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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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See a prediction of something like 9/11 I tend to be impressed by depending on how loose it is.

He doesn't mention the likes of 9/11 in detail, but he does talk about his system that he claims would explain the so-called myth that such incidents are pre-planned;




In Tales From The Time Loop (2003), Icke argues that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts, as are racial, ethnic, and sexual divisions. He cites the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11 as examples of events organized by the Global Elite. The incidents allow the Elite to respond in whatever way they intended to act in the first place, a concept Icke calls "order out of chaos," or "problem-reaction-solution". There are few, if any, public events that are not engineered, or at least used, by the Brotherhood in their bid to sow division and centralize power. He suggested that the 1996 Dunblane massacre, for example, was organized by the Elite to strengthen gun laws.


"You want to introduce something you know the people won't like. This may be more power to the police, a further erosion of basic freedoms, even a war. You know that if you offer these policies openly the people will react against them. So you first create a problem, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb, a government collapse, etc.


You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a "patsy," as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the reaction from the people

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See a prediction of something like 9/11 I tend to be impressed by depending on how loose it is.

He doesn't mention the likes of 9/11 in detail, but he does talk about his system that he claims would explain the so-called myth that such incidents are pre-planned;




In Tales From The Time Loop (2003), Icke argues that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts, as are racial, ethnic, and sexual divisions. He cites the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11 as examples of events organized by the Global Elite. The incidents allow the Elite to respond in whatever way they intended to act in the first place, a concept Icke calls "order out of chaos," or "problem-reaction-solution". There are few, if any, public events that are not engineered, or at least used, by the Brotherhood in their bid to sow division and centralize power. He suggested that the 1996 Dunblane massacre, for example, was organized by the Elite to strengthen gun laws.


"You want to introduce something you know the people won't like. This may be more power to the police, a further erosion of basic freedoms, even a war. You know that if you offer these policies openly the people will react against them. So you first create a problem, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb, a government collapse, etc.


You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a "patsy," as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the reaction from the people

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Joking aside, it is 1000000% true about the freemasons running this place. I've seen it with my own eyes.

neil's a freemason? :omg:

*Isle of Wight :rolleyes:

Care to share some of this?

I know a few. Alot of them are ex ones actually. Also, it's common knowledge here about how involved they are in the council and services. EVERYONE knows EVERYONE here. You sneeze in Freshwater, they hear it in Ventnor.

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This Illuminati is awfully inconsistent. It's amazing how they can orchestrate such things as stated above without anyone except all the Super Special Awake People Like Dynamite Duane noticing what they're up to, yet they can't even manage their own evil finance system without turning the put-upon public against them. It seems like juggling some figures on a computer screen would be easier than executing schemes of false flag mass murders.


I wonder at what level of the hierarchy the system goes from oblivious buffoons to the evil denizens of Bohemian Grove. I'd say my bank manager and his regional boss probably aren't in on it, but the guy who is above them in the chain of command buries some of the bodies. And then the guy above him is a lizard.

I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.

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This Illuminati is awfully inconsistent. It's amazing how they can orchestrate such things as stated above without anyone except all the Super Special Awake People Like Dynamite Duane noticing what they're up to, yet they can't even manage their own evil finance system without turning the put-upon public against them. It seems like juggling some figures on a computer screen would be easier than executing schemes of false flag mass murders.


I wonder at what level of the hierarchy the system goes from oblivious buffoons to the evil denizens of Bohemian Grove. I'd say my bank manager and his regional boss probably aren't in on it, but the guy who is above them in the chain of command buries some of the bodies. And then the guy above him is a lizard.

I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.


Some are deserving, Duane is one of them.

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This Illuminati is awfully inconsistent. It's amazing how they can orchestrate such things as stated above without anyone except all the Super Special Awake People Like Dynamite Duane noticing what they're up to, yet they can't even manage their own evil finance system without turning the put-upon public against them. It seems like juggling some figures on a computer screen would be easier than executing schemes of false flag mass murders.


I wonder at what level of the hierarchy the system goes from oblivious buffoons to the evil denizens of Bohemian Grove. I'd say my bank manager and his regional boss probably aren't in on it, but the guy who is above them in the chain of command buries some of the bodies. And then the guy above him is a lizard.

