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Posts posted by DEF

  1. Had my first vaccine shot this morning. In and out in about 15 minutes. Really well organised. Was surprised how little I felt it. It's barely a scratch. No side effects as best I can tell. I'm a little tired but that's probably the 5 hours I got last night.

    The internet tells me I'm not supposed to drink for 2 weeks to help my immune system which has not amused me. I miss beer and it's only been 24 hours since I had a tinny.

  2. 1 minute ago, Just Some Guy said:

    It doesn't have to be one or the other.

    It might be just, you know, alright.

    Oh yeah it might be but I think leaning towards the negative is probably less delusional than being one of those nutters on Twitter that think it will be the second coming. Personally can't wait to see it and hope it will be good but I'm certainly not expecting it to be.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I am a Marvel Fan (grew up on the comics), but I also appreciate proper cinema as well and I completely get what he is saying. But I just want to point out all Marvel fans aren't complete idiots. It's not like being a Tory where they have no redeeming qualities.

    Nah course not. I'm a die hard marvel fan but the internet marvel fans Dev is referring to are the same as any dopey internet hardcore fan base.

    Like dem wans that think Dolph Ziggler should be world champ or that Zack Synder's Justice League will be a masterpiece rather than an absurd car crash or metal fans that are up in arms when they get the same one of five bands in headline slot at a festival instead of some obscure death metal.

    It's just that those berks are the loudest fans on the internet.

    It's perfectly plausible to be a sane, rational fan of all of things unlike being a Tory.

  4. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    To clarify, by “Special” I meant unique, not good. Marvel films are very much cookie cutter films as much as all blockbusters are, even more so in fact. On the flip side I think it shows how “Old School” and a dying breed Scorsese is, as there is no way a studio would’ve shelled out that budget for a film like The Irishman and in my opinion that will be to the detriment of cinema. 
    But yeah, Snyder is shite. 

    Are well yeah fair enough unique, I'm with you. But I'd argue they are unique in so much as they are the only studio to nail that particular formula and do it so well and successfully repeatedly.

    Re Scorsese as a dying breed. I'm not so sure. I think it's cyclical. Auteurs will always have a successful place in film but I'd suggest maybe less so in actual cinemas. Which of course is a shame as a cinema is still the best place to see a film IMO.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Yes it does, which made it even funnier when Marvel fans moaned about their films not being taken seriously, so when Marty took them seriously and pointed out they aren’t special or art, they didn’t like it. 

    I guess that's one way to look at it. The other being that what he was saying basically means that all studio films aren't art or special. Which is bollocks IMO. But I agree anyone that gets mad at an opinion of a film is funny and daft. If a film is good it's special doesn't really matter how it got made. (and art is subjective but we already had that argument)

  6. This is intriguing. The idea of beans near a crumpet seems utterly bizarre to me. I must be very vanilla in crumpet consumption. It always struck me as a butter, cheese or syrup choice (ok marmite I guess). Are there other go to options I'm oblivious to? I still think beans can fuck off but are there others?

  7. 7 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    It's alright as a bit of nostalgia but obviously as a serious documentary it was never going to stand up. I enjoyed it though, much like the similar action film one that just popped up on Prime.

    Yeah that's pretty much how I felt but I liked the action one much more. It was tighter and there's way less documentaries on Action than horror.

    I second the Horror Noire documentary recommendation now that's a belter of a film doc.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    If anyone here is a Shudder subscriber then I would strongly recommend In Search of Darkness, a documentary on 80's Horror. At just over 4 hours, it covers a lot of ground. Dozens of films are covered, some well known, some not so much. Talking heads include John Carpenter, Stuart Gordon, Joe Dante and Larry Cohen. 

    Will be watching the Tom Savini documentary next. 

    It's very long and boils down to people saying 'remember this' over and over again. I didn't hate it but it's pretty shallow.

  9. 2 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

    Because he has show fuck all to be excited about so far. I like Miro, I thought he was great in WWE and I have high hopes he could be in AEW but present his character is a mess and he is failing to make me give a shit about him.

    That is personal opinion, yes others have stated the same but there are also plenty of people who are enjoying his work. Wrestling is subjective and fickle. 

    Yep but everyone and their dog said the same thing about Kenny. Yes it's been a shite start for Miro but that doesn't mean he can't/won't get there. In a years time if he's still done nothing of worth then I'll be less positive but it's still very early days.

  10. I spoke to my bemused mate about wordsfromlee collecting shopping lists last night and he revealed that when his missus isn't looking he adds stuff to her shopping lists like 'strap on' and 'doubled ender'. So it makes me wonder how colourful these lists get in general?

  11. I collect loads of stuff but I'm particularly proud of my stuff from the greatest film in cinema history.

    Grease 2

    Adrian Zmed autograph aka Johnny Nogerelli


    Glorious autographed photo of Maxwell Caulfield aka what they say if they knew he was Michael


    Dody Goodman autograph aka Blanche


    Cheeky autographed photo of Lorna Luft aka Paulette


    Autographed Lobby card of Connie Steven's aka Miss Mason


    Personalised autograph from Eddie Deezen aka Eugene


    The book


    An original film print of the trailer shown in cinemas back in the day.


    I've also got a bunch of the original lobby cards and the original theatrical poster. I will always kick myself for not having the disposable cash to buy two pages of the original storyboards that were up on ebay a few years ago.

    EDIT - can't get spoiler tags to work for all the life of me. Sorry for the huge post.

  12. This week was a bit of a clusterfuck but an enjoyable one none the less. That opening segment had me buzzing more than I ever thought possible. I'm desperate for Hangman to do an Austin style superhero run in save for the Dark Order.

    Trouble with that is you would need an even bigger group of crazy high profile heels to put them in real jeopardy. It would have to be a (fully heel) Elite/Impact Club doing it. Just imagine the DO all battered to death with blood pouring down John Silver's terrified face then out comes the sexy cowboy to save the day.

    The main event was good fun but I nearly cacked myself when Jericho miss timed/bodged the lionsault. There's no need for him to even consider doing that anymore.

  13. I really liked Earthrise up until about half way through where it really lost me. I need to give it another watch but I just don't think it worked. Not really looking forward to Kingdom now because I don't have much interest in Beast Wars. Doesn't mean it won't be good but I doubt I'll get nearly as hyped for it.

  14. 2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Mrs Jazzy and I watched Bad Boys For Life earlier this evening. Couple of amusing jokes, but it felt like somebody had been given the brief to make a Michael Bay film, and a couple of them for reference then was left to it. 

    It was ok until the third act then it sunk so so deep in the toilet it was infuriating.

  15. B-Movie icon Julie Strain has died aged 58. Early onset dementia apparently. Long term partner of TMNT creator Kevin Eastman has confirmed the dementia.

    Last week or so I had heard that she had passed but that turned out to be false and it seems she has passed in the last day or so.

    She was probably best known for being a Penthouse Pet and the series of glorious action movies directed by Andy Sidaris she was in. Wierdly the bluray of Fit To Kill turned up at my flat just yesterday.

    Personally my favourite of her films that I've seen is Psycho Cop Returns.


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