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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Here's a question; I haven't watched any TNA at all since Against All Odds. Now can anybody update me on the big things that have happened since then, as I don't really want to read months of reports. So yeah, I'd appreciate if anybody could do a decent job of recapping the main storylines heading into Lockdown.

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Why is it called an Argintine back breaker?


Im guessing its because said move may have been either invented in argentina or by an argentine person!


Example: German suplex etc


Supposedly it was originated by Antonino 'Argentina' Rocca, though it may have been an existing move which was renamed to fit his gimmick.

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What is Low Ki's race?

Puerto Rican, is he not?


Vince McMahon ,"Who the fuck hired Raven?!" what's all that about?

Supposedly Raven lead Shane McMahon astray (drinking, partying) when Raven was previously in the company as Johnny Polo. They didn't quite get on after that. Wasn't it Jim Ross who actually signed up Raven?

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At the end of Cypress Hill's 'Just Another Victim' on the WWF Forcible Entry CD, who are the soundbites at the end from (I'm guessing Michael Cole and Joey Styles)?


Also, what show is Taz(z)'s thing from ("Hey, I'ma lay a little wrinkle in this son-of-a-b*tch! Tonight, right now, falls count, anywhere in the building!!", again thinking ECW sometime)?


Because I was under the impression the WWF didn't acquire the rights to the ECW library until a few years later (the CD was released in 2001 I think). So any idea how they could use the sound clips?

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Because I was under the impression the WWF didn't acquire the rights to the ECW library until a few years later (the CD was released in 2001 I think). So any idea how they could use the sound clips?

ECW video footage was shown on the very first Steve Austin WWF release. Must have been 1996-97.


ECW and WWF must have had some sort of arrangement to use the soundbytes.

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a question came into my mind while watching ecw earlier.


when the wwe has shows in germany or elsewhere do they use local talent from those countries as talent enhancement? in fact i'm not sure if the wwe has done any raw/smackdown/ecw tapings else where in europe so maybe they havent had the need?


as a side question how do they decide what British talent to use on the shows? is it people they have scouted and are potentially interested in signing? or do they have like a uk wrestling contact who arranges people for them? I guess that maybe all the talent could come from the same uk federation (sorry i'm not very up on the uk scene at all)


thanks in advance if anyone has any answers.

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In Alex Shane's latest FSM article he wrote a link 'www.jobsinwrestling.com' which he says is for jobs in non-wrestling roles. Out of curiosity I tried to visit the site, but was greeted with a page saying that the site doesn't exist. Does anyone else get this, or is it yet another typing error in FSM?

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What exactly is a Bunkhouse Match?

A "Bunkhouse Stampede" match? From the Wiki...


In 1985, the NWA's Jim Crockett Promotions came up with a new match to increase the fans' interest in their product. The Bunkhouse Stampede was a regular battle royal where the wrestlers wore "bunkhouse gear" (blue jeans and cowboy boots, etc.) to the match, similar to 'street fight' matches. Weapons were also allowed. For example, Ivan and Nikita Koloff brought their "Russian" chains to the ring, and the Road Warriors brought their spikes, others used trash can lids and leather straps. To win this match, a wrestler had to be the last one in the ring, with all of the other wrestlers having been thrown over the top rope. These were most often bloody matches, as there were several weapons involved.


Each year, there were several Bunkhouse Stampedes held in the prior weeks, with the winners of each one going to the final Bunkhouse Stampede to battle for the championship. They began in 1985, and the last was held in 1989, after which it was abandoned. The winner was awarded a large bronze cowboy boot.


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