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Posts posted by DEF

  1. My Dad died on Friday. Ben Spiller was a pretty great guy. I can't claim he's an actual celebrity but it's possible if you are from the Reading area you'd know him. He won the pride of Reading award in 2017. He organised the Reading Toy Run every Christmas for over 30 years.

    Bikers would assemble on mass at the Foster Wheeler building and ride together to the Barnardos School High Close with toys that got distributed all over the country to children that otherwise probably wouldn't get anything.

    It is a local spectacle the signifys the start of Christmas for many local families. The pavements literally fill with people watching the parade of 2000+ bikers.

    Through the Toy Run he raised millions for charity and more importantly made sure that needy children had a toy at Christmas all over the UK. It ment a lot to him to get those kids toys and every year it was possible that's what happened. They are the guiness world record holders for Toy Runs and i couldn't be more proud of him.





  2. 3 minutes ago, Cutting Edge of Bluntness said:

    BBFC had problems with that scene for years, haven't gotten around to the Disney+ version yet but the BBFC cuts are shown here.




    It was also cut to get an R rating by the MPAA. I've not checked out the Disney + version but it could well be the R rated Theatrical cut. The uncut Directors cut has been out here on bluray for years.

  3. I dunno, cut out a lot of the needless slow mo and some of the extraneous scenes and I think you could get it down to 3 hours which would have been fine for theatrical then bung this out as a Directors Cut.

    I was really surprised with how good it was. Honestly I expected a BvS style mess. But its definitely the best DCU film. Doesn't rival top tier Marvel but it gets a thumbs leaning up from me. Only real complaints are the colour pallet is really tedious and for a character that runs faster than the speed of light The Flash sure does move slowly.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Herne's Son said:

    I got both of them over Christmas, both are awesome and look great. Waiting for the right moment to buy  EARTHRISE Scorponok so I can have him fight...er displayed next to Omega.

    I'm under the impression that Scorponok should be getting another run around May. It will make it a heck of a lot easier to get hold of.

  5. Such a shame they borked the finish because I thought it was really ace fun up until the wet fart. At least they can get creative with sound effects and editing when they recap it on Wednesday. I felt terrible for Eddie having to sell that.

  6. Super hyped for the show tonight so why not bung out some predictions:

    -AEW WORLD Title. Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match

    Kenny Omega (c) Vs Jon Moxley

    Mix will take some time off.

    - AEW Tag Team Titles:

    The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & MJF) Vs The Young Bucks (c)

    I don't think the Bucks are ready to drop the titles yet. Unless they hot potato it between the two teams.

    - Street Fight

    Sting & Darby Allin Vs Team Taz (Ricky Starks and Brian Cage)

    I can't see Sting doing the favours in his first match.

    -Women's Title

    Hikaru Shida (c) Vs Ryo Mizunami

    Ryo doesn't really have any momentum so I don't see Shida losing. Should be a good one though.

    -Winner gets the loser's 1st quarter earnings

    Hangman Adam Page Vs Matt Hardy

    I think there's more story if Hardy cheats to win.

    -Face of the Revolution Ladder match. Winner gets a future TNT Title shot

    Cody Rhodes Vs Penta vs Scorpio Sky Vs Lance Archer Vs Max Caster Vs TBA

    Because everybody dies.

    -Miro & Kip Sabian Vs Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor

    Hopefully we can all move on from this.

    -Casino Tag Battle Royale for a future tag title shot

    PAC/Fenix Vs Top Flight Vs Private Party Vs Butcher & Blade Vs Santana & Ortiz Vs Grayson/Uno Vs Silver & Reynolds Vs So Cal Uncensored 

    Because Johnny HUNGY!

    Plus . . . Some big announcement. . . TNA style. . . .Maybe. 

    Christian Cage

    He seems like the most likely and I really don't want to see Kurt kill himself.

  7. I love how much it made me care about Wanda and to a lesser extent Vision. My ten year old daughter absolutely loved it. She couldn't have less knowledge of old black and white sitcoms but it hooked her like you wouldn't believe. We watched Age of Ultron and all the Xmen films off the back of it.


