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Posts posted by DEF

  1. Not really sure where to post this but tomorrow Bill and Ted Face The Music comes out in the US. I'm pretty desperate to see it and have no problem paying for it. Anyone know if I used a VPN I could rent it on Amazon.com or something? Anyone else got a plan to see it? I've got a PS4, Laptop and a firestick.

    EDIT - gone with getting expressvpn and renting it on Vudu. Hopefully I haven't just thrown away 30 quid.

  2. 2 hours ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    The series most certainly peaked with the first film (even though I've never been a fan of it) 

    X-Men 2, Logan and X-Men First Class are are far and away better than X-Men it's not even close.

    I thought Dark Pheonix was meh. Slightly better than Last Stand but pretty uninteresting. But loses point for not having Vinnie Jones hilarious 'I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!'.

  3. 7 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    The TF highlight was picking up the platinum Intel Ops set - Blaster, three tapes and Perceptor. £45 from eBay. Box is much better condition than it looked on the listing, I’m delighted with it.

    Ah mate that's awesome. Absolute bargain. Really want that set myself.

  4. 48 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    It is annoying. We made it through five series of Elementary on Prime, only to find we'd have to pay to watch the last 2. I actually almost wished we still had Sky so we could have watched it, and Modern Family. If NowTV wasn't so damned expensive I'd probably be going for a few months of that to get them finished off. 

    If you are just interested in the Entertainment package it's £7.99 a month. Probably way cheaper than buying the 2  Elementary seasons on Amazon.

  5. 38 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Best post on TF gimmicks I could ever imagine.

    That was a superb read air_raid. Well done I actually completely forgot about Triggerbots and Triggercons. Also I never got a play with Quickswitch but he always looked rubbish you're right. Never seen those combiner Cassettes. They look great fun. I'm a fan or the Powermasters. Always loved the gimmick but you're right it's a pain in the arse if they you lose bits.

  6. Didn't hit the event nearly as hard this weekend on Earth Wars but still managed to get three new 3* Bots. One of which I have literally no knowledge of, Sentius Magnus. Then Goldfire. But one that made me chuffed to bits. 3* Optimus Prime!

    Also got my HQ to 11 and I'm now waiting for 3 days as my ship Upgrades to level 6. 7 bots will make all the difference.

    How did everyone else do?





  7. I've no idea if this has been brought up already but the Netflix doc The Speed Cubers is tremendous. It's only 40 minutes and it's well worth your time. It's about the Rubik's Cube speed championships. Holy fuck I love docs about subgenres I don't know much about and this is the epitome of that. But also about remarkable people.


  8. Just now, HarmonicGenerator said:

    We watched them all over lockdown. I’d seen the first before, as well as from Ghost Protocol onwards; other half had only seen Fallout.

    My code is 6, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2. Particularly enjoyed Ghost Protocol more on a rewatch, and wasn’t expecting to like III as much as I did, but have to say neither of us had much fun at all with II. Couldn’t get on with that one.

    Can’t wait for VII.

    Yeah II is definitely the one that most don't like I find. I think if it weren't for the 3rd act onwards it would be a really tough watch. But like I said I REALLY like it from that point on and it makes me forget the bits that are a bit of a slog early on.

  9. Just finished our now annual watch of all the films over the last week or so. As usual utterly superb. My kid is as big a mark for Tom Cruise's run as anyone. I absolutely love watching them with her.

    Obviously spoilers below....

    This time round I think I've swapped my favourite from III to Rogue Nation but they are so consistent that I'd be shocked if they all rotate into the top spot sooner or later.

    I've really started to love Ghost Protocol now. It's not that I didn't like it on release but just not as much and if you had asked me last week which was the weakest I'd have argued between it and 1 & 2. Now I'm really not sure I can make that argument.

    I think I've come to the conclusion that the franchise is the most consistent film franchise in history. I mean there are longer running franchises that have more good/great films but they always have the odd duff one mixed in with them. In my view they need at least 6 films as good as the MI franchise to qualify.

    I can see an argument for the Fast and the Furious but as much as I love them and I really do they are a notch below MI IMO.

    Rocky shit the bed with that one we don't talk about.

    Friday the 13th is a good shout providing the franchise is your cup of tea but Jason Goes To Hell screws that up because it's utter garbage.

    Anyway back to MI. I've been mulling over best fight scene and whilst the Bathroom scene in Fallout is a very close number two I think my favourite is the Rogue Nation one when Ethan has to shimmy up the pole and tags with Ilsa.

