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Donald J Trump

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Everything posted by Donald J Trump

  1. Credit to you for flagging this up. That's the first time I've seen that and it's horrific. I'm all for people having the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and his attempt at accountability appeared to me to be a convincing one. There is a line though, and what you've shared, along with a couple of other bits and pieces I've seen today have been a bit of a rabbit hole. Difficult to say this, but warm words aren't sitting right with me at the moment.
  2. Steeps a decent game if you've got a Snowboarding itch the scratch. The beauty of the likes of SSX/Coolboarders is in the "easy to enjoy, tougher to master" factor and whist Steep is a bit fiddlier it's still fun to pick up and mess about it. Riders Republic is worth a shout too but I didn't play quite as much of that.
  3. Unfortunately, your experience is likely to vary considerably depending on a number of factors such where you are, which professionals you come into contact with and at times it seems just wild luck. One factor is consistent though in that all good outcomes have had to be relentlessly driven by parents and guardians. I've seen no instances where people have asked for support once and it's been seamlessly delivered at every stage of development. It sounds like that's something your cognisant of though, and I think you're exactly where you need to be in terms of outlook and approach. At times it seems like some professionals are looking for reasons not to take things forward, and that can be extremely frustrating. That's usually not the case, but it can feel that way. Age is a factor, and I find that the older a child is the easier it gets because it's less likely things will be erroneously attributed to just slightly atypical development. I detect though that you almost feel like it's a race against time, and that you want to get an effective support structure in place so your kid can hit the ground running. That's completely reasonable, and I believe that should be your aim, but the one thing I would suggest is to prepare yourself for the possibility that it might not be the reality. Often there is a difficult stage where things are slightly chaotic and a bit of a struggle. It's such a broad spectrum that in many cases they want to see in which specific areas support might be required. I'd also suggest having a list of areas where you think support would be beneficial and what it is you want, so that whether your dealing with healthcare professionals, school or nursery they're clear on what it is you expect from them. The meltdowns are difficult and it's definitely trial and error. Chances are you won't eliminate them completely, but it helps to have a plan in mind so that when it happens, you have a kind of routine at hand to follow. With the heat, aside from the usual stuff you've probably already considered I found material to be a factor. In our case upper body was more of an issue than legs, and polyester or other similar synthetic materials were better than cotton. Everyone's different though, and some people can't see past cotton. Cool spray and a juice bottle were helpful too. Even if the actual benefits were minimal in terms of keeping cool, the routine element of "here take a cold drink, would you like some cool spray" definitely helped calm things when they showed signs of upset. They felt they were being cooled down, and usually it was effective.
  4. Cena v Bryan at Summerslam 2013 is a more recent one. If I remember right both were faces in the match, and this laid the groundwork for what was to follow with regards Bryans moment in the sun.
  5. After "Forgotten but not gone" Bam Margheras miraculous return, now Roddy is coming through for the Hulk.
  6. Yes he definitely approached that in the right way. For me it came across as a genuine change within himself, rather than reacting to a changing culture as is often the case. He had one of those minds that you'd like to see in other industries and walks of life.
  7. It said swede in the supermarket, it said swede on the packaging. It looked like a swede, felt like a swede and tasted like a swede. For some reason, and it's completely unintentional, whenever I have swede I repeatedly refer to it as turnip. I've no idea why I do this, but yes, that is definitely a swede.
  8. Respectfully, there were some fairly serious and unwarranted suggestions levelled against me in relation to predatory sexual behaviour. I pushed back at the time, as I expect most people would, but believe me when I say I found it a bit unsettling, and that's understating it. As the thread has progressed, it appears to me that the contribution that prompted this exchange isn't at odds with the content, tone or spirit of contributions from other posters. Under the circumstances, I don't think it was entirely unreasonable for me to feel that I wanted to get that off my chest. Perhaps I shouldn't have, but at the same time, I'm pleased that I attempted to do so in a reasonably civil way, although I appreciate that it won't be to everyones tastes.
