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Probably yes. But if you cut all the social work and all that 'lefty shite', the chickens come home to roost soon enough and you get higher crime rates; which would lead to more people being put in prison except the Conservatives now believe (not completely without justification) that prison is a waste of money. People will care about that stuff soon enough. The fact of the matter is though that even the southern states in the USA are starting to realise that throwing increasing amounts of people into prison for increasingly long stretches isn't really very economic.


And as for LGBT coordinators - people who identify with being 'LGBT' pay taxes as well. In most cases they don't have children, so they are not particularly burdensome on the state and a couple of outreach coordinators is not going to change that.

Who said anything about cutting social work?


I don't accept that 5 a day co-ordinators etc are responsible for reducing crime.


If prisons are a waste of money it is because of the amount that is spent on luxuries for the prisoners. Make them into proper prisons again and you will not only save money but they might actually be a deterrent to anyone that spends time inside and to some that have not and do not want to.

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Probably yes. But if you cut all the social work and all that 'lefty shite', the chickens come home to roost soon enough and you get higher crime rates; which would lead to more people being put in prison except the Conservatives now believe (not completely without justification) that prison is a waste of money. People will care about that stuff soon enough. The fact of the matter is though that even the southern states in the USA are starting to realise that throwing increasing amounts of people into prison for increasingly long stretches isn't really very economic.


And as for LGBT coordinators - people who identify with being 'LGBT' pay taxes as well. In most cases they don't have children, so they are not particularly burdensome on the state and a couple of outreach coordinators is not going to change that.

Who said anything about cutting social work?


I don't accept that 5 a day co-ordinators etc are responsible for reducing crime.


If prisons are a waste of money it is because of the amount that is spent on luxuries for the prisoners. Make them into proper prisons again and you will not only save money but they might actually be a deterrent to anyone that spends time inside and to some that have not and do not want to.


Which prison did you serve in? Do you have friends or family in jail or are you just repeating tabloid shite again? If prison isn't a deterrent to a person it says more about their standard of life on the outside. Prisons are fucking horrible.

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Probably yes. But if you cut all the social work and all that 'lefty shite', the chickens come home to roost soon enough and you get higher crime rates; which would lead to more people being put in prison except the Conservatives now believe (not completely without justification) that prison is a waste of money. People will care about that stuff soon enough. The fact of the matter is though that even the southern states in the USA are starting to realise that throwing increasing amounts of people into prison for increasingly long stretches isn't really very economic.


And as for LGBT coordinators - people who identify with being 'LGBT' pay taxes as well. In most cases they don't have children, so they are not particularly burdensome on the state and a couple of outreach coordinators is not going to change that.

Who said anything about cutting social work?


I don't accept that 5 a day co-ordinators etc are responsible for reducing crime.


If prisons are a waste of money it is because of the amount that is spent on luxuries for the prisoners. Make them into proper prisons again and you will not only save money but they might actually be a deterrent to anyone that spends time inside and to some that have not and do not want to.


Which prison did you serve in? Do you have friends or family in jail or are you just repeating tabloid shite again? If prison isn't a deterrent to a person it says more about their standard of life on the outside. Prisons are fucking horrible.



My brother said that his cell was better than his flat. The TV in his cell was far better than anythign he could otherwise afford.


But he's a twat.

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Who said anything about cutting social work?


You implied it here:


the council might be reduced to simply emptying the bins and keeping the streets clean, and as we know, stuff like that isn't what people care about at all.


I don't accept that 5 a day co-ordinators etc are responsible for reducing crime.


Well you wouldn't. But poor nutrition and criminality have been shown to be linked in scientific studies.


If prisons are a waste of money it is because of the amount that is spent on luxuries for the prisoners. Make them into proper prisons again and you will not only save money but they might actually be a deterrent to anyone that spends time inside and to some that have not and do not want to.


Cliched, empty-headed nonsense. The perks are there to encourage good behaviour and to pacify the prisoners because it is ultimately the most cost effective and safest way to run a prison. As I said before, even the southern states in the USA are beginning to move away from this kind of stupid rhetoric, because in practice it is very, very expensive to implement. If your idea is so good, why doesn't the Tory-led coalition implement these policies? I'll tell you why, it's 'cos it's bollocks!

