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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I'm a big fan of tv series and im fast running out of things to watch.


Prison break- amazing series from episode one to the end you get sucked into it.

Criminal minds- always a fun show to watch imo very psychological and makes you think.


Ive just watched episode 1 of american horror story I DARE ANYONE to watch this show it is .......fucked up to say the least but im excited to see how its going to unfold because they can't just kill the family off or there wouldn't be a second series

there are some absorbing characters and im looking forward to finding out more about them.


should i start boardwalk empire ?? i don't know much about it but love the main guy in it


Watched American Horror Story. It's um... different but probably worth watching.

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Boardwalk is incredible and pisses all over those other shows you listed.


I would say I watched but in reality I absolutely devoured Better Off Ted today by watching the last half of season 1 and the entirety of season 2 in one day. That's 20 episodes.


Monday before last I was home from work and noticed FX were showing the pilot episode at 4 with another straight after. With the TV at their hour being poor I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it and put it on Sky +. For some reason they aired two ep's a day for just two weeks and next week it's off the schedule meaning after watching 14 episodes today (after the previous six last week) they weren't airing the last six episodes for some daft reason so I ended up just streaming them online.


Smart, well written, likeable characters and performances, it's a shame it was cancelled although after reading wikipedia viewing figures never got to where it would justify the shows existence and there was surprise there was even a second season at all. Shame there was no real resolution to the love angle that drove the show, but I can safely say there wasn't a dud in all 26 episodes and that at least the show was still funny and felt like it had something more to give, rather than being over played to the point of tedium.


Any other Better Off Ted fans out there?

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I know there's some fans of Storage Wars, Pawn Stars & other shite American 'reality' shows on here. If you've got the US Netflix I implore you to check out my new favourite programme - 'WHISKER WARS'.


It follows several of the key American players in the sport of competitive bearding. The World Bearding Champion is the wonderfully monikered Jack Passion




He's essentially the Billy Mitchell of bearding. 'Bottom line is I'm the man. Wherever I go I dominate & wherever I go people love me'


It also follows several other amateur & pro-bearders as they compete in tournaments around the USA in the hope of 'Beard Team USA' going to Norway to compete in the World Championships. The Germans are the kings of Pro Bearding but the US hopefuls have a good chance of taking the crown if internal politics don't pull them apart from inside.


It also gives you an insight into the lesser known sport of 'Pro Bearding', the dedication it take & the various disciplines (Full beard, beard only, styled moustache w/ full beard & freestyle).

Get on it!

Edited by Dead Mike
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That... um... wow.


I don't have Netflix but I'm really intrigued. Please tell me more.. What is the skill involved? How is it a team sport?


It's so ridiculous, it reminds me of my friend telling me about a book he read about strategy and tactics for professional Rock, Paper, Scissors players.

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It blew my mind. Like the first time I ever saw 'Slamball'!!


Pro-Bearding is essentially a 'sport' in the same way competetive bodybuilding is. It's highly subjective & competitors are judged on a variety of criteria, namely Density, length, style & character of beard. It's a team sport as each team seems to have a member to compete in each of the varying disciplines although some members are seen to compete in more than one. In the episode I saw last night one Alaskan competitor was so aggrieved at the prospect of a Texan winning the 'Beard only/Alaskan Whaler' category he promptly shaved his moustache after the 'full beard' round to enter himself into both classes! Controversial.

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Did anybody watch Utopia? Any good?


Anyone? I saw a trailer for it on Facebook the day it was on, but it didn't look good enough to bother with. A handsome review would persuade me to have a look though. I could've Googled one instead of typing this. :(


I watched first two episodes last night and I thought it was good, quite weird and stylish, want to watch the rest of them now.

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It's a HBO/Cinemax mash up. This guy basically finishes a 15 year stint in prison and go to find the women who was his partner in crime before. It leads him to small Amish town called Banshee were through events he impersonates a dead sheriff.


It's got a lot going for it but not the most realistic drama every done.


Edited by Fox Piss
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Boardwalk is incredible and pisses all over those other shows you listed.


I would say I watched but in reality I absolutely devoured Better Off Ted today by watching the last half of season 1 and the entirety of season 2 in one day. That's 20 episodes.


Monday before last I was home from work and noticed FX were showing the pilot episode at 4 with another straight after. With the TV at their hour being poor I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it and put it on Sky +. For some reason they aired two ep's a day for just two weeks and next week it's off the schedule meaning after watching 14 episodes today (after the previous six last week) they weren't airing the last six episodes for some daft reason so I ended up just streaming them online.


Smart, well written, likeable characters and performances, it's a shame it was cancelled although after reading wikipedia viewing figures never got to where it would justify the shows existence and there was surprise there was even a second season at all. Shame there was no real resolution to the love angle that drove the show, but I can safely say there wasn't a dud in all 26 episodes and that at least the show was still funny and felt like it had something more to give, rather than being over played to the point of tedium.


Any other Better Off Ted fans out there?


I really loved Better Off Ted. As you said the characters were really well written and acted. As someone whose unusually harsh on child actors (I don't why, they irk me) the one playing his daughter Rose just seemed fantastic in the role. Portia De Rossi is amazing. I just love her delivery of every line. 'Why does no one smash anyone with a phone?'

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