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Is 3 month's probation not enough? 2 years seems ridiculous.


Its nothing to do with probation or that kind of thing as far as I can see. It specifically relates to unfair dismissal claims which I guess are ridiculously high in this day and age and have been identified by employers as a big problem.


As another poster said, its probably a reasonable idea whilst unemployment is high and theres a lack of vacancies.

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It just gives certain employers carte blance to fire people so they don't get workers rights. I'm not saying it will be across the board but this allows employers with no morals to have a revolving door policy every 23 months to ensure there is no solidarity between their staff. It promotes fear in the workplace. One year was taking the piss but two just rubs your nose in it.

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Edward Woollard, 18, from Hampshire, has been jailed for 2 years and 8 months after admitting dropping a fire extinguisher during the 1st student protest in November and was among protesters who broke into the Tory party headquarters and emerged on the roof.


He was jailed after admitting at an earlier hearing to committing violent disorder. The former sixth-form student was filmed throwing an empty metal fire extinguisher from the seventh-floor of 30 Millbank as hundreds of people gathered in a courtyard below.


This seems like a harsh but inevitable outcome for what was supposed to be a peaceful protest organised by NUS descended into mild disordered caos at the Tory HQ.

He'll be out within a year.

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Apparently young offenders don't get their sentences cut for good behaviour. So someone said on another forum anyway. So he should serve the full 2 years 8 months.


Ive known a few people who went to Young offendors and both had their sentences cut nearly in half for good behaviour.

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Did they ever arrest that kid who was in all the videos breaking down the glass windows of the building? He was constantly pulling OMG faces as if he couldn't believe hoe NAUGHTY he was being, and generally looking like a spoilt dick who was showing mummy and daddy how independent he was.


This kid:




Yeah. Fight the power.

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Edward Woollard, 18, from Hampshire, has been jailed for 2 years and 8 months after admitting dropping a fire extinguisher during the 1st student protest in November and was among protesters who broke into the Tory party headquarters and emerged on the roof.


He was jailed after admitting at an earlier hearing to committing violent disorder. The former sixth-form student was filmed throwing an empty metal fire extinguisher from the seventh-floor of 30 Millbank as hundreds of people gathered in a courtyard below.


This seems like a harsh but inevitable outcome for what was supposed to be a peaceful protest organised by NUS descended into mild disordered caos at the Tory HQ.

He'll be out within a year.

It's bad to hurl fire extinguishers to the ground. But it is OK to hurl innocent newspaper sellers to the ground. Apparently.

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The newspaper seller was being a twat.


Is that now a legal defence for manslaughter?


And flinging people to the ground doesn't generally kill them.


Except, in this case, flinging him to the ground DID kill him, and throwing the extinguisher DIDN'T kill anyone.


Next you'll be blaming Russo for all the riots :rolleyes:

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