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Good episode but the ending was a bit weird.


The reveal that Amy was a ganger was cool but having the Doctor spend the two parter arguing that the gangers were living creatures that should be able to co-exist with their human counterparts, and then just "decommission" her like he was turning off a light felt a bit off. For starters, he could've used the connection between the two to find the real Amy surely?


Interesting twist none the less though.

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Good episode but the ending was a bit weird.


The reveal that Amy was a ganger was cool but having the Doctor spend the two parter arguing that the gangers were living creatures that should be able to co-exist with their human counterparts, and then just "decommission" her like he was turning off a light felt a bit off. For starters, he could've used the connection between the two to find the real Amy surely?


Interesting twist none the less though.


I agree only thing that will save that if is Doctor "Smith" was right and there can be a way back and he brings Amy Ganger back later

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I'm presuming as he said 'i'm sorry but I have to do this' as well as 'i need to block the signal to you', the ganger Amy was going to be used to track the Doctors movements and relay messages/information (willingly or otherwise) to those who created her; and, whether he liked it or not, she had to go else he couldn't save the real Amy.

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I'm presuming as he said 'i'm sorry but I have to do this' as well as 'i need to block the signal to you', the ganger Amy was going to be used to track the Doctors movements and relay messages/information (willingly or otherwise) to those who created her; and, whether he liked it or not, she had to go else he couldn't save the real Amy.


Aaaah. Cheers for that. I had a feeling I was missing something. Obviously, I was.

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We've seen the blue man before, though, i'm thinking last series in a bar with River...


According to the CV of Simon Fisher Becker, who plays him, the character's name is Dorium Maldavar, which is probably a misspelling of Maldovar, given that the bar we saw him in with River was called the Maldovarium. Plus, in that prequel, he claims to hear and see everything that happens there, so I'm guessing he owns the place. Wonder how much of a part he'll play in this series...


As a side note, I like to pretend that the "handsome young time agent" off whom he stole the vortex manipulator for River was Captain Jack, and that the Maldovarium was the bar in which we saw Jack in 'The End of Time'. But that's probably just me, especially on the latter.

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As a side note, I like to pretend that the "handsome young time agent" off whom he stole the vortex manipulator for River was Captain Jack, and that the Maldovarium was the bar in which we saw Jack in 'The End of Time'. But that's probably just me, especially on the latter.


No, I think you're on the money there.

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I'ld say its from episode 1, remember we didn't see what happened during those '3 months' the Dcotor was imprisoned. Anyway a fantastic ending to that episode. However, her house was ramshackled in episode 11, they used her thoughts to create a trap for The Doctor. Maybe they stole Amy!


Plus, I don't think the Doctor who was killed was the ganger, it went to regenerate which i'm not sure the gange rcould do. Or possibly it could!!


Ah I bloody love Doctor Who!

Maybe and hey i'd like to be wrong because wrong is usually better but I recalled "Day of the Moon" near the end where The Silence have Amy and she has that conversation with them where she says she thinks she's been hostage for a short while and the Silence says you've been here for a few days. Well in The Rebel Flesh, The Doctor has the chat with what turns out to be Ganger Cleaves where she think she's been awake for a few minutes and The Doctor says its been about an hour. So I think thats when she was switched, during the kidnap in Day of the Moon. Then again, I hope I'm wrong.

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As a side note, I like to pretend that the "handsome young time agent" off whom he stole the vortex manipulator for River was Captain Jack, and that the Maldovarium was the bar in which we saw Jack in 'The End of Time'. But that's probably just me, especially on the latter.

I think Moffat basically said as much in Confidential, IIRC. River has both Jack's squareness gun and vortex manipulator.

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As a side note, I like to pretend that the "handsome young time agent" off whom he stole the vortex manipulator for River was Captain Jack, and that the Maldovarium was the bar in which we saw Jack in 'The End of Time'. But that's probably just me, especially on the latter.

I think Moffat basically said as much in Confidential, IIRC. River has both Jack's squareness gun and vortex manipulator.


It might be just me, but I love that. Gives some nice opportunities for banter should the two ever meet (and Moffat has said he'd love Jack to meet the Eleventh Doctor). That reminds me, the Doctor disabled Jack's vortex manipulator at the end of Journey's End. Did he fix it or get a new one during Children of Earth? Or, has River fixed it herself? We've seen she's got TARDIS flight down perfectly. Just how much about time travel tech does she know?

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As a side note, I like to pretend that the "handsome young time agent" off whom he stole the vortex manipulator for River was Captain Jack, and that the Maldovarium was the bar in which we saw Jack in 'The End of Time'. But that's probably just me, especially on the latter.

I think Moffat basically said as much in Confidential, IIRC. River has both Jack's squareness gun and vortex manipulator.


It might be just me, but I love that. Gives some nice opportunities for banter should the two ever meet (and Moffat has said he'd love Jack to meet the Eleventh Doctor). That reminds me, the Doctor disabled Jack's vortex manipulator at the end of Journey's End. Did he fix it or get a new one during Children of Earth? Or, has River fixed it herself? We've seen she's got TARDIS flight down perfectly. Just how much about time travel tech does she know?


Hasn't she got a future version of a sonic screwdriver so I would guess she could fix it herself.

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Usually with TV shows, this type of discussion would be considered as looking way too deeply into what is going on, but only with Doctor Who can you really expect the story to get this complex. Some interesting theories, and I'd like to see Captain Jack return in the future, and I hope it's in the latter half of this series. What are people's thoughts on the regenerating girl at the end of episode 2, I think it was?


With Doctor Who it could literally turn out to be anything and still be genius, but just wondered what you all thought as you have some pretty interesting ideas about what's to come next week.

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Hasn't she got a future version of a sonic screwdriver so I would guess she could fix it herself.


Not yet she hasn't. She gets that on (from her perspective) their penultimate meeting, before she goes to the Library. And it's explicitly stated that the Doctor gives it to her, which means he has to have it first.



Usually with TV shows, this type of discussion would be considered as looking way too deeply into what is going on, but only with Doctor Who can you really expect the story to get this complex. Some interesting theories, and I'd like to see Captain Jack return in the future, and I hope it's in the latter half of this series. What are people's thoughts on the regenerating girl at the end of episode 2, I think it was?


Barrowman hasn't been spotted at any tapings for this series. I think he's busy with the US reboot of Torchwood.


Don't know who the girl is yet (well, not for certain), although it's worth noting that it's the same girl that played Alex Kingston's daughter in Marchlands. There are some enormous spoilers going round about Amy's kid that I won't repeat here, but they're out there if you want to find them.

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