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Posts posted by FUM



    Is Daniel Bryan (secretly) fit as a fiddle and good to go for the Rumble? I'd love Reigns to despatch HHH at the Rumble, then have those two as your title match for Wrestlemania. You wouldn't even need to give Bryan his fairytale comeback, they could even turn Reigns heel out of desperation for keeping the title. If Bryan's not in good condition, I'd want Reigns/Lesnar 2 for the title, personally. Brock as a surprise Rumble winner isn't out of the question is it?



    Why would you turn Reigns heel when he is finally over as the super face they want him to be? That would be madness right now. I imagine we might get HHH vs Reigns at the Rumble with Cena winning the Rumble. You then have Cena trying to match the record or Reigns cementing his place as the top guy.

  2. I've never known such universal apathy towards WWE. I see no praise anywhere for their product. In fact, it's worse than that - people are outright slating it each week.


    From what I understand, Vince is intent on making Roman Reigns their next star in 2016. At least when Cena was being pushed, you had a load of other stars on the roster while he was being built. Orton was still being primed as a future star and Batista was involved in that storyline with Evolution and Triple H. Now WWE have the entire spotlight on Reigns during their worst creative period in history, and they're expecting him to become a success. It's madness.


    The run up to Wrestlemania was awful this year, saved only by a couple of standout matches. I've no idea how WWE are gonna build Reigns up between the Rumble and Wrestlemania next year but it's going to be painful to watch. Raw is the complete opposite of the saying, "If it's not broken don't fix it".


    I don't really blame them for being intent on making Roman Reigns their next star. There is absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be. They just have no idea how to go about it and refused to accept that every other star, with the exception of Hogan, went heel in order to become the star.

  3. Commentary really bugs me. It's obviously recorded in separate parts and edited together, meaning one minute they are hyping Blue Pants or Adam Rose, then the next minute they are shocked to see them

    I don't think they were shocked to see Adam Rose. It was the theme music being his old theme they seemed shocked at.


    To be honest I can actually say Orton is probably one of the only top stars in WWE that I wouldn't miss at all.  WrestleMania could seriously be lacking some star power next year. Hell even the Rumble match is shaping up to be threadbare as of now.


    I always struggle with Orton. He carries himself like a star, has a good look, has good timing etc. But his matches always fall into that "fight that looks like a performance" category that stop me from getting invested in his matches, instead of a "performance that looks like a fight" that all the best guys do. Orton and Sheamus are the two worst on the current roster for that. I'm not saying you shoudn't have signature spots, it's just you can telegraph them about 4 years before they happen and it's a bit of a disconnect.



    I'm starting to feel this way about Dean Ambrose, which is a real shame as I really liked the guy. Everything he does just seems so predictable though.

  5. Was Del Rio entertaining in Lucha Underground and ROH?


    I've seen a few people say that but at the minute it sounds like those claims that Albert had gotten really good in Japan. Del Rio looks bored as fuck himself.


    I only seen one match from him in LU because I didn't watch all that much of it, it was against John Morrison at Ultima Lucha. Two guys I cannot stand yet I was far more entertained by both than I ever have been before, I actually enjoyed watching them.

  6. Just on the point of how they have someone super over like Dean Ambrose, it's not just about that. It's about shifting merchandise, doing the talk shows etc. Ambrose's character wouldn't allow him to be the face of the company. And in no way would I say he'll shift more merch than Roman Reigns. Reigns is the closest they'll get to Cena as an all rounder. There's no doubting his wrestling ability, he's proven that this year. If they unscripted his promos, he would probably improve.


    Apart from Hogan, did all the other top guys not get over by being heels and naturally turning? Austin, The Rock, Cena? Even the 2nd tier of top guys like Batista were heels who the fans turned face.


    1.2m is a really strong number for them, especially for this time of the year, when interest is generally low. In the Network's early months I remember thinking that they would struggle to ever hit that one million number that they were publicly aiming for. Over $12m dollars coming in every month from the Network puts Del Rio's contract into some perspective.


    One thing they've swept under the carpet is that it was 1,000,000 DOMESTIC users. Apparently they havn't hit that number yet domestically, though are close.


    I still think it's a great accomplishment, but the fact they conveniently ignore the original goal is humorous to me. 



    A company isn't going to publicly celebrate it's failings.

  8. Why is it disturbing, I never asked her to forgive me but she did and we become friends for a short period of time, she is only 3 years younger then me, my crimes I committed was 10 years a go now, I was 21 at the time.

    Fucking hell you denied any wrongdoing previously now you reveal you've done it more than once?

  9. SmackDown spoiler, doesn't relate much to RAW but relates to the general discussion on this thread of WWE's direction as a company.



    Tyler Breeze debuts on SmackDown and is hit with Summer Rae. This company has no idea what to do with anyone. I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?


  10. Yeah been loving WWE 24. Anyone who complained at the 4 Horsewomen breaking kayfabe needs to put it in context and check that genuine emotion. Still blown away by that match.


    I saw the episode that had Graves, Adam Rose, Xavier on it yesterday as well. Great stories but the team really dropped the ball on Rose. I thought his creepy Leo Kruger gimmick was really good, Jake the Snake-esque promos, still needed work but uhhhh it's fuckin developmental??? Not 'got' anything the guy has done since, especially this laughable party pooper thing. Such a pity, his story was probably the most engaging and he's been twitter campaigning for the return of the Kruger gimmick to no avail.

    Michael Hayes in particular came off as a right fucknut, saying he wouldn't go see him with a free ticket.

    Just watched both. After that, I would love to see Adam Rose make it big somehow, really feel for the guy.


    These WWE 24 documentaries are fantastic too. Vince's suit was superb as well and he stood watching every match - so much for the doubters that say he doesn't watch it.

  11. how do you do that without sending the message 'you should go back to emotionally abusive ex if it was True Loveâ„¢/he might change'. They basically fucked RuRu when they turned him into the dominant seeming one in the relationship, it was a great vibe before. And obviously Denim Lana's even worse off. It was good heat for Rusev at the time but yeah they fucked em I think

    This is wrestling, not Hollyoaks.

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