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Posts posted by FUM

  1. People who have the network are die hards who know wrestling is fake anyway. People who watch obviously like Seth Rollins so the doc is aimed at them, if I have no interest in him I'm not going to be watching anyway. I don't watch Michael Moore documentaries because I have no interest in him.

  2. What kind of sales is it?

    I did Insurance sales with British Gas. Currently I'm selling IVA's and Trust Deeds for people struggling with debts, use the term selling loosely as due to criteria it's a product that's for a very specific type of person. The new role I have been headhunted for would be sales for awards shows, live events etc. for a very large marketing company.

  3. Was recently made redundant from a tidy management position in British Gas call centre where I done Quality Assurance. After couple months I've had to settle for a job back on the phones (telesales) as couldn't get another management role (call centres tend to promote from within) which I'm enjoying - decent money, relaxed, good laugh, good prospects for promotion and pretty fucking easy to be honest.


    I've been asked to go in Friday to a meeting for another telesales jobs with a company that has headhunted me - the OTE would bring me way above what I'm earning and the basic alone would be around what I'm earning but comes with the risk of not enjoying it like I am this job and also seems a pretty difficult job. Do I go for the money or do I stick where I am just down to happiness? Of course I know nothing to say I won't be as happy in this other role.



    I'm sure Roman is top seller outside Cena among the kids so they're into a position where by it doesn't matter who the fans want to cheer again.

    And by fans you mean adult males. The fans who are kids and women love the guy. My little cousin and all his mates think Roman is the dogs bollocks.

    I'm an adult male and I love him to be fair.


    On the point of Charlotte, she genuinely seems annoyed that she's not a "cool heel" that fans want to root for I reckon. Letting "what?" chants wind you up like that is just daft - seen it dealt with much better in the past.

  5. Is it true what Jericho says that he was originally to be in the 4-way at WM16. Reason I ask is I've been watching 2000 on the Network and I have no idea how they'd have pushed him to that level from the position he had on the card in all honesty. Seems highly unlikely he was due to main event the biggest show of the year when he's pissing about with Chyna for most of the first 3 months.



    They don't really have ads as often as that, a lot of it is advertising tours in USA etc that they just cut to an ad break on Sky Sports for.

    No the advert breaks are as often on the USA Network. It's just that sometimes WWE will promote something of their own 30 seconds before they go back to the live feed. This sometimes results in Sky airing a few seconds of this as they rejoin the USA Network simulcast.

    Ah right, that's my bad then. Staggering to think they'd have that many ad breaks. I usually prefer USA method of a longer ad break at start and end of shows so can watch all of the middle uninterrupted as well. Or at least that's how Lost was!

  7. Surprised there's no comments yet on what was a fairly enjoyable RAW.


    Dean Ambrose needs his theme music changed to that evil shit that was playing while he looked like a psycho cutting his promo.


    The AJ/Roman feud has been the most enjoyable main event feud in a long time.

  8. There's a personal reason I wouldn't come straight out and say it on a public forum, I'm not just being awkward but there's a post in my history that could give away what I'm talking about, think it may even be in this thread.


    I'll not confirm or deny anything again due to a personal reason but I'm sure people will be able to work it out.

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