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Except I haven't, I haven't moved from "There is consent or there isn't" and nor will I. There are no degrees here, it IS black and white. Admittedly that quote was taken in regards to one night stands and all that and I didn't make that clear, hence the discussion afterwards which you initially missed by the looks of it.


Sorry to be pedantic, but I didn't miss the posts, I read this:


However, as you say, if it's a given through years of understanding then of course its no problem


I can imagine that'd be an easy excuse for a husband to give "We always have sex on a Saturday morning, it's a given through years of understanding".


He might assume consent, but that's not consent is it. Or is it? That's my entire point, it's not black and white.

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Can you retrospectively withdraw consent Keith, or mitigated by circumstance? I'm curious. It's been a point tested in the courts recently, as I mentioned earlier, where the intoxication of the individual was said to have negated consent, but the court rejected it.


I'd say a big part of the problem as regards applying this in the UK is that the idea of a man or woman getting absolutely blotto and ending up in bed (or more likely, a back alley) with another drunken stranger they've just met seems to be ingrained into our culture - in many cases, it's the first courtship ritual young people here learn. The nightclub industry thrives on it, and the Magaluf/Kavos/generic horrible 18-30 type resort holiday industry is built on it, not to mention the way drunken young women having sex with predatory men is typically portrayed as comedic in 'constructed reality' shows such as Geordie Shore. I agree with everyone who's said that there needs to be a sensible debate on this issue, but there are also whole aspects of the culture - not least the media - that need to change if the idea of verbally asking for explicit consent before sex is to become the norm.


I agree with that but it's an ofshoot issue from the larger issue that it is now entirely socially acceptable, in some social circles, to be absolutely wasted, indeed seen as a badge of honour. The violence, rape and so on spirals from that, IMO. The instances of rape on islands like Ibiza against British women are pretty high, due to the fact that (WHILST IN NO WAY THE VICTIM'S FAULT) there is a perception of British women as being easy targets due to their rampant drunkenness to an extent not favoured by other nationalities.

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Can you retrospectively withdraw consent Keith, or mitigated by circumstance?

I was actually discussing this with Mrs Houchen last night (not for my own personal means, obviously) and she was saying what a minefield it is. There is everything from regret to being uninformed/being taken advantage of. So basically, I don't know!


We cannot ever move away from innocent until proven guilty, ever. That's why convictions are so low as most cases (that even get to trial and aren't bumped down to sexual assault to have more chance of conviction) is a matter of one persons word against another.


I think

covers the different types and cases that have to be considered rather well.
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Cheers, I'll take a read.


Would you agree that in the long-term, changing societal norms is actually an easier way of reducing rape than increasing conviction rates? Cure the problem, rather than punish the crime type thing? Not suggesting it's not important to do both, btw.

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Would you agree that in the long-term, changing societal norms is actually an easier way of reducing rape than increasing conviction rates? Cure the problem, rather than punish the crime type thing? Not suggesting it's not important to do both, btw.

Absolutely. The Slutwalk movement highlighted how much victim blaming still goes on, the "She was asking for it" mentality still exists and, like racism, a lot of people don't realise they are doing it. I've talked to many people who have equated a passed out scantily dressed girl to leaving a front window open, victim blaming 101.


EDIT - Forgot to mention how male rape is possibly more unreported due to societal norms.


(By the way, that link was to Peter Wyngarde's "Rape" song, I will get some proper info though!)

Edited by Keith Houchen
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