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Posts posted by FUM

  1. I don't get the criticism of ICW references - there weren't any really other than when Noam Dar came out which is perfectly normal. It's similar to when an ECW star used to turn up and fans would chant "EC Dub". No big deal that there were ICW chants when he first came out. Other than that, I didn't hear anything else about ICW all night.


    As for the pyro, I was at the bar when the opening pyro went off and it sounded like a fucking shooter had got in - how loud was that!?

  2. Hijacked during the women's segment is a terrible description. The heel getting annoyed so the fans winding her up a bit more and giving the face a top reaction is hardly hijacked.


    I was there live and really enjoyed it, I'm used to the shite WWE live events so it felt different, I've not watched it back on TV to see how it came across. Crowd were quiet for certain parts but never silent. When the big guns were out, the crowd were into it.


    Sheamus was the most entertaining I've seen him since I can remember.

  3. The silliest thing to me is when somebody rocks up to spoil a match 20 minutes in, having apparently had psychic confidence in their chosen man to kick out of all sixteen near-falls he's been subjected to so far.


    "Thank fuck he reached the ropes in that STF. Both times. Now I'd better make sure he doesn't lose!"


    See that makes sense to me, "20 minutes in and he's still not won, I'll go help him".


    What doesn't make sense is waiting 20 minutes to cost someone a match rather than costing them it right away.

  4. Bill Goldberg's WWE return, drew 3.130 million viewers.


    That is awesome!

    Around 400,000 increase I think that is? Wow.


    Also maintained an audience in that region throughout for the 3rd hour too so it is clear it was his return those extra viewers tuned in for. A proper star.

  5. Being booed out of the building the year after is absolutely not proof that fans didn't want Roman to win it. He had been booked horribly leading up to that Rumble which totally changed fans views on him. Reigns was mad over at one point, you only need to look at the fans getting behind him at Survivor Series to see that.


    Problem is he was protected in The Shield not having to do much talking etc. and when he stepped out he was given John Cena material with a character that didn't match it.

  6. Is Hogan back in their good graces?


    Using his voice in showing what's happening on the network next month as well as him and Rock facing off in one of the clips.

    I think since he actually won the case his publicity has been positive rather than focussed on the racist thing so it wouldn't surprise me.

  7. Ratings annoy me because they don't include people who recorded or watched something On Demand which I'd say about half a viewing audience could now come from these days.


    Especially if someone is watching their favourite NFL team, they're more likely to record RAW and watch it later.

  8. Was just browsing through iPlayer and randomly thought - does anyone think there's a good chance the BBC are looking at getting some wrestling on the channel or on iPlayer?


    They've done the ICW docs, a Finn Balor doc and that Superstar Wrestlers doc with WWE lately - someone there is clearly a fan.


    Apparently its been 10 years since Rosa Mendes first signed with WWE.

    Has there ever been a performer signed to a company for as long as she has that has been as utterly useless and uneventful as Rosa?

    Mark Henry? One or two good matches and one good promo in over twenty years?

    Fuck sake, do you even like wrestling?

  10. His original "pipebomb" no longer stands up for me but his contract signing with Vince McMahon is still absolutely brilliant to watch and I watch it every so often. It's perfect, right until the end. Vince was brilliant, Punk was brilliant and Cena was brilliant. It genuinely felt like he riled Cena.

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