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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. There's no doubt about it that Goldberg will compete at WrestleMania before he headlines the HOF the following year.  This will be the first time Lesnar has worked a Survivor Series since his return in 2012.  I thought Brock would've been gone until the Rumble. I don't blame Vince for not wanting to take a chance with these two in a match at Mania again. 


    Meltzer on the latest WOR show is saying WWE and Goldberg are in "very serious discussions, at worst". Do we think Big Bill is finally ready to bust out a Spear again?

    Been a while since Seth's put a legend on the shelf, so yeah.



    I think there's more chance of Bill putting Seth on the shelf.

  3. Stuck for a show last night because I had pretty much the whole night to kill then Survivor Series 2002 struck me like a lightening bolt.


    So apart from the electric atmosphere all night long we get, in terms of matches and moments:


    -A fantastic opener with the Dudleyz reuniting in an amazing feel good moment.

    -Kidman and Noble in one of the better Ruthless Agression era cruiserweight matches.

    -Trish and Victoria having a proper go at a hardcore women's match.

    -The Heyman turn and shock of Big Show winning after a short, inoffensive match.

    -The Smackdown 6 triple threat. Yeah.

    -Christopher Nowinski and Matt Hardy diss New York. Sirens. Steiner. Gimme the fucking mic.

    -The original, best EC match ever. Shawn winning the belt in his poo pants with another amazing feel good moment.


    That's absolutely one of the best cards ever. It's such a slick, varied, fun show.


    For some reason I like the way Bischoff introduces the chamber match.  He does a good job of getting the crowd ready for it. Also when he tries to slide one of the doors shut by pulling on the wrong side always raises a chuckle too. 

  4. Bobby Davro was on the Chase tonight. He did a funny voice for all his answers. Bradley Walsh looked well pissed off. Davro was such a cunt on it, trying to "get himself over" for a lack of a better term.


    There was one question where "Jim Bowen" was the answer, and Davro went "I used to do an impression of him", expecting Walsh to obviously go "give us a listen then." Walsh just looked at him and said "yeah, let's see if you got the answer right." But being a self-obsessed cockend, he did the impression anyway. Fucking arsehole.


    I stopped watching it after Katherine Ryan got caught.  Can't fucking stand Davro.

  5. I wonder if they actually manage to sell the Alamodome out this time?  I remember on Cornette's timeline of 97 he claimed they gave away a shit load of comps to fill it up for 1997 Rumble . I like it when they use these bigger venues for their shows as it creates more atmosphere. 


    Now that they're making a bigger deal out of SummerSlam surely they'll be thinking about moving the PPV into domes or stadiums also.  I know it's booked for the Barclays Center again next year.

  6. I used to get Raw/Nitro spoilers on German Teletext on a Tuesday. One of the channels had a news section and I remember desperately trying to read/translate about "The Invaders" coming to WCW from WWE. That's where I read about X-Pac turning up on Raw too.



    Funny you should mention this as one of my mates stumbled across Raw spoilers on the text on DSF while trying to find out when a WCW PPV aired on that channel.  This was actually how I found out that Vince was the higher power a couple of days before watching on the Friday night.

  7. I like the whole reasoning behind Sheamus & Cesaro's team, but if they win the tag belts after all those times Gallows & Anderson have failed to do so I'll be more than a bit displeased. I figured they were going to get the belts on "The Club" then send Cesaro & Sheamus after them for a bit of a change and some incredibly interesting matches.


    I was also wondering whether anybody else feels like the women's division on Smackdown is doing just as much to regress women's wrestling in WWE as the division on Raw is doing to advance it? Becky Lynch aside last week it felt like a few minutes of filler ahead of the main event, and this week Naomi & Nikki come to the ring to the little factoids about the new series of Total Divas/Bellas then go five minutes in a tag match, three minutes of which was a commercia break. You have to feel bad for Becky Lynch at this point, unless they're going to stick Paige over on the blue brand as well. I guess the proof of the pudding will be how Becky Vs Alexa Bliss goes at No Mercy.


    Keep the details about this weeks SD in the Smackdown thread if you don't mind.  Some of us haven't watched it yet.

  8. I like Reigns and Rusev but having matches on concecutive nights was a bit much as it's obvious their feud will be settled inside HIAC.  Just to agree with other posts about Jericho he is fucking gold on the mic lately.

  9. It seems like he's been getting some stick for that tweet on twitter. 


    Speaking of Vince and Steph I was just watching the Raw episode with Triple H and Steph's wedding from 2002 and there's a backstage segment with Steph in her wedding dress and you can blatantly see Vince checking out Steph's tits which looked well weird.

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