I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.


It might sound condescending but it as actually pretty spot on. Icke can spout all he likes about secret societies and global elites running the world but he has yet to provide the smallest amount of actual empirical evidence to back it up. And I mean actual stand up in court type evidence not Princess Di was going out with a Muslim therefore she MUST have been murdered - no other explanation fits despite real, actual evidence to the contrary. (Bit like the Moon landings)


I remember seeing that total mong Richard D. Hall talking about the general election. One week he was saying the Lib Dems were the victims of the global elite who wanted the 2 party system to continue and had orchestrated a media campaign to destroy them. Literally the next week when they were in the coalition he was accusing them of being exactly the same as the other two parties. Well which one is it?


And that is the problem - they can't decide from one minute to the next who is actually running things. Is it the Masons, The Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group, The British Royal Family, The Jews, The Trilateral Commission, The UN, The EC, The World Bank? Who? It can't surely be all of them? Even one person from each would complicate things horrifically. Sitting on any commitee will convince you of that.


It's just so much nonsense with no consistency at all. The world is and always has been fucked up. Yes there are always people trying to control whatever they can and invariably they fail miserably through a mixture of incompetence, selfishness and other more selfish and ruthless people stopping them.


And as for the Freemen of the Land - fucking hilarious!

Edited by Georgie Pin
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There seems to be a strange placation of Duane and his crazy and idiotic system of beliefs on this forum, it's bizarre, but it could be exceptional trolling, but given who it's by I would doubt that.


The only comeback will be the "keep an open m1nd" the letter I is used to represent lizards or something. 1 mind for freedom of thought etcetera. Classic innocent plea, dimwittedness gets called out and they'll show their hands and say "What did I do" and think it somehow lends credence to them.

Edited by Yoghurt
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All i've said is that Icke has some theories that certainly prove interesting.


Of course it could all be complete bollocks, couldn't it?


Saying that, anyone who said the world was round a while back was regarded as being completely off their trolley, weren't they?


Interesting times indeed.

Edited by David
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There seems to be a strange placation of Duane and his crazy and idiotic system of beliefs on this forum, it's bizarre

Not just Duane to be fair.


The only comeback will be the "keep an open m1nd" the letter I is used to represent lizards or something

I watched some Dawkins programme or other and he said something along the lines of "It's good to keep an open mind but not so open that our brains fall out"

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  • Paid Members
This Illuminati is awfully inconsistent. It's amazing how they can orchestrate such things as stated above without anyone except all the Super Special Awake People Like Dynamite Duane noticing what they're up to, yet they can't even manage their own evil finance system without turning the put-upon public against them. It seems like juggling some figures on a computer screen would be easier than executing schemes of false flag mass murders.


I wonder at what level of the hierarchy the system goes from oblivious buffoons to the evil denizens of Bohemian Grove. I'd say my bank manager and his regional boss probably aren't in on it, but the guy who is above them in the chain of command buries some of the bodies. And then the guy above him is a lizard.

I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.


It might sound condescending but it as actually pretty spot on. Icke can spout all he likes about secret societies and global elites running the world but he has yet to provide the smallest amount of actual empirical evidence to back it up. And I mean actual stand up in court type evidence not Princess Di was going out with a Muslim therefore she MUST have been murdered - no other explanation fits despite real, actual evidence to the contrary. (Bit like the Moon landings)


I remember seeing that total mong Richard D. Hall talking about the general election. One week he was saying the Lib Dems were the victims of the global elite who wanted the 2 party system to continue and had orchestrated a media campaign to destroy them. Literally the next week when they were in the coalition he was accusing them of being exactly the same as the other two parties. Well which one is it?


And that is the problem - they can't decide from one minute to the next who is actually running things. Is it the Masons, The Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group, The British Royal Family, The Jews, The Trilateral Commission, The UN, The EC, The World Bank? Who? It can't surely be all of them? Even one person from each would complicate things horrifically. Sitting on any commitee will convince you of that.


