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Posts posted by FUM




    I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star.

    Who's even said that?

    The post above mine that I was replying to:




    Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.

    Ah, Fair enough. I think he's referring to the same things I mentioned. Reigns has the elements they want but I don't think anyone is blind to his flaws. They're never going to get anywhere near the finished article these days because there's nowhere else for people to become seasoned. It's not just a Roman Reigns debate. They've done a shit job with Wyatt, Ambrose and Rollins too. None of them are anything like the stars they should be although Ambrose has some of the D-Bry qualities about him and is getting great reactions in spite of them.

    Yep, just to clarify I meant he had everything WWE look for in their stars.

  2. The Shield music and attire is detrimental. Aye wrestling a title out of each others hands is great booking in a feud with Brock Lesnar. Put him over the most popular guy on the roster, yep that will get him over.


    Everything you're mentioning booking wise is the reason he's been a big steaming pile of turd. No-one is saying they don't try and make him look strong. They just go the completely wrong way about it. Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.



    Is it not all a good balancing act before they find out if Cena is ready? If he's healed his injury, then Vince can feel worried for Shane and take him out of the match but let Shane pick his own representative (Cena). If Cena is still injured, the match can just go ahead. I just took it as placing a seed they may not need.

    People need to forget the idea that Cena is going to come in and take over. No point even suggesting it anymore, Shane is wrestling all because Cena can't make it nothing else.


    IF is the word you seemed to have missed out of my post. Also, why can't people speculate about what may or may not happen?

    It's pointless speculation that people keep putting out there. The only reason they decided to confirm the match is because Cena ain't making it. Shane McMahon is going against The Undertaker.

  4. Is it not all a good balancing act before they find out if Cena is ready? If he's healed his injury, then Vince can feel worried for Shane and take him out of the match but let Shane pick his own representative (Cena). If Cena is still injured, the match can just go ahead. I just took it as placing a seed they may not need.

    People need to forget the idea that Cena is going to come in and take over. No point even suggesting it anymore, Shane is wrestling all because Cena can't make it nothing else.

  5. I'd book The Rock's role at WrestleMania to be as special guest referee in the main event.


    Have Roman knock him down during the match with a superman punch for failing to count to 3. Roman then wins the title by using a weapon of some sorts, and the show can still finish on a happy ending with The Rock providing him with a Rock Bottom.

  6. When Shane's music hit, I was loving it. Completely unexpected and I love a genuine surprise. The further it went on, the more you could smell the desperation from everyone totally realizing how shite WrestleMania looks. To create a great moment and spark interest there, have Shane just take control from last night. Having him as a face going against the hometown hero who also happens to be a massive legend just seems daft.


    Lesnar's initial beating of Ambrose looked brutal. It was great.

  7. What I thought made Reigns look a right prick this week and I don't know if it's me being picky but Ambrose is squaring up to Lesnar saying he's going to win and go to WrestleMania while Reigns is backstage saying "one of them" are going to win rather than having confidence in himself.


    Just watched WWE24. Really enjoyed that, it was good see Brock isn't really the guy I imagined that talks to no-one, does his bit, takes his money and goes.

    You get that from talking to taker, and waiting in gorilla watching match before his? Didn't strike me as life and soul of locker room

    My image of Brock was having his own locker room with his own comforts and not having much association with anyone else. I seen him walk up and chat to Taker as well as sit and watch a match with Cena. That's more than I imagined him to be.

  9. Meltzer's influence is not what it was. Especially in the twitter world, where news become a thing before Meltzer even reports on it. He's still the top man, but its not like it was a decade ago when his opinion was THE opinion. ROH's early DVD business was pretty much built on Meltzer's reviews of their shows. A world without Dave Meltzer doesn't sound as strange as it would have been a ten years ago. The business is filled with stooges and people who collect their own action figures who want to put themselves over. There are people on twitter with sources in the WWE and NXT these days.

    Speaking of which, what are the good wrestling twitters for news these days? Would have put in the questions thread but it fits with this discussion.

  10. It probably won't happen but I love the idea of the authority dominating Reigns and cheating all ways to try to win then The Rock's music hitting. A rock-bottom to Sheamus, Vince and HHH then a spear to Sheamus from Reigns. Rock then sticks the refs shirt on or taps the three with Vince's hand.


    Ah, fantasy booking based off the attitude era eh? Sounds great. Probably get a Reigns win, Vince getting speared and HHH coming down with the sledgehammer right enough.

  11. Reading the results, this stuck out to me:


    Reigns says he hasn't seen her husband since he laid him out at TLC


    So either WWE have already forgotten Triple H was on Takeover, or in kayfabe Roman Reigns doesn't watch or isn't even aware of NXT.


    It seems Stephanie squared up to him again too.  No thanks.


    WWE and NXT are essentially two seperate worlds. They have done lots of things where they've ignored what happened in NXT land. It's a development terrority similar to OVW and FCW, nothing more to the main show.



    Is Daniel Bryan (secretly) fit as a fiddle and good to go for the Rumble? I'd love Reigns to despatch HHH at the Rumble, then have those two as your title match for Wrestlemania. You wouldn't even need to give Bryan his fairytale comeback, they could even turn Reigns heel out of desperation for keeping the title. If Bryan's not in good condition, I'd want Reigns/Lesnar 2 for the title, personally. Brock as a surprise Rumble winner isn't out of the question is it?



    Why would you turn Reigns heel when he is finally over as the super face they want him to be? That would be madness right now. I imagine we might get HHH vs Reigns at the Rumble with Cena winning the Rumble. You then have Cena trying to match the record or Reigns cementing his place as the top guy.

  13. I've never known such universal apathy towards WWE. I see no praise anywhere for their product. In fact, it's worse than that - people are outright slating it each week.


    From what I understand, Vince is intent on making Roman Reigns their next star in 2016. At least when Cena was being pushed, you had a load of other stars on the roster while he was being built. Orton was still being primed as a future star and Batista was involved in that storyline with Evolution and Triple H. Now WWE have the entire spotlight on Reigns during their worst creative period in history, and they're expecting him to become a success. It's madness.


    The run up to Wrestlemania was awful this year, saved only by a couple of standout matches. I've no idea how WWE are gonna build Reigns up between the Rumble and Wrestlemania next year but it's going to be painful to watch. Raw is the complete opposite of the saying, "If it's not broken don't fix it".


    I don't really blame them for being intent on making Roman Reigns their next star. There is absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be. They just have no idea how to go about it and refused to accept that every other star, with the exception of Hogan, went heel in order to become the star.

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