  9. It turned out alright. Its safe to say that while it tasted great, the presentation was borderline offensive so I decided against taking a picture. Mustard in the neeps sounds tremendous, and definitely something I'll try when the pickier eaters are out the picture.
  10. I think that's a little bit over the top and unnecessary, but each to their own.
  11. Careful, I got cancelled in this thread yesterday and had to spend a couple of posts doing the wokey cokey for that kind of talk. However, If you do find footage of the blind grandmother please let me know,,,but I CONDEMN IT IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS.
  12. Not cooked yet, but I fear this is as good as this dish is going to look. Haggis and Turnips. I might wing some potatoes in as well. Bottom of the pile Haggis this, second only to the tinned stuff which I have resorted to before. I've tried sneaking in some decent haggis from farm shops etc but the family won't have it, the cheaper the better for these weirdos. This is actually considered a treat in these parts, before anyone considers getting social services involved.
  13. It's becoming a bit of a farce at this point. This is going to be a tough coconut for some within Labour to swallow but Starmers grim march past the centre ground and towards christ knows where continues. I can understand why he'd like the optics of "if Elphicke can, you can too" but the local elections highlighted that it would be sensible to offer younger progressives something. If he genuinely believes he can't do that without becoming repellant to centrists then he's really no business being involved in frontline politics with the Labour Party. If I was advising Sunak I'd tell him it's only going to get progressively worse. Call it now before Starmer dreams up something that might actually appeal to his base.
  14. The overwhelming majority of tickets available appear to be for the lower sections, both the bottom tier and floor. They're the most visible, so they'll fill those one way or another. I've a feeling that if they are going to lower prices it would be a case of bringing the more "premium" seats closer in price to other tickets already sold, rather than making the event generally more accessible in terms of cost. I'd love to be wrong, but I wouldn't make plans based on that assumption. If you'd told me that a PLE in Scotland at an arena this size would have that many tickets available a month before the event id have thought it was preposterous, but I know lots of people who have went to buy tickets and just thought absolutely not.
  15. Thanks for that. What a great find. You wouldn't be too upset if you got that as a main event. Bearing in mind the fayre WWF were regularly serving at the time, as a youngster I found Owen Hart genuinely exciting to watch and I looked forward to his matches more than any other. It's easy to take it for granted now, but he was the first name I looked for on a card. I've got a feeling I'll watch this more than once.
  16. I love the fact that he's such a scroat that people are suggesting he isn't a believable foil for McIntyre, despite the fact that he's a "different type of choke artist". Personally, that side of things has never really bothered me as long as people play to their strengths. I'd buy Dom Mysterio beating Lesnar, as long as he was a cheating shit while doing so. I'm not wild about the prospect of them meeting at Clash of the Castle, as I worry they'd short change us to drag it out to Summerslam. My hope is that the mentions of Glasgow are just them working towards a way of avoiding it. That's provided the alternative is McIntyre being crowned king of Wrestling and it being the greatest night in history. If they're not doing that, then any version of Drew/Punk is what you'd want instead. Christ, imagine if it's Jey Uso. What if that's why McIntyre got involved in his business on Monday. What if I've spent £500 to be surrounded by bastards "yeeting" during the main event. Fucking hell. Does anybody want to buy a ticket for Clash at the Castle?
  17. I always recall when Cena said to Reigns something along the lines of "You've always been protected, and I'm the one person there's no protection from". He then made mincemeat of Reigns, just like he made mincemeat of The Rock, as you mention. Punk usually held his own against Cena, and not everyone does. Now he's coming out second best in promos to a guy who either isn't in the building or is in the rafters with no microphone. It can't just be that he's yesterday's man, can it? It's not like the art of the promo has significantly evolved over the past decade and a bit. I think lack of application and effort explains it, partially. It could also be that his range just isn't there. He's fine for the "this whole damn rotten business" promos, and he's satisfactory enough in your average, monthly disagreement. The work McIntyres doing, both on TV and on social media is singlehandedly taking this fued to a level Punk can't keep up with. Maybe he's saving the good stuff till later, but if youre telling people you're going to land a knockout blow, the last thing you need to be doing is punching yourself in the face. The whole sucking up to Pat because he's independently wealthy and does real sports thing makes him look like he's scrambling for relevance as well. "Hey Pat, time me", "Hey Pat, I really gave that 170lbs rookie what for, didn't I Pat?". For McIntyres part in it, he's got an opportunity to go up against a guy that hung with two of the best, and he's giving a hell of an account of himself. At this stage though, it wouldn't be entirely out of place if McIntyre mouthed "I'm sorry" before Claymoring Punk out his misery. I might be terribly biased in all this and I'm almost certainly getting carried away.
