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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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My favourite thing about 15-1 was the way a dead contestant's spot light goes out and they have to spend the rest of the round in darkness. It's surely worse than having to walk off The Weakest Link.

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15 to 1 was brilliant too. Question or Nominate was a brilliant idea for the last round, especially when you had a really confident quizzy type going "question...question...question" and just batting them out the park, one after another.


Then occasionally, you'd see the deep voiced Laura holding the prize, which was normally some fucking ugly antique vase sort of thing. Such a dignified programme that you feel may not float today with out jazzing up or a viewer phone-in game tacked onto it.

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I'm crazy with a "Californication" marathon I had when I was on a long-ass train journey. It's awful, I know it's awful, but it just sucks me in.

You think you've got it bad, I still watch Heroes...

I couldn't sleep last night so started watching the new series of Greys Anatomy :( It's got to the point now where I've had to admit that it's terrible but I seem to be so compelled to keep watching it.

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New episode of Stargate Universe...


It's gone from being annoying to being, sadly, boring. I like the idea of them being able to "visit" home, but they need a bit more than that. I put aside my bad feelings from the first episode and it still failed to interest me. That angry army guy is the worst actor in a major sci-fi TV series I've seen in years, maybe ever. Absolutely awful.

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Looks like barring a minor miracle of some sort, "Dollhouse" is getting cancelled during the break for the baseball playoffs on the Fox network.


I'm torn between being pleased they've finally put it out of its misery and annoyed that a show with such promise never got a sizeable viewing public. Lots of problems with it - the main one being the star of the show is pretty much a blank slate, but there's lots of others...


The main thing I got from this show is how extraordinarily talented Enver Gjokaj (Victor) is - an amazing mimic, brilliant actor, the best thing about the show, really. I hope he gets more work after this.

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Micro Men was one of the most enjoyable things I've watched in recent memory. Well written and acted as well as being filmed in such a way as to give you a real flavour of the era without laying it on too think and becoming annoying.


If that really was a true and fair representation of Clive Sinclair then has officially become my new hero.

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Turns out Dollhouse is fine, according to a Fox executive. Damn me and my early predictions!


Also, I just got to the end of series 1 of Californication. That show must be smoking the biggest crack-pipe I've ever seen - it lurches from plot to plot with no rhyme or reason, people act in ways that go completely against their character, such as it is, from week to week, and it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Any review of series 1 will hopefully reveal to anyone interested, which I won't bother going into, but it's like there's a good show in there somewhere. One of its 50 writers is brilliant, with a fine grasp of the human condition and of humour, but the other 49 want it to be some sort of weird fanfic about Hollywood and how sexually alluring writers are.



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The season 2 opener of Lie To Me was pretty damn good, and the girl with the Multiple Personality Disorder was hot as all hell, which helped.


Also, the House episodes in the psychiactric hospital were a welcome change from his regular environment. Plus, Francka Potente looking all mumsy-smouldering was great too.

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just started watching this...




i got watching mainly cause of the Swayze passing, i probably would have watched eventually, but i brought it forward on my list.


The first episode is kinda 'meh', seemed slick but kinda generic cop stuff, the hook of the show doesn't really come in until the last 3 minutes of the episode, it immediatly became a lot more interesting. Episodes 2 + 3 were much better and it looks like it's gonna be a great series.

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Saw the advert for "Hung" on More4, will give that a go. I gave up on Eastbound and Down, so that can be the new US show I give a try this week. I'm really looking forward to Modern Family, but Sky are blitzing the world with their promotion of it, I hope that's not to cover for how poor it is.

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Miami Uncovered, Sky One - not really a good TV show, a lot of trashy people are featured but there is something fun about watching it :)

I've Ibiza uncovered and others but not this one, surprised to see it's 10 years old! Had a chuckle at the dated centre parting haircut one fella had.

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