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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. Makes me laugh at how Sky are going all out to push their Box Sets service. It's as if they're trying to make out they created the box set binge watching craze. People were getting stuck into DVD and Blu-Ray box sets long before Sky started making a big deal of it.  Everytime I browse their box set selections it's always full of stuff you've already seen over and over or it's shows that are on a constant loop across their channels anyway.

  2. Anyone else get the feeling that Vickie Guerrero is going to show up next week to campaign for the Smackdown job? This is obviously just to remind everyone that Smackdown is going live and to get fans talking about it. Wouldn't be surprised to hear an 'Excuse Me' during someones promo next Monday.


    The steroid scene is also intact on Sky Movies too.  


    A bit in the big training montage scene where Drago gets injected is in the DVD version I have. I don't recall him getting injected during the fight though. Don't think I've seen that bit.



    The steroid injection is only during that training montage scene.  Drago doesn't get injected during the fight. Steve's mind is playing tricks on him.

  4. Looks like the complete year of Raw from 2004 will be available by the end of the week. They're also dropping random 2005 episodes too.  Really loving the quick pace of these Raw and Smackdown uploads lately. I hope they keep them coming until they reach 2007.

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