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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Does anyone remember CLUE?


Basically a film based on the popular board game that we know in this country as CLUEDO



Tim Curry as The Butler. Eileen Brennan as Mrs. Peacock, Christopher Lloyd as Professor Plum, Michael McKean as Mr. Green, Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard, Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet, and Lee Ving as Mr. Boddy.


Personally I love this film and am happy to watch it again and again, its so daft but then it is a comedy and if watched with the right frame of mind can be very funny.

I caught this on some channel a couple of weeks ago, but it's one that I've watched many times from a now fuzzy VHS recording. It's a great, daft, film that is clearly not suited toward a mainstream American audience.


Also worth noting that it has Madeline Khan and Collette Camp (with jugs aplenty) in it too. Originally, the different endings were sent to different cinemas, each only playing the one they were sent.


"Who are you?"

"I'm the butler"

"And what do you do?"

"I buttle"


It's the accepted opinion that Tim Curry was awesome in pretty much everything until he became a porker. The last thing I saw him in was the paedorific Legend Of The Moonacre, where he looked like Jeremy Beadle's bloated corpse. Sad.



This week, I have been mostly watching films by Russ Meyer. Tonight I'm watching Motor Psycho. Haji is bloody gorgeous in the black and white ones.

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Watched The Men Who Stare at Goats on BBC2 Sunday night. I really enjoyed it, it was different! Apparently it was based on a non-fiction book by Jon Ronson. I'm all the more intrigued now :)


Anyone else see it? Anyone read the book?


Oh yeah in the credits there's a website: firstearthbattalion.org


Wondering if it's a spoof... Anyway only just found the site so don't call me a gullible fool already lol

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Never, ever watch Romance. Not even if you are intrigued by why just how much I hate it. It's not a film that can be enjoyed in an ironic way. It's not a film that can be enjoyed in ANY way. It's an utterly hopeless and detestable pile of shit.


It's directed by this handbag-faced bint called Catherine Breillat, who has directed a long line of shitty borderline sexist anti-male films much like this. The best thing this woman has ever done is to be embezzled out of a few hundred thousand dollars by a bloke who she knew was a wanted con-man that she wanted to be in one of her films - as a con-man. Yeah, she's a bit fucking dim.


Anyway, this film. What it's supposed to be about is this woman whose boyfriend won't have sex with her, so she sets out on an odyssey of sexual experimentation and self-discovery. What it ACTUALLY is about is some sour-faced tart whose other half won't put out because he's sick of the sight of her having a face like a bag of spanners and tells her to piss off, which she won't, even though she gets a lancing by the likes of Rocco Siffredi and her boyfriend has a knob that can best be described as worryingly miniscule.


How does Breillat tell her story? She shoves in a few hardcore and non-simulated sex scenes, has the characters spout cod philosophical bullshit dialogue, and orders everyone to look as miserable as fuck. Take one particularly marvellous scene:-


This woman, Marie, is lying on her bed with her naked boyfriend, Paul. They're talking a lot of very deep and meaningful dialogue the likes of which you only get in French art films where the characters say a lot without actually saying anything at all. Anyway, she takes hold of his todger and starts giving him a bit of a hand shandy except, even though she's a bit of a looker, she can't even coax a semi out of him because she's got a face like a smacked arse. Then the best bit:-


Paul: "Why do you like it so much?"


Marie: "Because it's like a little bird in my hand."


Yes, Breillat, that's EXACTLY what it is like. Like a one-eyed sausage shaped bird that changes size depending on mood or temperature.


She even tries sticking a hardcore scene in there with the aforementioned Mr Rocco Siffredi himself to try and liven up proceedings but even his legendary pork sword can't even coax half a smile out of Marie.


To call this film piss poor would be about the biggest compliment I could give it. It's directed by someone who wants to give the impression that she's saying something profound but really she hasn't got the faintest fucking idea what she's doing or saying. I'm a big fan of French cinema and it's bollocks like this that garners French cinema a reputation for being poncey and pretentious. I hate Romance and I hate Catherine Breillat.


She had a stroke a few years ago. Even that didn't stop her from directing more films. For fuck's sake.


minus 0/10.

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Never, ever watch Romance. Not even if you are intrigued by why just how much I hate it. It's not a film that can be enjoyed in an ironic way. It's not a film that can be enjoyed in ANY way. It's an utterly hopeless and detestable pile of shit.


minus 0/10.


Haven't seen it but Anatomy of Hell is supposed to be much worse SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

menstrual blood tasting Mmmm

Rocco's in that too.



