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Everything posted by FUM

  1. I’ve decided I want Drew to win MITB, cash-in at the show only for Punk to cost him again. Carries that chaos on and gets rid of the issue of some idiot carrying a briefcase about for months.
  2. I was never much of a Bray fan but would argue he would probably love this and see it as a tribute rather than an exploitation. His family obviously does too - it’s hardly Eddie Guerrero stuff. I enjoyed it but have to agree that it’s Bo Dallas after all so any idea of me staying interested for too long is probably out the window.
  3. It was like this episode was made for a viewer like me. I’m absolutely a sports entertainment fan so short, speedy matches with multiple angles is the perfect combination for TV and then I like my longer matches at the big show. The episode completely flew in as there was rarely anything going on with no meaning. The shot of Drew with Punk was brilliant and interested to see how Drew taking Punk’s “AJ” and “Larry” bracelet now plays in. They’ve yet to even have a bell ring and it’s probably feud of the year. As someone who hasn’t seen a great deal of Jacob Fatu, just the odd match, I thought he looked excellent. His facial expression throughout was hilariously scary too.
  4. I assume Triple H would have been in gorilla position so he’s dead.
  5. They’ve always been fairly explicit in that the announcers watch the action on the monitor though. They rarely look up unless the action is outside the ring near their area. I get what you’re saying but it’s as petty as it comes. I mean points like “why did the ref give him the shirt?” Why would a ref say no to a trained wrestler who, in kayfabe terms, can hurt you if you put up a protest? Whoever said it’s wrestling has nailed it. There’s an element of stretching your imagination involved, you can question the smallest plot holes or why would you in every TV show or movie ever if you don’t want to accept it’s fantasy.
  6. You can literally see them watching on the monitor in the background of the shot rather than looking at Punk in the ring so that totally defeats your point there.
  7. Sports (which wrestling likes to consider itself when it’s TV deal time) is definitely mostly about how much money can be made in long term TV rights deals at the minute. Even pay per view isn’t that important which is why they’ve pretty much dropped out of it. You just need to look at VAR in football to show nothing is really about the people at the live event, everything is geared towards the TV viewer. Live event audience participation is obviously important in terms of making the show a valuable commodity but some of the soulless EPL crowds while bringing in record money in TV rights will tell you it’s not that important in the grand scheme.
  8. The camerawork on that is some of the best I remember. I thought Priest kicks out with the new ref and it took me till he had counted the 2 to realise. Punk’s popularity everywhere is underestimated at times though, wrong guy to try get nuclear heat against. As a Celtic fan myself though, the patter is great to see.
  9. It depends on the fanbase there really as to whether he’s known. Joe has done the BritWres scene, he will be known by any of them in the arena. Given that a lot of families have been priced out then I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s mostly hardcore wrestling fans who don’t want to spend their cash on anything else.
  10. That’s been rubbished, press conference and a post-show was confirmed to Wrestlenomics when they reached out to ask.
  11. Ah, fair enough. I just assumed they stayed as I’ve still got right old ones on there but my sub is still active so that explains that.
  12. Pretty sure on PS you can just pay the £6.99 for one month of PS Plus, download it and it’ll continue to work even if you don’t keep the subscription.
  13. I refuse to allow a worst stable discussion that The Corre aren’t included in so I’d go for them being the worst since The Corre. I still don’t know how that is pronounced and I don’t care to be taught either.
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