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QT was fucking great last night. Caroline Lucas owned it. Great stuff from Toynbee and Denham too. Hammond answering the Scottish guy's question about what measures are being made to drive the economy by waffling about Labour's deficit was hilarious. He might aswell have said "actually we're doing fuck-all".


Watch or not watch.. hmmmm that is the question

Why bother? You'll only ignore the truth.

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Young Voters Question Time is also worth a look on iPlayer. Richard Bacon does a surprisingly good job as host, Rufus Hound of all people talks the most sense, and Katie Hopkins is the biggest cunt in TV history.


Richard Bacon is tremendous. He's been the undisputed star of Radio 5 for the last two years at least.

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Hammond answering the Scottish guy's question about what measures are being made to drive the economy by waffling about Labour's deficit was hilarious. He might aswell have said "actually we're doing fuck-all".


I didn't get much further then that before giving up.


No one seems to have the slightest fucking idea where all these jobs are going to come from and it simply seems to be a case of leaving everything up to chance also I loved one of the dirt rags saying that the cuts were like a trip to the dentist bad but not as bad as you feared yeah well tell that to the half a million people about to be left unemployed (a.k.a. benefits scroungers to the dirt rag scum) though knowing how honest the scum and the sellouts we have in parliment are it will probably be at least double that by the time they are finished.

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What would he say to people in Cardiff who are unable to get a job? go to Newport.


Obviously people should make an effort to get a job even if its in another area but the Conservative Scum seem to assume that no one is making that effort or that the jobs in another area are actually suitable to every person who is unemployed also public transport is not always reliable and I doubt an employer would hire someone who would have to rely on public transport over someone local or someone who drives.


Sorry but its just typical Conservative Scum mentality showing that they are the same now that they were in the 80's/90's.

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An interesting little read from Tommy Sheridan's latest blog entry;


I happened to catch 5 minutes of a quiz on Radio 2 on Wednesday evening when contestants were asked at what age did people qualify for the first ever state-pension scheme. The Old Age Pension Programme had been introduced in 1889 in Germany by the Iron Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck in an attempt by the newly formed German state to placate workers and try and turn them away from the
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But British people live far longer today than Germans did in 1916. How exactly would you pay state pensions from the age of 55 when the average life expectancy is in the late 70s (?)? That's around 25 years of pension. Who is going to pay for it? The "evil rich"? Is that the left's answer to everything? Spend money like drunken sailors and tax the rich to pay for it all, then act surprised when they realise the money isn't there because the rich are avoiding paying as much tax as possible?


Ken Loach is an absolute fuckwit with absolutely no grasp of how the real world works.

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But British people live far longer today than Germans did in 1916. How exactly would you pay state pensions from the age of 55 when the average life expectancy is in the late 70s (?)? That's around 25 years of pension. Who is going to pay for it? The "evil rich"? Is that the left's answer to everything? Spend money like drunken sailors and tax the rich to pay for it all, then act surprised when they realise the money isn't there because the rich are avoiding paying as much tax as possible?


Ken Loach is an absolute fuckwit with absolutely no grasp of how the real world works.


Remove your logic at once.

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Currently loving people acting like the Thatcher/Major years were some sort of "golden era" even though the sheep and the dirt rags couldn't wait to kick the Conservative Scum out of office in 1997 and people will be lining up to piss on Thatcher's grave when that cunt finally drops dead.


This is no Coalition its a Scum Government being propped up by a bunch of sell outs and anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking idiot.

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Currently loving people acting like the Thatcher/Major years were some sort of "golden era" even though the sheep and the dirt rags couldn't wait to kick the Conservative Scum out of office in 1997 and people will be lining up to piss on Thatcher's grave when that cunt finally drops dead.


Who is doing that then?


Most people seem on here seem to be ripping to bits ill thought out arguments by those who are questioning the coalitions motives. Ive not heard or seen anyone big up Thatcher on here in a bit or mention a golden era?


Keep harking back to events of 20 plus years ago as an apparent valid current criticism is clutching at straws a lil bit though. Why do those who hate/detest the tories hark back to this time for their current arguments. I cant recall (though Iam sure some one will correct me) where The Tories and others have done this in recent times and not refered directly to the last labour government as opposed to one that is nearly a generation ago?


Not taking sides, but no one, not stauch labour supporters up here or anyone else ive questioned has given any answer at all other than they were scum it will happen again without any quantification whatsoever?


This is no Coalition its a Scum Government being propped up by a bunch of sell outs and anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking idiot.


Please define why it is thus?


The era of just saying things until someone else believes them with no proof has hopefully passed. So please quantify why its a scum government and why people are fucking idiots for thinking other wise?


ta muchly

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