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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Californication fans

I watched it from beginning to end, and I'm glad they finally wrapped that storyline up as it was getting beyond stupid. Season 3 was the best of the lot by far...Runkle's secretary, as incredibly hot as she was, couldn't act worth a damn and was pretty badly written for too.


Best character of the lot was Eva Amurri's stripper/student. Well-written, well-acted and smoking hot. I agree with you about the episode with all the different women in his life in different rooms being extra-good...with the Roman Polanski stuff going on, the fallout from the statutory rape will have to be written differently...or they could always hand-wave it away by saying the parents lied about her age as she'd flunked out of school somewhere else, or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Just watched the first episode of HBO's Eastbound and Down. It already feels like an idea for a film span out over a six episode season. Still funny though. It's Made by Will Farrell's company and has him and his buds in it. So basically avoid it if you're not a fan of his style of humour.

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I've started watching Cracker, which I had never seen before. Manages to be both funny as fuck and pretty sinister at the same time. Fitz is such a massive waste, but I can't help but like the guy. I liked the first two episodes with the guy with amnesia, although Fitz saying half way through the first episode "I think he's innocent" sort of made me think "yeah, he will be then".

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I've started watching Cracker, which I had never seen before. Manages to be both funny as fuck and pretty sinister at the same time. Fitz is such a massive waste, but I can't help but like the guy. I liked the first two episodes with the guy with amnesia, although Fitz saying half way through the first episode "I think he's innocent" sort of made me think "yeah, he will be then".


Best Boys, with Liam Cunningham and John Simm, is one of the best episodes, think you can get the boxset in HMV for about 20 quid, well worth it

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So basically avoid it if you're not a fan of his style of humour.

I'm not a fan of Will Farrels humour and groaned when I saw we was a producer. But Eastbound and Down is absolutely hilarious. Ive probably watched the six episodes through three times in the last year.


Im begging for a start date for season 2. It was renewed but theres no date. Its been a year! Im begging for warmer weather too so I can wear out my Kenny Powers Baseball shirt. Fuck yeah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Gilmore Girls. There, I said it. Series linking it and everything.


Devastating episode of Coach Trip last night, Day 1ers Paul & Matt go, as their previously happy relationship with the girls bizarrely implodes over nothing. I think there was a lot more going on than what the Channel 4 editors decided we should see, but it was sad to watch all the same.


I need to stick on an episode of The Wire or something, I'm seriously down on cool points after this post.

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Lie to Me


as noted before it stars Tim Roth as a guy that can read Microexpressions and tell what emotions people are feeling.


Its not the best program in the world, feels alot like CSI to me, but it does keep me entertained for 40 minutes.


Theres also alot of `good` information about peoples expressions and what they mean, say he mentions sadness, explains what to look out for in the expressions on peoples faces and body language, then shows a couple of quick pics or clips of famous people who have shown these expressions, thats kinda cool.


I`m halfway through season 1 and although the supporting cast are kinda low on the interest side theres a few seeds planted which keep me watching.


And I just found out its been picked up by a network so I suspect we`ll be seeing alot more of this in the future.


Worthy of a look but I suspect unless season 2/3 kicks things up a notch it wont be keeping casual viewers coming back.

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Lie to Me


as noted before it stars Tim Roth as a guy that can read Microexpressions and tell what emotions people are feeling.


Its not the best program in the world, feels alot like CSI to me, but it does keep me entertained for 40 minutes.


Theres also alot of `good` information about peoples expressions and what they mean, say he mentions sadness, explains what to look out for in the expressions on peoples faces and body language, then shows a couple of quick pics or clips of famous people who have shown these expressions, thats kinda cool.


I`m halfway through season 1 and although the supporting cast are kinda low on the interest side theres a few seeds planted which keep me watching.


And I just found out its been picked up by a network so I suspect we`ll be seeing alot more of this in the future.


Worthy of a look but I suspect unless season 2/3 kicks things up a notch it wont be keeping casual viewers coming back.


This started great and just got even better. Season 2 has also thus far been brilliant, and the wait for its return from the mid season break is a killer. I'm usually not one for the 1 hour murder mystery style efforts, but this is one of the best I've seen in a long time. It's not as clever as it thinks it is (or as it aspires to be, it would seem), but its very well produced which goes a long way to getting the intricate details across.

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Yeah once the Shield writer came on board (Shaun Ryan) - about series 2 I think the show focusses more on characters and story and less on the exact details of microexpressioning. Really fun show though, Tim Roth is awesome and they manage to keep the storylines fairly diverse (more so than many other procedurals)

Edited by organizedkaos
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Just started watching Everybody Loves Raymond. I was aware of it before but had inclination to watch it but now I've given it a go and thought it was funny. Nothing really ground breaking but a good cast and good characters which makes it very enjoyable.

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Devastating episode of Coach Trip last night, Day 1ers Paul & Matt go, as their previously happy relationship with the girls bizarrely implodes over nothing. I think there was a lot more going on than what the Channel 4 editors decided we should see, but it was sad to watch all the same.


Aye, that was really odd how they just despised each other all of a sudden. Can't say I'm that fussed they went, Paul was as smug as anything and they weren't as good as Tom and Matt or Matt and Scott in the previous series. A lot of Matt's about in Coach Trip. Interestingly, if CT was the usual 30 episode series, they would have made it from start to finish for the first time.


Lie to Me


as noted before it stars Tim Roth as a guy that can read Microexpressions and tell what emotions people are feeling.


Its not the best program in the world, feels alot like CSI to me, but it does keep me entertained for 40 minutes.


Theres also alot of `good` information about peoples expressions and what they mean, say he mentions sadness, explains what to look out for in the expressions on peoples faces and body language, then shows a couple of quick pics or clips of famous people who have shown these expressions, thats kinda cool.


I`m halfway through season 1 and although the supporting cast are kinda low on the interest side theres a few seeds planted which keep me watching.


And I just found out its been picked up by a network so I suspect we`ll be seeing alot more of this in the future.


Worthy of a look but I suspect unless season 2/3 kicks things up a notch it wont be keeping casual viewers coming back.


It took me nearly a whole series to get 'in to it' but towards the end of the first and so far in the second it has been very, very good. It helps that the woman he runs the company with, and that hispanic girl they employ at the start of the first series are hot.

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Anyone watch "Luther" on BBC1 last night? I quite enjoyed it. It felt a bit different from the usual cop shows we produce. The "Luther" character is quite complex too. Looking forward to the next episode.

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I've not read every page of this thread but of the pages I have read, no one has mentioned Breaking Bad. In terms of awesome writing and fantastic acting, its the one show I think is better than Dexter. Entourage is another great show - huge fun, genius lines and gorgeous women. Eastbound and Down is great and The Big Bang Theory is worth a watch, even if you absolutely hate the sitcom genre.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loved True Blood 2 that just came to an end.


Jersey Shore was kind of fun.


Comedy wise I'm loving La La Land on BBC3, I highly recommend it.


Found some old eps of Hogan Knows Best (3rd season) I'd not seen on MTV.


Oh yeah 3 In A Bed, like Come Dine With Me but with b+bs :thumbsup:


Tonight it's How To Live A Simple Life on BBC2.

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