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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. Speaking of broadband I just received an email from BT yesterday offering me an upgrade to the new Hub 6 if I enter a new 18 month contract with them for £25 a month.  Considering I currently pay £35 a month just for Infinity 2 it makes sense to get the new hub 6 and it's going to save me £10 for the next 18 months.  I guess it's because I've been out of contract with them for 2 years and they want to stop me from leaving them.  I can't fault the service but I think it should be £25 a month anyway. 

  2. Looks like they're going to let Reigns hang around the mid card for a while with a US title run.  Seems like poor Rusev is getting the shit end of the stick again.


    I have to say I think Mark Henry serves no purpose in being an active wrestler these days.  It's about time he called it a day.

  3. Raw started at 9pm in 96 as Vince states many times.  Infact Raw always started at 9 while it was a 1 hour show. If you watch all Raw episodes from post IYH Good Friends, Better Enemies to the go home show for IYH Beware Of Dog you can clearly see that it's the same arena and crowd for all 4 shows. 

  4. When you go back and watch Raw from 96 you can tell that they must've taped at least 4 episodes on the same night. Some months the live crowd could watch a full PPV build up in one night.  But the thing that puzzled me is that during this time their post PPV Raw would be aired as live although even then it must've been on a tape delay on the USA Network especially when they're taping another 3 episodes following that show. During those days I don't think the fans would've still been inside the arena until midnight.

  5. Speaking of the Benoit tribute show. I remember whenever someone uploaded the opening segment with Vince on YouTube the WWE were pretty quick to take it down everytime.  Yeah you would have to be an utter tool if you thought that episode could end up on the Network.


    To be honest I was very surprised they left the Melanie Pillman interview intact on the Oct 6th '97 episode. 

  6. Yeah you just know that some silly fucker will have a box of those Booty-Os on a shelf along with the rest of their wrestling merch on a shelf in their bedroom come August.


    If you want a box of Booty-Os with a New Day T Shirt inside it's $26 . 

  7. Didn't expect Sasha to win the title on Raw. I was sure they were saving that for SummerSlam.  I think Corey Graves does a cracking job on commentary.


    I wonder what kind of show Smackdown will be tonight. They're gonna have to work hard to top Raw from last night.

  8. Was sitting having a quick pint with a mate earlier outside and some guy was sitting there with his 6 or 7 year old daughter and she was watching WWE on her iPad and I heard her dad say to some couple opposite him that she's obsessed with WWE.


    Now we know that WWE is a lot more family friendly these days but it still kinda annoys me when you hear parents claim that their kids are really into wrestling as if they follow the storylines and stuff.  Or maybe it's just a case of us older fans that's watched it for 20 + years find it awkward that we're still watching something that the kids do. 

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