  8. 1 minute ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Did anybody see that report the other day that WB are looking at getting JJ Abrams to make a trilogy of Superman films? 

    My understanding is that he's producing Supe's with Michael B Jordan starring. Well up for that. JJ is much safer pair of hands than Zack Snyder and making Supes black really adds a new element to the story.

  9. 9 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I mean, Christian IS great. His matches are always fun and he has decent singles efforts as well as tag.

    He’s just not what jumps to mind when you hear the ‘biggest scoop ever’.

    I bet he’d have some brilliant matchesWWe with the AEW roster. Christian/Omega could be heaps of fun.

    Agreed, I really like Christian and I'd be happy as pie for him to have another upper mid card flirt in WWE or AEW but if he's the surprise then they have really over cooked their eggs. 

    No matter how much I like him he's mainly been positioned as an upper mid carder in WWE and also has that awful TNA stink still on him. The reason Show is a wow signing is because he doesn't have that stink and is a perennial main eventer for WWE (and he's ace)

    I also really don't want it to be Kurt or Foley. Kurt because he was so immobile on his last run it was genuinely sad and worrying. Foley just because he can't possibly work and he's a bit creepy when not in character.

  10. I'm sure some of you have heard the background of this but I thought it was pretty cool and worth a thread. Over lockdown Edgar Wright wrote to Martin Scorsese and asked him if he had any recommendations for favourites of lesser seen British Cinema.

    Scorsese sent him a healthy list and asked for some recommendations from Wright in return. This led Wright to sharing both lists with Tarantino and they all seem to have had a blast going down the rabbit hole.

    Yesterday I listened to an ace 3hr Empire podcast with Wright and Tarantino discussing some films and Tarantino recommended some more films.

    Myself I've only seen 9 of these films so I'm going to do my best to give as many of them a shot as I can.

    Here's Scorsese's list




    Here's Wright's reply



    And finally Tarantino's podcast picks


    I've spent the night cross referencing the various available sources for the films and thought some of you might like a guide of where to look. If it says BD next to it assume there is also a DVD available. The ones in green are the films I've seen.

    If any of you stumble on any sources not mentioned let me know. A couple of the Blurays and DVDs might be out of print and I can't find Johnny Nobody anywhere.


