights and shoot-outs and stuff. A lot of the film is just running.


Run Lola Run's almost all running, it's still an action film.


Okay, so I checked this different version of The Warriors out and I'm not watching any more. I'm actually slightly sad that I was even made aware of it because it's even made me love Walter Hill slightly less after seeing that. Sometimes making a classic does weird things to film directors.


I'm not saying it's not an action film, I'm saying a lot of people I know who didn't like the film didn't like it because they expected it to be full of action, as in large gang fights, shootouts, explosions, etc. I think because they'd either played the Rockstar game first and expected just constant fighting, or because the film opens with a shooting and tons of gangs but then you never see half of them again and there's not much in the way of full-on fighting or shooting.


From what I've read too, the Directors Cut is always how Hill wanted the film to be.

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