Edited by ultimo the great
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Last night i got taken out to the ole cinema (or if your of a certain age like me you may still call it the pictures! And im only 22, maybe im just sad), to watch:


TRON: Legacy


Ok so i hadent seen the first movie, although i was well aware of the general outline of the first movie. I was going to hunt it down before i saw this one, although i got taken out.....so i didnt have time, but it will be interesting to now go back and watch it.


From what i'd heard from a few people, the story was a bit cack or generally the film was a bit cack. Well all i can say is, story wise......i wouldnt say cack, more "Straight forward", and im guessing this is for the people who hadent seen the first one like me, as it did a lot of explaining about the general idea of the first movie, and the gap inbetween, thus making the rest of the story fair play......and although maybe not to everybodys taste, to me it made perfect sense.


Either way, i found it highley entertaining, but the visuals........WOW. I mean i was expecting something visually good, but by god it was visually stunning. For me this instantly marked it up several notches, as unlike skyline (which in itself was also visually stunning) EVERYTHING was done to a T, and otherwise.....again......just ........WOW.


I wont spoil they story, but all i can say about it is the story is good, the visuals/music/Daft punk cameo are awesome, and i loved this movie. I can see how you could be really critical about films ans say "yeah it looked great, but the story was shit", but again the story was fairly straight forward and made sense to me, and otherwise again......WOW.


A great movie, maybe more one for the guys who love some great visual scences ,(Dont know why, but id imagine if you enjoyed watchmen like i did, you'll enjoy this), but otherwise a good movie.


The only down point is, although i gotten taken to see it by a friend he picked the 3D viewing. The movie displayed a message saying it was filmed in 2d, and was ment to be shown this was......so basically although there is 3D elements, its nearly non-existant.......so go for 2D and save youself the money, as id guess it wouldnt make much difference.


So yeh, i loved it!



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Finally got around to watching Shutter Island which is directed by someone who has been called Americas greatest living director Martin Scorscse and stars Leonardo Di Caprio who I think could be the best actor this generation. (A bold statement but one I stand by).


The film itself is just ok. Leo gives a great performance as per usual, as does Ben Kingsley and it is beautifully shot but I didn't really like much else. Believe it or not I called the "plot twist" almost immediately (apart from the anagram stuff) and I just found the whole movie quite boring. So much going on but nothing really happening.


Like I said I knew almost immediately that Leo was really a patient on the island (The fact that it is a psychological thriller pretty much gave it away) but I did like the very end in which he forces them to lobotomise him rather than him continue living with what he had done. "Live as a monster, or die as a good man."


Michelle Williams is just plain awful. I've never seen her give a good performance. Ever. (Never seen Brokeback Mountain.) If Seven can name 10 people who could do a better Joker than Heath Ledger then I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to name 20 actresses that could have done a better job than Williams here. Speaking of Ledger, was this filmed before or after he died? If it was after then I suppose I could cut her some slack.


So, yeah, I didn't think much of Shutter Island but at least I can say I've seen it finally. If I had to rate it I'd give it 4/10. Not even Leo could save it. :(

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Finally got around to watching Shutter Island which is directed by someone who has been called Americas greatest living director Martin Scorscse and stars Leonardo Di Caprio who I think could be the best actor this generation. (A bold statement but one I stand by).


The film itself is just ok. Leo gives a great performance as per usual, as does Ben Kingsley and it is beautifully shot but I didn't really like much else. Believe it or not I called the "plot twist" almost immediately (apart from the anagram stuff) and I just found the whole movie quite boring. So much going on but nothing really happening.


Like I said I knew almost immediately that Leo was really a patient on the island (The fact that it is a psychological thriller pretty much gave it away) but I did like the very end in which he forces them to lobotomise him rather than him continue living with what he had done. "Live as a monster, or die as a good man."


Michelle Williams is just plain awful. I've never seen her give a good performance. Ever. (Never seen Brokeback Mountain.) If Seven can name 10 people who could do a better Joker than Heath Ledger then I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to name 20 actresses that could have done a better job than Williams here. Speaking of Ledger, was this filmed before or after he died? If it was after then I suppose I could cut her some slack.


So, yeah, I didn't think much of Shutter Island but at least I can say I've seen it finally. If I had to rate it I'd give it 4/10. Not even Leo could save it. :(

Wow really?


I knew about the plot twist going into the film (id read up on it before i got there) but i loved it! A great movie, with loads of "did that really happen" sort of things thrown in, and everybody acted great in it. If it helps, give it another go as a friend of mine said exactley the same thing, but watched it again recently and loved it.

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