    Being a 80s/90s kid and having the BBFC butcher everything let alone allow stuff like either of these two scenes boggles my mind. I think it's the sense of jeopardy that makes me lean towards the Rogue Nation one but honestly the Fallout scene is so good that it I could easily flip flop on that any moment of any day.

    The other thing I wanted to mention was the scene in Fallout where Ethan saves the random Police Women outside the garage. It's one my favourite character moments. It crystallised what an absolute hero Ethan is in one scene. What a guy.

    Lastly I don't think this gets talked about enough. Now you might think I'm nuts but I think MI II is amazing. Its definitely too poe faced but it makes up for it for the cheesetastic action at the end. It's probably my favourite third act action sequences in any of them.

    From the moment Ethan snatches the Virus and starts his trade mark run out of the bunker in classic John Woo style it just gives me all the smiles.

    My Daughter actually turned to and said 'what a guy!' and you know what I'm totally with her. The only thing that derails some the action in MI II (providing you like John Woo's style) is the odd bit of nutty wire fu like when Ethan does a flash kick and what not.


  10. I'm properly bitter about them. I got a lot of second hand toys as a kid bar Christmas and Birthdays.

    On the rare occasion I was allowed the run of the Transformers section of Beaties I found a lone Mindwipe on the shelves. One of my favourite Decepticons from Rebirth and I had him in my hands until I noticed those stupid fucking Pretenders.

    I'd seen a TV advert the day before with the new cool animation and what not. Stupid STUPID Def put Mindwipe down and went for the new gimmick like the complete and utter cretin I'am. By the time I'd opened it in the car and realised I'd bought a Kinder Egg you can't fucking eat I was devastated. I never got Mindwipe,  never forgave myself and I sure as hell never forgave those shitty Pretenders.

  11. 47 minutes ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

    Wow, I'd forgotten about all three of those, and I actually had the black (Pontiac?) Sparkabot. I actually thought it was pretty cool.

    "It's too far! We'll never get there in time!"

    "Oh yeah? Check this out!" Wooooosh!!!

    I think with hindsight we let the coolness of the Transformers universe/franchise blind us a bit to some pretty ropey toys. We all wanted Megatron, but he was gash in robot mode, and anyone that had one with both arms still attached wasn't to be trusted.

    As for Pretenders......

    Fuck Pretenders. Now that's something I wish I could forget. 

    Megatron's an interesting one because as you say the robot mode was pretty shite but the cartoon made him so important that you couldn't over look that. Not to mention the alt mode being the most realistic hand gun replica I could fathom at the time. What self respecting kid doesn't want a toy that you could literally get shot for playing with in the wrong place.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

    Triple Changers were actually a bit shit, weren't they?

    Blitzwing was one of the better ones, but as much as we pretended otherwise, Springer gave you the choice of helicopter, stubby helicopter without blades, or robot with disproportionally small head.

    That Decepticon Headmaster one had a decent robot and decent jet mode, but the dinosaur mode looked like one of those that kids invent themselves halfway through transformation.

    I dunno I mean I liked Snap Dragon and loved Double Dealer. I think as long as one of the Alt modes is great I'm fine with it. Scorpanok's base mode was a bit daft looking but was so big that it didn't matter.

    I agree in so much that they often failed to really be much of a disguise. Astrotrain's train mode and Blitzwing's tank mode withstanding.

  13. Everything - The Real Thing Story - BBC iPlayer 

    Really enjoyed this. It's a great documentary about a time and band I really didn't know alot about. I mean everyone knows You and Me are Everything but I really had no idea how big a band they were. It almost feels like they were slightly erased from pop culture or at least they have been in my own limited experience. But they have done tons of cool stuff.

    It's a great look at their history but also 70s black British culture which again I haven't really been exposed to all that much. I've seen a bunch on 70s/80s black American culture but its interesting to hear about what it was like in Liverpool from a black persons perspective. Good stuff.

  14. Earth Wars Ramblings

    So I joined an alliance and took part in the event yesterday. It was hard to get a grip on exactly what I should do but it was pretty valuable experience. My alliance won the war which was nice as I was pretty useless. How often do they happen?

    Now level 31 and have a level 10 hq. It's slow going to get decent bots isn't it? I've now got 5 *3 Bots. But I just got Impactor so it's very early days getting him leveled up.

    My best is my level 32 *3 GNAW. Which I was pretty surprised to see in the Autobots but I guess seeing as the Sharticons independent of the Decepticons I guess it makes sense.

    Was wondering if I should continue to save coins now that I have all 5 build bots? Or is it just best to use them on premium crystals now?


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