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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Was there a reason behind Rick Rude not wrestling a match when he resigned for WCW in 1997? Was it simply a case of him wanting to be a manager for Hennig or was he not medically fit to wrestle?

I believe he was receiving a payout from his Lloyds of London insurance policy, based on his in-ring career supposedly being over through injury. If he'd have got in the ring, Lloyds would almost certainly stop paying.

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ROH were doing PPV, and TNA wanted their talent only on TV/PPV through them, I think that was the crux of it. Same way TNA talent can't appear on other people's DVDs at the moment.


How has TNA suffered though? I can't see Jay Briscoe, Jay Lethal or Matt Hardy setting Impact's ratings on fire. In fact, if TNA wanted them, they'd be there rather than ROH.


Oh, so it was when ROH went on PPV?


I always thought it gave them a sort of developmental area where many of their roster improved from working with ROH whilst working for TNA.


Plus it would have been interesting to see which ROH faces would have continued to show up on TNA. I really liked the partnership. Plus by continuing it they may have had access to alot of the talent who the WWE have now signed up which is a main point I'd like to mention. Currently I don't feel that the Gut Check concept is particularly working, some of the talent are dull, green and don't show anything unique about them.


There was an good match they did on PPV with Roderick Strong Vs Austin Aries in a winner of some internet poll match from Unbreakable.

Edited by Twinn
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TNA made the "us or them" declaration when ROH announced they were entering the Pay Per View market, as Loki has stated. The only real difference it made at the time was ROH lost Joe, Chris Daniels and temporarily Austin Aries/Starr, although he didn't hang around for long in TNA anyway after that as he got fucked around a few too many times about them getting him to do appearances when he was led to believe he had time off, and telling him what t-shirt he couldn't wear at the appearances or some shenanigans.


The hostility for want of a better word did soften towards the end of 2008 with TNA allowing Joe and LAX to work ROH shows as long as they weren't used for PPV and again with the Machine Guns in 2010, again on the caveat that they weren't used on PPV or the weekly TV, and also judging by the finish to their match with the Kings of Wrestling, that they weren't to be cleanly beaten either.


It makes complete sense for TNA to not want their talent used on ROH shows, as ROH for most of it's life has been considered "king of the indies" and TNA don't want to be thought of as an indy fed, nor their talent as indy workers. The reverse is not true, obviously : TNA will continue to lure anyone away from ROH that they think they can make something of that appeals to the national stage, assuming said talent doesn't sign for WWE developmental first.


It's a shame in a way, because for a while TNA and ROH were (at least for me watching on telly/DVD) equally interesting (for completely different reasons) alternatives to WWE. Now that TNA wrestlers seldom work anywhere else and anybody with true star quality has usually snapped up so quickly by either them or WWE since about 2009 (when ROH very quickly lost Nigel, Danielson and Tyler Black), ROH comes off more than ever as "whatever's left."


Was there a reason behind Rick Rude not wrestling a match when he resigned for WCW in 1997? Was it simply a case of him wanting to be a manager for Hennig or was he not medically fit to wrestle?

I believe he was receiving a payout from his Lloyds of London insurance policy, based on his in-ring career supposedly being over through injury. If he'd have got in the ring, Lloyds would almost certainly stop paying.


Yeah, Rude's back was fucked. He hadn't had a match since 1994. Apparently he was training for a potential comeback right before his death.

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Who were the two fans who appeared on every televised WWF show in the 1990s? I recall them appearing on many Raw's & PPVs back then and wondered if anyone remembers them. One was hugging Shawn Michaels after his Rumble 1996 victory and when HBK won the belt at Mania. I always got the impression they had WWE connections with the wrestlers.


Are there any decent wrestling information books about? I saw in WHSmiths a WWE Championship book but wondered if there are any decent wrestling books that detail history.


Last question Im currently around late October 2000 on my Wrestling marathon of Attitude era shows and wondered what I swhould do when the year is over. Delve into 2001 or go up to mania or try the early attitude era seeds from 1996 or 1995.

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Last question Im currently around late October 2000 on my Wrestling marathon of Attitude era shows and wondered what I swhould do when the year is over. Delve into 2001 or go up to mania or try the early attitude era seeds from 1996 or 1995.


1995 all the way

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  • Paid Members
Who were the two fans who appeared on every televised WWF show in the 1990s? I recall them appearing on many Raw's & PPVs back then and wondered if anyone remembers them. One was hugging Shawn Michaels after his Rumble 1996 victory and when HBK won the belt at Mania. I always got the impression they had WWE connections with the wrestlers.


Don't really know who you're on about, unless its "girl with glitter hearts on her face" and her mate, but I was pleased to hear that pink-shellsuit-man who was always front row for any WWF show in the 90s from the Cleveland area (usually with his wife yellow-shellsuit-woman in tow) made an appearance on Raw from Columbus on Monday, still as orange-skinned as ever. Although I'm told he's finally upgraded to a hoodie.

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Who were the two fans who appeared on every televised WWF show in the 1990s? I recall them appearing on many Raw's & PPVs back then and wondered if anyone remembers them. One was hugging Shawn Michaels after his Rumble 1996 victory and when HBK won the belt at Mania. I always got the impression they had WWE connections with the wrestlers.


Don't really know who you're on about, unless its "girl with glitter hearts on her face" and her mate, but I was pleased to hear that pink-shellsuit-man who was always front row for any WWF show in the 90s from the Cleveland area (usually with his wife yellow-shellsuit-woman in tow) made an appearance on Raw from Columbus on Monday, still as orange-skinned as ever. Although I'm told he's finally upgraded to a hoodie.


Erm Vladimir?

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Erm Vladimir?


I sincerely hope that's not meant for me. Vlad to my knowledge wouldn't be seen dead wearing a pink shellsuit. Well, unless Sid had a matching one.

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Given the amount of shows he went to, I just thought he had somehow got in with the wrestlers and was akin to a groupie. With slightly less sucking off.

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Does anyone know of any cunning ways to get recent episodes of Dragon Gate Infinity?


They used to pop up on certain torrent sites I use, but it's sporadic at the moment and they are often in huge (needlessly so) file sizes. Are there any dedicated sites out there or anything like that? I want to watch this shit every week!



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