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Posts posted by DEF

  1. I haven't seen any of my friends in person since the start of covid except one. It will be magic when we can finally hang out. 

    Going to a gig. No idea when or what it will be but it will bring a tear to the eye.

    For roughly 15 years, one way or another I've been paying off loans. In about 9 months I'll finally be rid of them. Having an extra 120 quid a month will make us way more comfortable and give me so many more options for the fun stuff in life.

    Cobra-Kai season 3.

  2. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    @DEF I know you said about wanting it streaming, but if you were willing to wait and buy it on DVD, you can get it used from Amazon for £2.78 posted. 

    Cheers, I'm abit reluctant to do that because I already have it but it's in one of many boxes, amoung literally thousands of DVDs and I was hoping to get it watched tonight or tomorrow. Still it might ultimately be the way to go.

  3. Seeing as Christmas is upon us and this is my first as a tree muncher. Is there a vegan alternative to Terry's Chocolate Orange? It's one of the best things about Christmas. I can let it go but I sure as hell don't want to.

    Whilst I'm at it has there been a vegan chocolate assortment box? Vegan quality street alternative type deal.

  4. I've just finished Mulan and thought it was phenomenal. Easily the best Disney film I've seen in years IMO and way better than all the other remakes they have done so far. But then I do like Martial Arts films more than the average bear and also stunningly beautiful set design.

  5. 15 minutes ago, chokeout said:

    I'm more curious about King Kong vs Godzilla. It was filmed before the last Godzilla film, was supposed to be released a year ago and no one has seen a frame of it yet. How often does that happen with a big blockbuster film

    Well if it's as dog shit as the last Godzilla film then that might be why.

  6. 1 hour ago, Wideload90 said:


    Name a bad episode, I know you won't find one...

    The Jimmy Jab Games II - season 7 ep 4 is truly awful but in general I agree B99 is incredibly consistent.

    S7 is only a fiver on Amazon Prime right now if like me you're fed up of waiting for Netflix.

  7. Batman. As a kid I thought he was rubbish. No super powers and he's essentially a silly rich berk. I read Knightfall in my late teens and completely flipped and hes now my favourite comic character.

    Westerns, couldn't stand the thought of watching them as a kid. I would swear blind they were all boring and utterly tedious. Then I watched A Fistful of Dollars at Uni and it blew my mind. Now I can't get enough of them.

    Wham!, if you told 15 year old edgelord Korn listening DEF that he'd be in love with Wham! in his thirties he'd have laughed in your face and told you to do one. But they are amazing pop.

    Meat. I was the kind of dick that would refer to Vegetarians Tree Huggers (still am) and couldn't possibly imagine not eating meat. Now I've been Vegan for nearly a year.

  8. Had my first Beyond Burger earlier. Holy crap they are good. Easily the best imitation meat I've had. Really knocked my socks off. A fiver for 2 burgers is steep but I'd pay a tenner they are so good.

  9. My Daughter says it was Archer. So it probably will be. Also she really liked the Hangover skits even though she hasn't the foggiest what the Hangover is.

    I thought it was a middling episode myself. It did enough right to get us to next week where hopefully we'll have a killer go home show for 'Winter is Coming' (yeah I don't get why that works as a title either but it's certainly a reference casual modern fans will get)

    Really quite impressed by Top Flight. They seem to be what I wanted Private Party to be in the ring.

    Thunder Rosa is ace.

    Pac should have probably dominated that a bit more before the Family interfered for the DQ imo.

    Anyone see Britt Baker's Waiting Room talk show on Dark? Brilliant idea that wasn't quite executed well because the angle was meh (TH3). But they built a proper old school style set like the barbershop or Piper's Pit. It looked ace and has tons of potential particularly as Britt is top notch with those poser promos and cut downs.


  10. The Vow - NowTV

    9 part documentary about the Nxivm sex cult that Alison Mack was in. Utterly mental. It goes into detail of what happened and how Nxivm used self help to create a horrific pyramid of abuse. It has crazy amount of footage from the actual place because Keith Raniere (the cults master) had his people document absolutely everything. It's really interesting but it's way way too long. If you are interested I would skip eps 6 and 7 as it really rehashs a lot of stuff.

    Seduced: Inside The Nxivm Sex Cult - StarsPlay/Amazon

    This one started the week after The Vow finished but is from the perspective of one of the indoctrinated slaves. Much more palatable 4 episodes in length and I think because of that it's the better of the two. Having said that I'd recommend watching The Vow first. 

    Both are fascinating and you won't get the full picture watching one or the other. Some of the stuff this guy says in front of hundreds of people cheering him is absolutely unfathomable. 

  11. I'm pretty sure Lance Archer is Kingston's next feud. Certainly it's set up and the promo Archer cut on Dark pretty much said it.

    I don't see it happening but I'd love Kingston to win. But it's got to be Kingston quitting in reality. He's such an incredible talker that on Wednesday he will just talk himself out of the lose. My guess is that's exactly why they went with the stip. He's teflon as a heel and as a top notch talker.

    They will batter each other to death and he'll look like a psychopath but lose. Then Wednesday come out with as much fire and hate in his eyes as ever.

    Re: kids watching wrasslin these days. My Daughter is now 10 and will watch bits and Bob's of WWE. Particularly PPVs but has little time for the TV.

    Where as she can't get enough of Dynamite. She's properly invested in pretty much everyone on the show and we watch it together every week without fail. Doesn't like Dark much though to be fair.

    I use her as my barometer for how casuals think about angles and also compare her to how us lot think in the thread. I can tell you this much she believes Kingston is dangerous as hell and doesn't give a monkeys how he dresses. MJF infuriates her. Also she thought Miro looked like a beast in his match against Trent. She's pretty big on the idea of seeing Archer, Hager, Miro and Wardlow in a four way. But most importantly and I can't stress this enough, she loves John Silver.

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