It's just so much nonsense with no consistency at all. The world is and always has been fucked up. Yes there are always people trying to control whatever they can and invariably they fail miserably through a mixture of incompetence, selfishness and other more selfish and ruthless people stopping them.


And as for the Freemen of the Land - fucking hilarious!

Have you actually read his articles and theories? I'm not saying I beleive everything Icke says but the way you're coming across sounds to me that you're a bit ignorant of his work :/


Are you saying that there is no evidence that the freemasons and secret societies run certain areas, be it a whole county or just areas of council?

They're known as secret societies for a reason :/

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I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.

Good. And it wasn't just a dig at Duane, it was a dig at every idiot who believes in stupid conspiracy theories that contradict each other, let alone common sense. They deserve massive fucking beatings, but condescension will do. Not that they're any strangers to condescension themselves, what with the whole "I woke up and questioned things and saw the real story, not like all the sheeple who are still asleeple" thing.


Saying that, anyone who said the world was round a while back was regarded as being completely off their trolley, weren't they?

If someone was saying that the world is round because it's controlled by all-powerful aliens who want it to be round, they'd still be regarded as completely off their trolly. Especially if they're also saying it's round because it's controlled by some incompetent Jews who want it to be cube-shaped. Like Georgie said on the previous page, if you're going to buy crackpot bollocks about who secretly controls the world, at least be consistent about which evil schemers are doing it. Don't go along with all of them just because they make life seem more exciting, like a film.

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This Illuminati is awfully inconsistent. It's amazing how they can orchestrate such things as stated above without anyone except all the Super Special Awake People Like Dynamite Duane noticing what they're up to, yet they can't even manage their own evil finance system without turning the put-upon public against them. It seems like juggling some figures on a computer screen would be easier than executing schemes of false flag mass murders.


I wonder at what level of the hierarchy the system goes from oblivious buffoons to the evil denizens of Bohemian Grove. I'd say my bank manager and his regional boss probably aren't in on it, but the guy who is above them in the chain of command buries some of the bodies. And then the guy above him is a lizard.

I know your post is basically a dig at Duane, but you're coming off as a condescending prick.


It might sound condescending but it as actually pretty spot on. Icke can spout all he likes about secret societies and global elites running the world but he has yet to provide the smallest amount of actual empirical evidence to back it up. And I mean actual stand up in court type evidence not Princess Di was going out with a Muslim therefore she MUST have been murdered - no other explanation fits despite real, actual evidence to the contrary. (Bit like the Moon landings)


I remember seeing that total mong Richard D. Hall talking about the general election. One week he was saying the Lib Dems were the victims of the global elite who wanted the 2 party system to continue and had orchestrated a media campaign to destroy them. Literally the next week when they were in the coalition he was accusing them of being exactly the same as the other two parties. Well which one is it?


And that is the problem - they can't decide from one minute to the next who is actually running things. Is it the Masons, The Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group, The British Royal Family, The Jews, The Trilateral Commission, The UN, The EC, The World Bank? Who? It can't surely be all of them? Even one person from each would complicate things horrifically. Sitting on any commitee will convince you of that.


It's just so much nonsense with no consistency at all. The world is and always has been fucked up. Yes there are always people trying to control whatever they can and invariably they fail miserably through a mixture of incompetence, selfishness and other more selfish and ruthless people stopping them.


And as for the Freemen of the Land - fucking hilarious!

Have you actually read his articles and theories? I'm not saying I beleive everything Icke says but the way you're coming across sounds to me that you're a bit ignorant of his work :/


Are you saying that there is no evidence that the freemasons and secret societies run certain areas, be it a whole county or just areas of council?

They're known as secret societies for a reason :/


I have indeed read a lot of his stuff and I find the vast majority of it very easy to dismiss as complete and utter bollocks. He uses The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a factual document. That alone allows me to regard him as an ignorant twat of the first order. Or 33rd Order if you like. :laugh: (That's a shit joke - not a dig!


For a secret society the Masons are a bit shit. We know where and when they meet, who they are and what they do at their meetings. If masons are getting together to run anything they really shouldn't be, I believe that it's against the rules. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen of course. Although I've worked in a place that was pretty much dominated by 3 blokes who all belonged to the same golf club but there we go.

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