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The Clint

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Posts posted by The Clint

  1. Who came up with the idea of the gimmick "Goldust"? It's a shame it was cut off at it's legs when Dustin's wife was brought in. You could have got a few more months out of the camp stuff.


    It was all Vince's idea. Apparently the crazy fucker always wanted a gay character on the show.  But as Rick said it didn't go down well in the media etc.


    So I guess he gave it another bash 7 years later with Billy & Chuck.

  2. Anyone else notice during the opening segment that was pre recorded with Steph and Foley you could actually hear Foley talking to someone off camera.  You could hear him say Hunter's name. I think his mic was live while they aired that clip.


    I thought that Sasha promo was well awkward when she kept pausing for the crowd to cheer her but she didn't really get the responce she was looking for.


    For those interested Stephanie's book will be released in the UK on Oct 11th. It will be titled Unreal: Inside the Crazy, Fun Show Business World of WWE.


    I'm expecting a good portion of this book to be bullshit but I'm still going to buy it.

    The book release has now been pushed back to August 25th 2020



    Amazon need to get that sorted then because they're still taking pre orders for next month.

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