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People get the wrong idea bout prisons, I know someone who works at broadmoor, I've been to visit a chap in bedford, know other people who've time in a few different ones. They are nasty unpleasant places. The fact is crime doesn't go up or down in relation to how unpleasant prisons are, but how much you invest in keeping people away from that life has a huge affect.

This isn't cocaine liberalism (well I suposse it might be, I like cocaine and I am quite liberal, but that's by the by) this is born out by every study that's been carried out into it.

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Well you wouldn't. But poor nutrition and criminality have been shown to be linked in scientific studies.

So how about putting the onus on parents to feed their children properly, instead of paying people to do everything for them besides wipe the kids arses? Feeding kids junk is child abuse, jail the parents and take the kids into care. There's no excuse for it. It's just governments not wanting to upset people who are lazy and/or stupid.


Cliched, empty-headed nonsense. The perks are there to encourage good behaviour and to pacify the prisoners because it is ultimately the most cost effective and safest way to run a prison.

It makes prisons pointless though. What is the point of a prison that represents a significant improvement of lifestyle for many of the inmates? What on earth is supposed to dissuade them from committing more crimes when they are released, when they know there's nothing they have to fear but 4 free meals a day, free TV, free playstations, pool, table tennis, medical care, etc, etc.


It might be cost effective in the short term but it is certainly not cost effective in the long run, as it just builds a massive criminal population that has no interest in going straight because it is far easier to break the law and spend most of their life in prison.


As I said before, even the southern states in the USA are beginning to move away from this kind of stupid rhetoric, because in practice it is very, very expensive to implement.

The only reason it is expensive is because of human rights legislation. How can it be more expensive to have bare bones prisons with no luxuries?


If your idea is so good, why doesn't the Tory-led coalition implement these policies? I'll tell you why, it's 'cos it's bollocks!

Politicians aren't affected by crime. Put in a government of people who actually have experience of living in crime ridden areas and you'd find a different attitude entirely.

Edited by Happ Hazzard
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Feeding kids junk is child abuse, jail the parents and take the kids into care.

We hardly have enough room to house the actual criminals in our prisons without throwing parents in jail for buying their kids a big Mac meal.

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Feeding kids junk is child abuse, jail the parents and take the kids into care.

We hardly have enough room to house the actual criminals in our prisons without throwing parents in jail for buying their kids a big Mac meal.


We've got plenty of room, just keep cramming them in.


Children should not be eating adult McDonalds meals. An occasional Happy Meal is fine. Parents who feed their kids unhealthy rubbish on a daily basis are guilty of child abuse, I don't see how that can be argued with. They are damaging their children just as much as they would be by violently abusing or sexually abusing them, and it should be treated in the same way.

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Feeding kids junk is child abuse, jail the parents and take the kids into care.

We hardly have enough room to house the actual criminals in our prisons without throwing parents in jail for buying their kids a big Mac meal.


We've got plenty of room, just keep cramming them in.


Children should not be eating adult McDonalds meals. An occasional Happy Meal is fine. Parents who feed their kids unhealthy rubbish on a daily basis are guilty of child abuse, I don't see how that can be argued with. They are damaging their children just as much as they would be by violently abusing or sexually abusing them, and it should be treated in the same way.


Have to say, that doesn't really stand up to close examination. If you were to see somebody letting a child eat a big mac, you'd probably go about your business, possibly with a tut tut. Whereas if, on the next table, you saw a chap violently buggering his five year old, one hopes you'd intervene.

This is why people think you're a troll, you suggest that poor nutrition is comparable to sexual abuse. Now you can spell, you can use grammer, you would appear to not be retarded in many ways. So putting that out there as a real opinion.....

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Have to say, that doesn't really stand up to close examination. If you were to see somebody letting a child eat a big mac, you'd probably go about your business, possibly with a tut tut. Whereas if, on the next table, you saw a chap violently buggering his five year old, one hopes you'd intervene.

Maybe after I'd had a wank and finished his happy meal.

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I don't think having the highest rate of childhood obesity in Europe is a good thing.


I don't think parents allowing their children to get so fat that their life will be shortened is a good thing. It's child abuse. Kids don't know any better, it's up to parents to teach them healthy eating habits. If they aren't doing this then they are failing as parents.

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