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Posts posted by FUM

  1. I know it doesn't mean much in the context of things these days but Reigns v Rusev on RAW the week before they face off at SummerSlam is a fucking rubbish thing to do. It's also just completely spoiled the result on Sunday as there's no way Reigns is going over twice in a row.


    Giving away the Demon on RAW too was a bit shit although it's the most interesting the storyline has been to be fair. Can only assume it's changed to "Demon King" because Kane has dibs on the Demon name. Was the fan set up or real? If it was real, Seth dealt with it very well.


    That's the best promo I think I've seen Brock Lesnar give - "I don't give a shit about your kids" was brilliant. Heath is great too, hope this carries on to a point fans get behind him ending with a big win to finally win a contract.


    Best of seven between Sheamus and Cesaro? No thanks.

  2. Looks like they're going to let Reigns hang around the mid card for a while with a US title run. Seems like poor Rusev is getting the shit end of the stick again.


    I have to say I think Mark Henry serves no purpose in being an active wrestler these days. It's about time he called it a day.

    I'm more hoping Rusev is about to get the push he thoroughly deserves into the bigger title picture.

  3. Really enjoyed that.


    Enzo and Jericho even had my girlfriend laughing and she is one of those girlfriends that's embarrassed I watch wrestling. Enzo is so good in general but the form Jericho is in just now is incredible. Even his backstage interview was hilarious.


    Jinder looked like a big powerful guy when he delivered that kick which I've never really noticed before.


    Braun continues to look great but I hate the finisher - it doesn't look devastating enough in my opinion.


    I've never been a fan of Randy Orton but he's been brilliant since his return and looks like he's having fun which is making a difference.


    Oh, and Reigns v Rusev will be brilliant.

  4. Christian was 10000x Edge to be fair. Shame he was short. More charismatic, pissed on him as a worker too. Him as the ace of ECW is one of the best runs I've ever seen.

    The time to push Christian was just before he walked out, he was massive over and was probably the most consistent, and genuinely funny performer on the roster.

  5. Monkee you've said you've got an offer...are you accepting??? We need to know!!!


    And I would be very surprised if they didn't contact you even if you were unsuccessful. There's only 3 of you!!!


    Don't worry about it being a day late, but do chase up yourself please.


    I tried calling today but got no answer so I've dropped the recruitment girl an e-mail as still not heard anything. My train of thinking was also that there was only 3 of us so no reason not to contact unsuccessful applicants.

  6. Had two interviews for a job I really want and was told I'd probably find out the outcome Monday. I got down to last 3 of 109 applicants but still not contacted me yet - is it likely I've been unsuccessful since he said probably Monday? Bit rude not to contact unsuccessful candidates when there's only 3 applicants that got to the final interview.


    Basic question and I sound like a kid going for his first job but I was 7 years with the one company from the age of 18 so this trying to work out how other employers work is something I'm just getting used to.

  7. Aye, I think some of the emotion they could have got out of the chase was lost but I think they wanted that big "anything can happen" moment.


    Some people said the logo but was e-fed but fuck me, the universal title really is proper e-fed.


    Did enjoy the show overall, great to see Balor look so good on debut - I honestly didn't see him making it on the main roster before but RAW changed my mind on that.


    Braun looks cracking with the new hairstyle and the extra muscle he's gained recently really is out of this world - what a beast he looks. The return of jobbers was very welcome.



    I hate food fights just as a concept, nothing says first world decadence like a food fight.

    Has anyone doing the miserable cunt gimmick ever interrupted a wrestling food fight to rant about how they shouldn't be so wasteful and there's starving Africans who'd be grateful for that grub? It seems like something Kevin Owens could get away with.

    That genuinely sounds fantastic.

  9. I wish people would get past the UFC and WWE being competitors nonsense. None of them consider each other competitors. WWE considers entertainment shows as competitors and UFC considers boxing as a competitor.


    If WWE considered UFC as a competitor they wouldn't build Brock up by mentioning him being a former champion as an achievement. And if UFC considered WWE a competitor, it wouldn't be taken seriously trying to compete with fake fighting.


    What's the reason behind them announcing it on this Smackdown?

    I imagine it's a belated attempt to convince viewers "important things happen on SmackDown too" ahead of the roster split and their next doomed/half-arsed attempt at presenting the two shows as equals.

    I think this attempt upcoming is genuine and they will really go for it to be honest.

  11. Not really sure where to put this, and didn't want to start a new thread just for this, but I only realised this morning when listening to Jim Smallman's Tuesday Night Jaw podcast that, not only has each member of The Shield now won the WWE Title, but also they all pinned another member of The Shield to win their first WWE Title (Seth pinned Roman at Mania, Roman pinned Ambrose at Survivor Series, Ambrose pinned Seth at MITB)

    All three of those had MITB involvement too either during or after.

  12. Reigns is definitely the new Cena with all that "you can't wrestle" shit. Even if they turn Reigns I think the crowd reaction to him will always be 50/50 now.

    The thing is with Cena was that people genuinely thought he was a shit wrestler - there's no way they can genuinely think that about Reigns, he's been putting on belters for years.

  13. In regards to my earlier job post, I decided to stay where I am rather than moving jobs as its just moving from one stopgap to another.


    How long should it take jobs to get back to you from when you apply when I can't see a closing date? New to all this as was employed with British Gas for 7 years and that was my first proper job. Ended up a manager in that contact centre so got plenty experience but was recently made redundant. I'm getting nervous when a job doesn't reply within a few days. I've had a careers advisor and a CV reviewer look at my CV and tell me it's fine - am I just being impatient and should expect to hear from a few within a few weeks?


    I went back to doing telesales as a quick stopgap until I get a management position and the telesales roles were getting back to me sometimes the same day I applied, ended up with so many offers and interviews out of them. Is it just because I'm now applying for higher roles I'm not hearing so quickly?

  14. The difference with the low rating back then is they had competition so they cared more. The show also wasn't as accessible as it was back then - the way people watch their TV has changed, not everyone watches live anymore.


    No doubt it's a shit rating but it's probably not as shit as hitting that sort of rating in 1997 was.

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