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He mentioned how a lot of ex servicemen are in prison then referred to prisoners as vermin, thus referring to a lot of ex servicemen as vermin.


A lot of ex servicemen are vermin.


I'm certainly looking forward to Thursday nights show, it looks as though it'll be an excellent watch.

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He mentioned how a lot of ex servicemen are in prison then referred to prisoners as vermin, thus referring to a lot of ex servicemen as vermin.


A lot of ex servicemen are vermin.

That's not the point though, is it? You asked where the mistake was and I pointed it out. Those words came from the man who claims to be in touch with the forces more than any other political party and how squaddies vote for him and his party. Do you see what I'm getting at or have you moved the goalposts again?

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That's not the point though, is it? You asked where the mistake was and I pointed it out. Those words came from the man who claims to be in touch with the forces more than any other political party and how squaddies vote for him and his party. Do you see what I'm getting at or have you moved the goalposts again?


I see what you're getting at, but he's a politician at the end of the day, and I see what he was trying to say.


I don't expect him to be any more honest or honourable than the current lot we have in power, so hearing him stretch the truth or say something that doesn't make sense isn't a huge surprise.

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FFS sake now the news is going on about the BNP using a spitfire pic which is old news by the way.


As for the vermin remark well criminal vermin is criminal vermin ex-service or not so he wasn't calling the average ex-servicman virmin just the criminal scum that was at one time a part of the armed forces.

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I think the problem people probably have with the BNP using pictures of the spitfire and of Churchill has something to do with comments made in the past, by leading BNP members, about how Churchill was 'a fucking cunt' and the RAF were 'mass murderers' in a 'pointless war against other white people'.

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I think the problem people probably have with the BNP using pictures of the spitfire and of Churchill has something to do with comments made in the past, by leading BNP members, about how Churchill was 'a fucking cunt' and the RAF were 'mass murderers' in a 'pointless war against other white people'.


It could very well be.


They won't be the first political party to exploit a group of people for their own ends whilst really thinking they are cunts though, would they?


I daresay they won't be the last either.

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BNP Compares Generals With Nazi War Criminals


Nick Griffin has compared the army generals who attacked the BNP for "hijacking" the military to Nazi war criminals.


"Those Tory generals who today attacked the British National Party should remember that at the Nuremburg (sic) Trials, the politicians and generals accused of waging illegal aggressive wars were all charged - and hanged - together," he said on the Party's website.


Earlier Mr Griffin rejected accusations from General Sir Mike Jackson and General Sir Richard Dannatt, among others, that political extremists had no right to share the Armed Forces' proud reputation.


"The Nuremburg (sic) War Crimes Trials set the precedent when the leaders of Nazi Germany were charged with invading other countries which represented no military threat to Germany," Mr Griffin added.


"Along with the political leadership of Nazi Germany, the chiefs of staff of the German army, Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel, were also charged with waging aggressive war.


"Sir Richard and Sir Ken (sic) fall squarely into this bracket, and they must not think that they will escape culpability for pursuing the illegal wars in Iran (sic) and Afghanistan."


Mr Griffin told Sky News the generals' intervention had been "questionable" and "in bad taste".


He said the BNP shared the values of the "old" British military, not necessarily the new "PC British defence establishment".


He added: "Almost everyone at the coalface, out there in Afghanistan especially, the rank-and-file, vote British National Party and support the BNP.


"The generals might not, but of course some of these generals are in the pockets of the Conservative party."


The generals' letter - seen by Sky News - says far-right groups were "fundamentally at odds" with the values of the British military.


The move follows the BNP tactic of using images of Winston Churchill and wartime insignia during recent European election campaigns.


The letter, seen by Sky News, reads: "We call on all those who seek to hijack the good name of Britain's military for their own advantage to cease and desist.


"The values of these extremists - many of whom are essentially racist - are fundamentally at odds with the values of the modern British military, such as tolerance and fairness."


General Jackson specifically attacked the BNP for using the Army's image.


He told The Times: "The BNP is claiming that it has a better relationship with the Armed Forces than other political parties.


"How dare they use the image of the Army, in particular, to promote their policies. These people are beyond the pale."


The letter forms part of a campaign, titled Stolen Valour, by leading military figures and Nothing British, an organisation that monitors the BNP.


It is supported by a YouTube video featuring SAS hero Andy McNab and titled Andy McNab against the BNP and a similar offering by Simon Weston, the Falklands veteran.


James Bethell, who set up Nothing British, told Sky News Online that he was hoping to appeal to the British sense of "fairness and decency" to attack the BNP.


He is urging veterans to sign a petition against the BNP at the organisation's website.


The move by the generals comes after the BBC rejected a call from Cabinet minister Peter Hain to drop BNP leader Nick Griffin from the panel on BBC1's Question Time this Thursday.


Regardless of my views on the BNP politics hasn't been this interesting in ages.


And I actually think that people whould be put on trial for the whole Iraq (I'm guessing Iran was a typo in the report) lie.

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"The Nuremburg (sic) War Crimes Trials set the precedent when the leaders of Nazi Germany were charged with invading other countries which represented no military threat to Germany," Mr Griffin added.


"Along with the political leadership of Nazi Germany, the chiefs of staff of the German army, Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel, were also charged with waging aggressive war.


"Sir Richard and Sir Ken (sic) fall squarely into this bracket, and they must not think that they will escape culpability for pursuing the illegal wars in Iran (sic) and Afghanistan."


The Nazis were invading countries for their own ends though, not fighting a heroic war on terror like us.


Silly Nicholas.

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(I'm guessing Iran was a typo in the report)

It was; this was indicated in the report:

"Sir Richard and Sir Ken (sic) fall squarely into this bracket, and they must not think that they will escape culpability for pursuing the illegal wars in Iran (sic) and Afghanistan."
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