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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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A mate of mine loves a good conspiracy theory and since we'd recently had a chat about a documentary I watched that debunked the conspiracy behind the Moon landing he decided to send me a link to one that says Stanley Kubrick actually watched over the filming of footage in a studio to be used as they were concerned they couldn't broadcast a live image back from the moon.


I found it to be an interesting documentary that included a nice piece of footage (an outtake) of someone climbing out of a shuttle and then studio equipment falling over in the background.


Now as I think about it, it makes sense that they would have concerns about broadcasting the live image back and actually it also makes sense that they might pre-record a backup in case of problems, after all, they needed to be able to show this, however I have some serious issues with this documentary.


It has some pretty high up people talking, but if you actually pay attention you'll notice that bar 1, maybe 2 people no one directly refers to the subject matter. In fact many quotes could have been lifted from interviews talking about something entirely different, but dropped into this context it comes across as though they're talking about the Moon landing.


Let me know what you think, here's part 1:



EDIT: I've just discovered that this was indeed a mockumentary, which I have to say gives me a great deal of satisfaction!

Edited by DJ Kris
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A mate of mine loves a good conspiracy theory and since we'd recently had a chat about a documentary I watched that debunked the conspiracy behind the Moon landing he decided to send me a link to one that says Stanley Kubrick actually watched over the filming of footage in a studio to be used as they were concerned they couldn't broadcast a live image back from the moon.


I found it to be an interesting documentary that included a nice piece of footage (an outtake) of someone climbing out of a shuttle and then studio equipment falling over in the background.


Now as I think about it, it makes sense that they would have concerns about broadcasting the live image back and actually it also makes sense that they might pre-record a backup in case of problems, after all, they needed to be able to show this, however I have some serious issues with this documentary.


It has some pretty high up people talking, but if you actually pay attention you'll notice that bar 1, maybe 2 people no one directly refers to the subject matter. In fact many quotes could have been lifted from interviews talking about something entirely different, but dropped into this context it comes across as though they're talking about the Moon landing.


Let me know what you think, here's part 1:



EDIT: I've just discovered that this was indeed a mockumentary, which I have to say gives me a great deal of satisfaction!

I've just watched the first two parts, and must admit to having been McWooshed in that I hadn't yet realised it was a satire. I was coming here to say how flagrantly out of context the interview clips are, and how incoherent the film's thesis is.


Anyone who's ever been taken in by Jose Escamilia or other conspiracy documentary makers of his ilk would benefit from seeing this piece.



There's a new book, by apparently legitimate journalist and not just a nut, Annie Jacobson, about the truth behind Area 51, and why it's classified. According to the book, which was researched by interviewing 75 sources, with 32 of those having lived and worked at Area 51 in the 1950s, mostly all it was hiding was mundane secret-but-dull stuff that's not for public eyes. But when things get to Roswell, that's where it gets interesting. And fucking CRAZY.


Scroll down to 'Interview highlights'


The jist of it, is that a real flying disc did crash at Roswell, but a disc of human, third reich aerospace origin, that was Stalin's attempt to create a War of the Worlds-style panic in the United States by having it deliberately crash on American soil. The bodies inside the UFO? Children who'd been mutilated by infamous Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, to resemble aliens. Yeah.


Stick 'Annie Jacobsen' into Google News, as it's all over the place.

Annie Jacobsen has been criticized for basing the entire last chapter of the book (in which all of the Nazi/Mengele/Stalin claims are contained) on a single anonymous source, and neglecting to put any of the extraordinary claims made by this anonymous source to any of the many former Area 51 employees who had been interviewed during the research process for the rest of the book. It has all the hallmarks of having been tacked on at the end for publicity's sake, separate from the actual research which informs the other chapters.


Here's an AOL News story with quotes from one of the former Area 51 personnel expressing how shocked he and the other people interviewed for the book were to read the last chapter.

Edited by Pinc
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I'm actually stumped to be honest. There's a lot of videos on there of UFO's over London during late June, and this ones good as it shows other people on the street looking up and filming.



However I can't see these being real, I'm just not sure what its all about. This many sightings by all these different people would have attracted more mainstream coverage if they actually took place.


EDIT: Actually the Daily Mail did report it. Are aliens getting less camera shy? UFOs filmed above BBC building in London


Are aliens getting less camera shy? UFOs filmed above BBC building in London


If UFOs are real and trying to get our attention perhaps they are getting a little more savvy about the way we humans work.

