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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I would imagine that it's pretty much impossible to stop prisoners exercising. Sure you can take away the gym but if some fucker wants to spend his days doing a 1000 press ups and other improvised exercises then there is very little you can do to stop him.


Going slightly off topic, if the internet is to be believe Mike Tyson never did weighs seriously until after he went to prison for rape. So, if you have lots of time (which prisoners do) and the right genetics you can turn yourself into a physical specimen with a very small amount of equipment.

Edited by nfc90210
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Was spot checking that HMP Aylesbury show for captioning last week, first bit I really listen to was the "Get the Governor or I'll rape him!" bit. Messed up. E-mail the subtitler, "these seem like nice chaps." She replies, "nothing compared to some US prisons." Cool, that makes it OK then.

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I would imagine that it's pretty much impossible to stop prisoners exercising. Sure you can take away the gym but if some fucker wants to spend his days doing a 1000 press ups and other improvised exercises then there is very little you can do to stop him.


Going slightly off topic, if the internet is to be believe Mike Tyson never did weighs seriously until after he went to prison for rape. So, if you have lots of time (which prisoners do) and the right genetics you can turn yourself into a physical specimen with a very small amount of equipment.


Excellent point. Chop their fucking hands and feet off too.

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My mate was in Fazakerly prison in Liverpool for a bit of his stretch. Visiting him there was thoroughly depressing (unsurprisingly). The visiting room was full of teenage inmates, apparently mostly doing stretches for stabbing some fucker over a fiver, a postcode or something equally as trivial. Seeing their teenage girlfriends there with their pushchairs drains the soul.

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My nephew got hench as fuck in prison, and frequently threatens my sister and her fella if they don't bring him phones/takeaways/whatever. They're shit scared of him too, so they do it. After a few years inside, he was allowed out on Saturdays for a few hours but did an armed robbery on about the third time. He's not allowed out anymore. He was pure scum anyway so prison isn't to blame, but it's made him worse rather than better. Does it really turn more bad eggs good than rotten? According to this Guardian propaganda piece from two years or so back, no.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I saw the advert for that last night and was equally intrigued. Should be worth a giggle.


If it's anything like when i used to work the graveyard shift at KFC, i hope they have someone come in 5 minutes before closing when nothings ready, order a megabucket, and fuck off 30 seconds after it's loaded into the fryer.

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I'm pretty sure its a documentary. I've always felt sorry for these foreign blokes working in these fast food places with drunks. I'm sure its the same everywhere but Rhyl (where I'm from) the people are absolutely awful to them and treat them like shit.


Plus I've worked with fast food in the past so it interests me abit, I guess.

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I find myself often being overly polite in takeaways mainly because of my mental internal logic that my overt niceness will somehow balance out the shit the poor bastards get from others.

I watched half an hour of the Chicken Shop programme last night. It was like a window into the worst parts of night out. I'm in no rush to watch the rest.

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It's not always cunts though... A little while ago I saw a "Thank You" card from a satisfied customer on display in a Chicken Cottage.


Good to hear.


I have no idea what I was expecting from that Fried Chicken Documentary but it was pretty dull. I just thought it would be alot more interesting then it was. It watched the entire hour of the show and nothing really happened.


On a slight off note, I thought the prices were fantastic for the food they were serving.

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