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Yeah, I like that video. Though the cameraman really did pick that fight a little, he's pretty antagonistic to a couple of young officers.


People love knocking the police, but I wouldn't want to do that job. It's a thankless task and we expect them to always be on our side in any situation.

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Yeah, I like that video. Though the cameraman really did pick that fight a little, he's pretty antagonistic to a couple of young officers.


People love knocking the police, but I wouldn't want to do that job. It's a thankless task and we expect them to always be on our side in any situation.

I personally love knocking the police because they protect racists while attacking and arresting people who are prepared to get on the street and protest in favour of a fairer society.

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It would also seem that in the months since Griffin was on Question Time the BNP's membership hasn't "went through the roof"

That's because they stopped accepting new members due to them being forced to stop being a white only party.


The police, who we pay for via council tax, not doing their job correctly.

Don't they pay council tax too? Isn't that like going up to a BBC employee and saying "I pay your wages" when they do as well.

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That's because they stopped accepting new members due to them being forced to stop being a white only party.

And if that hadn't happened there would have been shitloads of people saying "fucking Hell, that guys right! Sign me up!" after the QT appearance?

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That's because they stopped accepting new members due to them being forced to stop being a white only party.

And if that hadn't happened there would have been shitloads of people saying "fucking Hell, that guys right! Sign me up!" after the QT appearance?

They wouldn't have used those exact words but yes, there would have been a rise in membership for the party you voted for.

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They wouldn't have used those exact words but yes, there would have been a rise in membership for the party you voted for.

Nice attempt to try and restart old shenanigans there lad ;)


Not at all old chap, if anything it was a back handed compliment about how you more than likely know that voting for them was misguided and that you have learned from the experience. All I was doing was explaining exactly why there hasn't been a rise in membership.

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It looks as though the BNP could be set to welcome it's first non-white member;


An Asian man has said he could become the first non-white to join the British National Party.


The BNP lifted its whites-only membership rules for fear of legal action and 78-year-old Rajinder Singh has voiced his support for the party.


"If they ask me to join I will not say no," the retired teacher told BBC Asian Network.


BNP leader Nick Griffin said: "I will be absolutely delighted to shake his hand and give him his membership card."


Mr Singh was born in West Punjab in India before moving to the United Kingdom in 1967.


"The only reason (for not joining the BNP) will be that I don't have the guts to stand up for my beliefs," he said.


"I do like to support them for their policies, as they want to save this country."


He added: "Once they have saved it for themselves it will be safe for me too."


The BNP held an extraordinary general meeting in Essex on Sunday where it voted to allow black or Asian members to join after the threat of legal action by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


Mr Singh expressed fears over Muslim extremism and said he had been impressed by Mr Griffin.


"I have met him several times and he's very friendly," he said.


"He's a genius who stands out as Nelson did on the battle field. He's a great hero and he's taking on the whole storm of leftists."


Mr Singh added: "I think the BNP are down to earth, practical and for Britain in every sense.


"Nick Griffin got the idea that there are threats from extremism from somewhere and he's the one who stood up. I admire him for that."


Mr Griffin has said the party had been forced to drop its whites-only policy "for legal reasons," although he added that "many of our members think it's a good thing".


In an e-mail to party supporters, he said: "We continue to avow the right of the indigenous British to be recognised, accorded our full rights as an indigenous people, and to organise ourselves and our non-indigenous friends to fight politically and legally to secure and defend those rights.


"The fact that a few of those non-indigenous friends (let's be realistic, there is not going to be a flood) will henceforth be card-carrying members instead of watchers from the sidelines, will change very little.


"Except that, as some of our less bigoted and more intelligent opponents are already complaining, our enemies will have far more trouble making the 'racist' tag stick against us."

Source: BBC.com

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It would also seem that in the months since Griffin was on Question Time the BNP's membership hasn't "went through the roof"

That's because they stopped accepting new members due to them being forced to stop being a white only party.


The police, who we pay for via council tax, not doing their job correctly.

Don't they pay council tax too? Isn't that like going up to a BBC employee and saying "I pay your wages" when they do as well.

Of course they pay it too, what's your point though?


My point is that we ought to have a say in how they do their job as the public they are serving. If they aren't doing their job correctly this should be exposed and be disciplined accordingly. The same goes for politicians or any civil servant.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Yeah, I like that video. Though the cameraman really did pick that fight a little, he's pretty antagonistic to a couple of young officers.


People love knocking the police, but I wouldn't want to do that job. It's a thankless task and we expect them to always be on our side in any situation.

You could call it antagonistic but the whole point of the video was to make a point that police are not doing their job properly. This video demonstrated this, that was the whole purpose, not to start a fight. In fact the police officers seemed the more aggressive, the filmer simply stood his ground and knew what was right.


I've got nothing against the police when they do their job in a proper and correct manner. In the good old days we had a local policeman, otherwise known as the Bobby on the beat who was locally known and approachable.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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It would also seem that in the months since Griffin was on Question Time the BNP's membership hasn't "went through the roof"

That's because they stopped accepting new members due to them being forced to stop being a white only party.


The police, who we pay for via council tax, not doing their job correctly.

Don't they pay council tax too? Isn't that like going up to a BBC employee and saying "I pay your wages" when they do as well.

Of course they pay it too, what's your point though?

You made a total distinction between the police and council tax payers, I was showing how there is no such distinction. Nothing to worry about, after all, I'm one of THEM aren't it.

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Did you? What was his name?

He said his name was Bobby.




I'm just guessing he doesn't know, because it's just one of those Daily Mail things people say about some mythical England that existed before now that is actually total bollocks.

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