A new video has emerged purporting to show 'a mothership and its fleet' zipping around in the clouds above a BBC building in West London.

Perhaps the group of intergalactic travellers was hoping for some coverage from Auntie.


Instead they were caught on camera by a passer-by, and at least one other person who can be seen filming or taking pictures on his camera phone while the video is filmed.

In the video, the cameraman runs towards the corner of Bolsover Street and Clipstone Street where two other men are already standing, gazing skywards, one of whom is using a mobile phone camera.


As the camera is pointed upwards, over the BBC's Yalding House, three white dots flash across the sky at great speed in a triangle formation, they are very quickly followed by two similar sized white dots.

As the camera pans down again, two people on the opposite side of the road can also been seen watching events unfold above them.

Then one larger, bright and more slow moving disc-shaped white object appears, circles around briefly and zips off.


By this time a crowd of five people have gathered on the street corner to observe. A Scottish man's voice is heard off camera saying the word 'UFO'.

Shortly after another Scottish man's voice is heard saying: 'Are you getting that up there? I couldn't see before because the sun as flashing by.'

Far be it from us to suggest that the video is a hoax, but were people so minded then that part of London is home to a great many production houses offering both the expertise and facilities to mock up a convincing video.

Another similar video posted by alymc01 appears to have been filmed from the office of The Mill, a company which creates visual effects for the film industry.


But as the person who circulated the footage wrote in order to circumvent the cynical naysayers: 'If you believe it's easy photoshopped why don't you make a video & show us all.'


The video was originally uploaded to YouTube by 31-year-old user alymc01, but it has been more widely circulated by a user called EllasVirgo, who on his YouTube profile describes himself as a farmer from Australia.

Virgo's YouTube channel is filled with space, asteroid and UFO-related snippets, including videos with titles such as 'More proof Nasa is lying'.

In the brief text accompanying the video Virgo wrote: 'UFOs Over London BBC Radio 1 Building.

'Right - took over a week to get it....but finally managed to get these critters on camera on a clear day, and even get a close-up

'It seems to be attracting quite a crowd now when they appear

'Can anyone explain what on earth these lights are please?'

The video was uploaded on June 26 and, given that Virgo says it took more than a week to source, and that he states in the description that it was shot on a Friday in June, the film was made on either June 3, 10 or 17.

Edited by DJ Kris
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Be interesting to see if/how this is explained away... I recall there have been publicity stunts like this for films on youtube, that's one possibility, it's so easy to be fooled with the all technical trickery available. However I'm keeping an open mind about it.


Personally I'm of the opinion of there being a false flag terror event planned at the 2012 Olympic Games. The biggest most effective event of this type is an alien attack to unite the planet under a one world government. UFO sitings helps condition people to believe there is a real threat, but I'm not sure it's really being given enough media attention, perhaps this will gradually increase.


On an unrelated note I popped along to my local boozer for a Paranormal evening. It was a quite informal, I expected a sit-down presentation. Basically this guy and his team had set up devices to record any paranormal activity in various parts of the building to see what could be found. Most of the evening was an informal chat with a few us sat around him whilst he showed us evidence on his laptop of pictures and sound recordings.


I wasn't convinced by the images but the sound recordings were bizarre. He used a device that scanned along wave frequencies, asked a question and got an answer. I've only had a quick look, but I don't think they've got any of this audio on the site.


Here's their website: Hampshire Paranormal Research


Apparently they are coming next week with the reults of last nights recordings.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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So the guy just happens to be walking down the road, filming nothing, takes the time to make sure we see a bunch of people watching the sky and only THEN does he show us...ok.

To be fair though, you consider the amount of people walking about in London on a daily basis, there's bound to be one or two people walking about fucking with the camera on their phone. Whether it's real or not I don't know, but it can't just be explained away with "guy walking around with his camera phone? I call bullshit"

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So the guy just happens to be walking down the road, filming nothing, takes the time to make sure we see a bunch of people watching the sky and only THEN does he show us...ok.

Actually it was pretty clear the camera was recording because he was running to get a better view of the UFO's, it certainly didn't come across as he "Happened to be recording walking down the street". Not that it matters, my mate seems to think this was revealed as a student project. Well done I'd say.

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