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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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In my opinion, the truther movement is itself a giant distraction from the really sinister things that DO go on. Our country is quite happy to go to war on a lie, and to invade or bomb countries to secure their oil supply, and they can do all that without blowing up skysrapers. If you're angry about that, engage with the political process; join a political party, try to change the system from within. Just posting rants on the internet about how the lizards are behind it all isn't being brave and heroic, it's cowardly and redundant.


Why don't these internet freedom fighters get angry about homeless dying on the streets of their cities every day? Why don't they make videos about child prostitution rings and human trafficking? Why aren't they going to nerdy conferences to help raise money for the empoverished families of soldiers who've died in Iraq?


Because that would mean actually engaging in the real world, with real problems and real human suffering.


You want a conspiracy? Here's one. The man loves the truther movement because it 's the perfect smokescreen for much more plausible and everyday wrongs. Just like the UFO/alien craze has been used as a cover for all sorts of secret weapons testing over the years, conspiracy theorists make it LESS likely for the everyday, intelligent person to question the powers that be through fear of association with David Icke or Duane. Robert Greene's ridiculous Hollie Greig campaign has damaged the ability of the Scottish government to effectively tackle child abuse, as well as brought misery to an entire extended family.


Take off the tinfoil, pick up a copy of Private Eye and join the real world. The X Files was a great show, but it's not a substitute for an actual life.

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Pretty sure I've linked this before, but I wrote a long-arse piece on my blog once about Truther types, and why people fall into that. Yeah, link shilling etc, but it's relevant to the discussion again, after Loki's tremendous posting, and too unwieldy to paste here.


Here it is.


It's simultaneously interesting, annoying, and hilarious, that the same old 911 back-and-forths keep popping up in this thread every few months, considering their inherently circular nature. People are going to be harping on about this for years, aren't they? Forever? And the farther we get from it, time-wise, the more people will buy into it, like Roswell.

Edited by Woyzeck
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I seem to have absorbed whole phrases from that on my last read, and used them in my posts above Woyzeck. Apologies. With good writing like that, you should really do it for a living.

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Perhaps it's because you look like The Predator?


Whilst we're on the topic of your blog, what IS that picture of the Nazis with the giant white bear? Always wanted to know and I don't think you've ever said.

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Perhaps it's because you look like The Predator?


Whilst we're on the topic of your blog, what IS that picture of the Nazis with the giant white bear? Always wanted to know and I don't think you've ever said.


I just find bears fucking hilarious, and I found that picture once. No idea what the story is behind it.

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Take off the tinfoil, pick up a copy of Private Eye and join the real world. The X Files was a great show, but it's not a substitute for an actual life.


That's a very, very good point.

Here's a conspiracy for ya all, 5% of the population currently control half of all wealth, the last I don't know how many but many many prime ministers come from that 5%, and do more to protect it than they'll ever do to protect the other 95% of people they represent.

And another one, we only go to war to liberate countries with an oil supply.


You don't need an illuminati holding you down, you've got an obvious answer right in front of you.

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You want a conspiracy? Here's one. The man loves the truther movement because it 's the perfect smokescreen for much more plausible and everyday wrongs.

I believe THE MAN calls these people "Useful idiots", as in they are so mental that no one would believe what they are saying. However, for balance, I heard this expression at a David Icke lecture.

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Except Afghanistan...


Which, having the centgas oil pipeline running through it was in no way vital to ensure an unbroken supply of oil through to America. Which of course also had no relevance the first time america helped out in wars in afghanistan. And afghanistan finding a new oil fiend in august 2010, with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels oil.


You're a bright spark mickey, no doubt about it.


If you really wanted to fuck up my point, you should have used kosovo as an example. As far as I know that didn't have oil, but being in Europe was vital to ensure the continuing stability of the region.


A better point would be we only go to war for selfish reasons, but you trying and failing to counter what I say is always fun, so do continue. The more people who associate your sig with being a fucking moron the better.



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But up until 2010 they were not an oil producing country, so anyway don't really see how that would spark an invasion.


The war in Afghanistan was started to eliminate the Taliban in the fallout from 9/11, THAT is a fact, but of course let's not let the actual official reason get in the way of calling Mickey an idiot, eh?



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