    Kind Hearts and Coronets – BD/ Amazon Instant

    Station Six Sahara – BD/Amazon Instant

    Brief Ecstasy – DVD/Amazon Instant

    The Halfway House – BD/Amazon Instant

    Went The Day Well – BD/Amazon Instant

    Nowhere To Go – DVD

    The Nanny – BD/DVD

    Madonna Of The Seven Moons – DVD/YouTube

    The Man in Grey – BD/Amazon Instant

    So Long At The Fair – DVD/YouTube

    A Stolen Face – DVD/YouTube

    Spaceways – YouTube

    Four Sided Triangle – DVD/YouTube

    The Sound Barrier – BD/Amazon Instant

    This Happy Breed – BD

    Guns at Batasi – BD

    Green For Danger – BD

    The Mind Benders – BD

    To The Public Danger – YouTube

    It Always Rains on Sundays – BD/Amazon Instant

    The Long Good Friday – BD/Amazon Instant

    A High Wind in Jamaica – BD

    The Queen of Spades – BD

    Hue and Cry – BD/Amazon Instant

    Pink String & Sealing Wax – BD/Amazon Instant

    The Blue Lamp – BD/Amazon Instant

    The Good Die Young – BD/Amazon Instant

    Mandy – BD/Amazon Instant

    Vampyres – BD/Amazon Instant

    Uncle Silas – YouTube

    The Legend of Hell House – BD/Amazon Instant

    Night of the Eagle aka Burn Witch Burn - BD

    The Flesh and the Fiends – BD/YouTube

    The Snorkel – BD

    Taste of Fear – BD

    The Damned – BD

    The Plague of the Zombies – BD

    The Quatermass Experiment – BD/Amazon Prime

    Quatermass and the Pit – BD

    Doctor Jeykl & Sister Hyde – BD

    The Devil Rides Out - BD

    The Asphyx – BD/Amazon Prime

    The Underground - BD

    Shooting Stars – BD

    Sapphire – DVD/YouTube

    Whistle and I'll Come to You – Youtube/DVD

    Dead of Night – BD/Amazon Instant

    Enfield Haunting – DVD/Amazon Instant

    The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne – BD

    The Pumpkin Eater – BD

    The Innocents – BD

    The Seventh Veil – Amazon Prime

    Yield To The Night – BD/Amazon Instant


    Edgar Wright

    Tales From The Crypt – BD

    Asylum - BD

    From Beyond the Grave – BD/Amazon Instant

    The League of Gentlemen – BD

    Frieda – DVD/Amazon Instant

    Pool of London – BD/Amazon Instant

    Victim – BD

    No Trees In The Street – DVD/Amazon Instant

    Seance on a Wet Afternoon - BD

    Hell Drivers - BD

    The World Ten Times Over – OOP DVD?

    The Small World of Sammy Lee – BD/Amazon Instant

    Ice Cold In Alex – BD/Amazon Instant

    Waterloo Road - DVD

    Whistle Down The Wind - DVD

    Passport to Shame – BD/Amazon Instant

    The Flesh is Weak - DVD

    Bitter Harvest - DVD

    That Kind of Girl - BD

    The Pleasure Girls - BD

    Beat Girl aka Wild For Kicks – BD/Amazon Prime

    The Beauty Jungle - DVD

    What Have You Done To Solange? – BD

    A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin – BD

    All the Colours of the Dark – BD

    Murder! – BD/DVD

    Quentin Tarantino

    The Saint In London – DVD OOP/

    Action in Arabia – DVD OOP/ok.ru

    The Hidden Room aka Obsession - DVD

    Murder without Crime - DVD

    Pandora and the Flying Dutchman - BD

    The Yellow Balloon – DVD/Amazon Instant

    The Night My Number Came Up - BD

    Johnny Nobody - ?

    All Night Long - BD

    Strongroom – DVD OOP/ Youtube

    The Idol - Youtube



  11. 44 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    But also, would you say it about other things? If you can listen to an album on Youtube for free, is there any point in supporting the artist? If you like a wrestler, but you can see them wrestle online, is there any point in buying a show they're on or going to see them live? In a lot of those cases, we support the artists that we like. What you're coming across as saying is that they're not worth supporting. And plenty of people think that they are, and that their work is worth it. 

    This drives me nuts about society in general. The amount of people that give me shit or at the very least seem bothered by the fact I actually pay for things I value is really troubling.

    But in my experience there is a ridiculous amount of people that wouldn't spend money on any or most of the things you listed there but also take it for free AND have the gall to do it with the attitude that it's their right. It's not so much piracy that bugs me as they clearly were never going to pay for it but it's the attitude that some how I'm in the wrong for actually supporting the artists.

    The way I see it the majority of my pay goes on stuff that isn't fun in the slightest I actually really like the fact what I can spend freely goes on art like film, tv, comics, music, podcasts.


  12. 5 hours ago, chokeout said:

    The search is a bit shit at the min but looking through the all movies option from the main page (which hasn't updated the genres so no horror or thriller category yet) there's some good stuff. The Fly is available, Tombstone!, The color of money,Millers Crossing, Quizshow, Die Hard 2,3 and 4 but not 1, which I'm assuming is because Sky has it at the min, same with Aliens and Predator films. 

    Happy with that so far. 


    There's a thriller category for me but no Horror.

    Die Hards not on the US version either from what I hear.

    There's a fair few films I'll give a go but I'm pretty disappointed by the lack of classic TV. Particularly sitcoms when you consider the huge amount that have been on ABC.


  13. 5 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    I'm sure they'll be some marketing answer that it is to evoke memories of Adam West, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just so they don't get Pepsi Challenged.  By making them visually distinctive in such a severe way it saves a ton of gotcha YouTube videos.  "These people said they loved the new Snyder Cut clips we showed them, but actually they were from the original" sort of thing.

    I've seen a YouTube clip where he claims he's done it because he wanted to shoot the whole thing for IMAX and that because superheroes are a more vertical presence than horizontal bar maybe superman flying he thinks it suits them better in that ratio. Bunch of arse if you ask me.

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