  18. I appreciate your apology. You're perfectly entitled to your view, and I respect that. I was concerned about the insinuation I felt I detected in your post but you've explained your position, I've explained mine and if we both understand each other, I'm happy to leave it there.
  19. That's fine, I'm relaxed about you thinking my comment was a bit off, he who'll miss acts of extreme violence. Just as long as we both know my comment has absolutely nothing to do with predatory sexual behaviour, and we do. Absolutely, give me a sleep on the bus any day. Can I just confirm though that my post is specifically in relation to the carny language Flair used in his tirade, as noted by the post proceeding mine. As you've described, and as I attempted to touch on in a very indirect and roundabout fashion in my post, there is a changing culture within the industry which has brought about many changes, and most of them for the better. Sure, I didn't focus on any of the positive changes, but I wasn't choosing my words carefully, it was just a light-hearted aside. I've always welcomed any developments that have positively improved the lives of performers in an industry of which I'm an avid consumer, whether it be more flexible working, more time off or a general shift towards better physical and emotional wellbeing. Horseshit carny talk is also on the wane, but I'll cope. Im just keen not to misrepresent myself here. If I was inclined to seek out old farts telling stories, it would be the type of childish but altogether less problematic stories I referenced at the end of my post. "This person didn't draw, this person didn't want to do business, this person wasn't a good worker" etc. I have no interest in hearing about debauchery, substance abuse or anti social behaviour. Maybe I'll enjoy a bit of the psychologically repressed man babies, but I think we're some way off seeing the last of those.
  20. What a strange thing to post. If you want to pretend that enjoying folksy language and condoning sexual impropriety are the same thing then be my guest, but don't try and pull me into your mucky bathwater.
  21. We're really going to miss shit like that when it gone. We're already getting stories about people going for a workout then having a sleep on their bus. Give me a load of horseshit about somebody not being able to "draw money up north" anyday.
  22. Ric put the restaurant over, brother. Whilst there's no proof here that he Woo'd in a blind grandmothers face, it sounds like they were being fair to Flair.
  23. There's going to be an element of goodwill towards the new Wyatt family that might help it find it's legs, but as others have said even when Bray was doing it there were as many misses as there were hits, and that's being charitable. I'm convinced that 99 times out of 100 stuff like this is doomed to failure, and it's only those rare "lightning in a bottle" gimmicks that make it. There's obviously lots of room for shortsightedness and ineptitude, but most of the time they're pushing marmalade up a hill to start with. They've also got some potentially difficult territory to negotiate with trying to strike the right tone given the wider circumstances. I'm approaching this with far more trepidation than enthusiasm, but I hope I'm wrong. They shouldn't try and be too clever, and they shouldn't make the foundation of the whole thing a jumble of meaningless lore. Keep it simple, and preferably explainable to children. And me. That's the second week in a row that Punk has went out there without the Hunkster to bounce off and it hasn't went as well as Punk appears to think it has. He likes to do this "I don't even need to get out of second gear" routine but he really does. McIntyre is approaching this like it's the role of a lifetime and he's leaving nothing back. It's working too, everything from his furious intensity to his malicious pettyness is going down extremely well. Punks falling a bit flat, but that's not the only thing that fell, right Pat? Brutal. I don't think even this lot can do any wrong with Gunther. Whatever they decide to do with Ilya and him, it'll be a cracker.
  24. What's the deal with the gate, is it limited by design with a focus on getting eyes on the product through other means or is it just sparsely attended?
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