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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. The Blues Brothers had a fair whack of a runtime, didn't it?

    And although it's a great movie, it does feel about a half hour too long.


    If you've ever watched it on ITV4 it seems like it never ends.  I don't know how some people can still sit through a movie on a commercial channel these days.


    Has anyone watched Max about the dog that helped the US marines in Afghanistan ? Apparently it's good but any drama that involves dogs always tend to have too many sad parts for me.

    Have you seen the website doesthedogdie.com ? Useful if you are unsure on watching something for those reasons.



    Cheers for the tip. I usually have a quick glance at the discussion boards for certain movies on IMDB for that kind of thing.  This was another reason why I never watched John Wick.

  3. I agree with Mike if you're enjoying the movie who cares how long it runs.  Those American Pie movies (the original ones not those crap spin-off ones) weren't on long enough in my opinion. Well maybe not so much the Reunion one.


    Those parody ones always seem to run short like the Naked Gun, Scary Movie and Hot Shots etc.





    Batista posts an accurate response to Stephanie McMahon tweeting about slapping wrestlers, essentially echoing what people on here have been saying for years.

    Speaking of people being late to the party.

    Clint makes a ludicrous claim and everyone puts him right



    Slight exaggeration there. I mean people have really been agreeing with you lately right?

  5. When Spectre came out they sent big Dave out to promote it on shows such as Soccer AM and The One Show. I've never seen him on a prime time chat show over here yet. He's got a long way to go before he can claim to be the next Arnie.  I can't see Batista ever being the main star in a Hollywood Blockbuster.

  6. When Batista starts going down the straight to DVD route he'll be begging for his job back. It's just sour grapes because they changed plans for his big comeback win at Mania 30. It didn't go as originally planned. And as far as CM Punk goes he's just acting like a fucking kid. I'm sure the McMahon's are laughing at that prick for the way he pussies out of these UFC fights.


    They should sign his wife AJ instead, she'll probably put up a better fight.

  7. They don't really have ads as often as that, a lot of it is advertising tours in USA etc that they just cut to an ad break on Sky Sports for.


    No the advert breaks are as often on the USA Network. It's just that sometimes WWE will promote something of their own 30 seconds before they go back to the live feed. This sometimes results in Sky airing a few seconds of this as they rejoin the USA Network simulcast.


    Listening to Meltzer on the Observer Radio saying he got a copy of WWE's advert rates. He's talking about how they're significantly less than the UFCs despite UFC getting a million less viewers on TV. He also postulates the idea that WWE gets around about a tenth of the ad rates than that of a regular cable show, whereas in the past they would get half.


    Wouldn't surprise me if that's for Smackdown and their other pre-taped shows.



    Well it would have to be either Raw or SD as they're the only WWE shows that go out on TV in the US. Their other shows only go out on the Network.

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