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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. (Apologies if this is already mentioned -- I'm doing spoiler avoidance.)


    Sky have launched a new channel today, Sky Sports Mix. It's free for anyone on Sky (even without a Sky Sports sub) and for people on the more expensive Virgin packages (again, without needing Sky Sports.) It looks like it will be regularly showing the one-hour version of Raw that also airs on Sky One, along with Main Event and a few episodes of shows from WWE Network such as WWE 24 and Swerved.


    Yeah it seems that Sky have acquired the rights to a couple of the Network shows. I find it odd that Swerved is going to air on a sports channel. Surely it would've been more suited on Sky 1.

  2. I'm looking forward to Lesnar V Orton. I reckon it's going to be one of those all out crazy brawls. The Ambrose V Ziggler match is the one I don't care about as I think this Ziggler push is bollocks.   Surely Sheamus V Cesaro ends up on the kick off along with I'm guessing Young V O'Neil and Eva V Becky.

  3. I wish people would stop acting as though the pre show is necessary canon in order to have 'seen' a PPV. SummerSlam is a 4 hour show. Not a 7 hour show. Still way too long, but c'mon. Nobody ever counted the Sunday Night Heats and they were fun for ages. Of all the complaints levelled against WrestleMania 2000 nobody moans that it was like 12 hours long.


    No fucker is claiming it's a 7 hour show. I said there's going to be almost 7 hours worth of viewing.  Infact don't be surprised if SummerSlam runs to almost 5 hours.


    As far as I'm concerned the longer its on the better. :thumbsup:

  4. The SummerSlam Kick-Off is scheduled for 2 hours and the event itself is scheduled for 4 hours although Sky have it listed as a 5 hour event.  So we could be looking at almost 7 hours worth of viewing this Sunday. 


    UK time Kick Off 10pm - Midnight  SummerSlam  Midnight - 4am/5am

  5. Yeah this was definitely the worst Raw since the brand split.  I really didn't see the point in having that US title match main event.  Unless it's all leading up to Cesaro fucking off to Smackdown.  Good to see that there's a Dudley's break split coming. It'll freshen up Bubba. That was a shit crowd last night but to be fair I don't blame them for being quiet during most of the show.

  6. Going into WrestleMania 17 an Austin heel turn didn't even enter most heads but when you watch the match back knowing the outcome you can see Austin drops a few hints that a turn is coming.  For starters he had such a look of disdain towards the crowd as soon as he got into the ring. 

  7. But what else can they do with Reigns at this point?  They can't keep booking him into WWE title matches just for the hell of it. If he does take the US title I can see a repeat of the open challenge every week.  Which would be fair enough as I actually enjoyed it when Cena done it.

  8. Perfect was never seen again until Survivor Series '95 anyway so it wasn't really that big of a deal.  But yeah either way you look at it Bret would have to lose twice on the same night and it would've fucked Bret's credibility.  But Meltzer was adamant that Luger was Vince's pick.

  9. I've just listened to Meltzer's take on all WrestleMania events.  He claims that Vince always planned to put the title on Lex at Mania 10, but after the Rumble match when he could tell the crowd was firmly behind Bret he changed his mind and that's how Bret was crowned champion that night.


    I always thought the real story was that Lex got drunk the night before Mania 10 and told everyone in the bar that he was winning the championship at WrestleMania and this was the reason why he fell out of the main event picture as punishment. It does sound plausible as he drifted into mid card land having a feud with Tatanka after that. He wasn't even on the card for KOTR '94.

  10. I think the main reason WWF never showed up on BBC or ITV was simply because Sky always made sure that they held the rights to it. Plus I don't think they could've matched what Sky were paying for it.  I heard that's why Channel 4 dropped it because they couldn't afford to renew a contract with them. But Channel 4 always claimed it was dropped because the ratings were poor for the 8 PPVs that they purchased.

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