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Posts posted by DEF

  1. I still remember the rented VHS tape and the tears. Oh so many tears.


    To celebrate the anniversary of TFM the awesome band Cybertronic Spree have released a new EP to their Kickstarter supporters entitled Darkest Hour. I've not listened to it yet mind you. Check your emails for a link if you have supported their kickstarter before. It will get a wider release soon so everyone can get it.

  2. 2 hours ago, TheSurgeon said:

    Terrifier 2 trailer dropped a few days ago.

    Any fans of the original?

    I only watched Terrifier for the first time last week. Absolutely loved it. It's got one of the most memorable kills in years imo and a tremendously dark sense of humour that really tickled me. I also highly recommend Art The Clown's first film appearance All Hallows Eve. It's a anthology film that is more hit than miss and Art's bits are great.

  3. I'm not sure I'll ever stop watching unless they are all outted as mass nonces/rapists but like Keith I haven't given them a penny since the Ashley Massaro rape went public. I still can't believe how they handled that. I will reevaluate once Vince carks it because I actually like paying for things I enjoy.

    As for the product, it being shit most of the time won't stop me. If 2000 era Nitro and Thunder marathons didn't break me nothing will.

  4. 3 hours ago, air_raid said:

    Was really busy so didn’t do as much as usual but was able to get to 15k for one spark crystal before work then went back to farming for resources as 20k is still a bit beyond me. Although true highlight was getting 3* Cutthroat from the free crystal.

    Nice. I was hoping to get to 15k but didn't make it. At my current level 10k was hard. What do spark crystals do? I googled it yesterday but couldn't work it out.


  5. 2 hours ago, air_raid said:


    How was the event for you in Earth Wars?

    Good and bad. On the one hand I managed to get Omega Supreme's tank and nearly level up to 25. On the other hand I just woke up because I stayed up all night grinding. It was valuable experience though because it got me to fine tune my strategies. How'd you go?

  6. 1 minute ago, Chris B said:

    This was interesting and a bit sad to learn. Netflix went non-union, so Frank Welker and Peter Cullen weren't involved. Cullen, in particular, seems sad about this.



    I won't get round to watching that until later  ut that's very disappointing. I'd bend over backwards to get both of them myself.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Just finished MTMTE and Lost Light. What a brilliant arc that was. Going in blind and watching the characters develop was a real treat, it was funny, heartbreaking and epic in equal measure. I am a total Marvel comic fan boy (spidey, xmen, avengers etc) but that was hand on my heart the best comic I have ever read. 

    I've only read Lost Light Vol1 and then gone back and done the first 4 vols of MTME but I'm starting to think the same thing. I really love it. I was trying to sell it to my best mate and the best I could come up with was its basically the Battlestar Galactica of Transformers. I genuinely think it's THAT good too.

  8. That's an incredible run down Air_Raid. Great work. I've never read much of the old stuff mainly because it seemed exactly as complex as all that.

    I've just finished Netflix's War For Cybertron and my spoiler free review is it's ace. Probably the best Transformers show since Beast Wars (that I've seen) and frankly I loved it. I have a couple of minor quibbles like the occasional bit of animation physics but overall tremendous stuff.

  9. Been playing Earth Wars for nearly a week now and I'm pretty hooked. Spaffed 20 quid on it when I swore I wouldn't when I started. Struggling to get 3* bots. I have two so far and I'm level 19. That seem about right or am I screwing this up? Also what's the point of joining an alliance? I've not bothered so far as I'm not sure I'd be good enough.

    In other news tomorrow the Netflix TF series goes up and I can't wait. I suspect I'll binge it in one day.

  10. 4 hours ago, air_raid said:


    In an amusing twist, Ladybird just got a mention in the newest part of the story written by Simon Furman for the Earth Wars mobile game. They’re doing a multiverse arc - in last nights Autobot transmission it was revealed Chromia was trapped in a “short-lived bubble reality” called the Dreamwave-verse (LOLZ). Today we learned Dead End and Octane are retrieving Starscream from the Ladybirdbook-verse. Can you imagine??

    Right, off to burn cells.

    Nice one, now I'm addicted to another mobile game. :laugh:

    Any tips?

  11. 1 minute ago, lanky316 said:

    I've been the same in this thread kickstarting things again. In advance of War for Cybertron I've used the free time to catch up on some of the series' I'd missed out on. Currently about half way through season two of Prime and sort of surprised how watchable as a show it is, given it was sort of concurrent in releases to the Bay films I anticipated it being absolutely shit and skipped it. Pretty sure I grabbed Devastation when it was on PS+ but never played it so might give that a go.

    Funnily I've done the same with Prime. I'm only about 6 episodes in but it's pretty good all things considered. I've reinstalled Devastation as well. Never did get past Megatron so I'm going to give it another shot. I've maxed out Primes stats but not done anything with the others. Anyone know if it will make any difference if you're not actually playing as them?

  12. Do you do all the research for your posts yourself with the ladybird books and what not air_raid because they are indeed really interesting. I've got a bunch of those books knocking about but it would never even occur to me to check them out. Great stuff mate.

    This thread really kicked my TF fandom into overdrive. Haven't been interested like this since I was a teen. Picked up my first TF Earthrise toy the other day. Soundwave. It's tremendous to. It really helps that they are boxed not carded. This way I get to play with them and not just stare at them in the packaging. Ordered Spinister this morning. I can tell this is going to become a problem.

    I'm just finishing up Vol 4 of MTME. It keeps getting better honestly. The world and character building is top.


  13. 4 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

    I've only ever seen the Taco Bell version, and got it on VHS almost immediately after it was released...

    I could be wrong but  I think the UK had the Taco Bell version at the very least at the rental stage as that's the one I'd rent constantly. I think the Pizza Hut version was in the rest of Europe. Strange we didn't get that though.

  14. 3 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    I'm 35, seen TTFTM hundreds of times and still get wet eyed and lumpy throated at Prime's death which shows you just how good it was, if controversial (BTW highly recommend getting the 30th Anniversary BluRay, the transfer on it is absolutely stunning)

    Agreed. Every time it gets me. Tonight included. I'm pretty sure that's the case for a generation. The bluray is pretty great. I just wish it carried across the previous special features.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    I love demolition man but it can't just be me that considers its plot generally a bit thin. 

    Having not seen it in a few years I can still remember nearly every scene of that film but couldn't tell you why evil future dude has gone to all the trouble of using snipes to kill someone because it ultimately wasn't that important to enjoying the film or the continuing Spartan & Phoenix showdowns in a fish out of water world. 

    It's also got a gorgeous Sandra Bullock talking about licking ass, so that's a +1.

    By memorable I probably should have said memorable and simple. I mean the plot is that two badasses get frozen and wake up in the future and all hell breaks loose. Memorable and simple.

    Edit - It's why John Wick worked so well. Guy loses wife, gets dog, bad guys kill dog, all hell breaks loose. Action movies are at there best when they don't get bogged down.

  16. 1 minute ago, mim731 said:

    I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it's intended as a comedy or a parody as such. Connery's accent is pretty ropey. That said the staircase scene is, I believe, a homage to a similar scene in Battleship Potemkin. 

    This. It just doesn't really hold up well unless you forgive a bunch of stuff.

  17. Just now, quote the raven said:

    I just finished watching and wheel jack deserved a on screen death. 

    I was watching it when I posted that. SO dark. My wife turned to me after it and asked would it have been better if they hadn't off'd them all with little reverence and kept Prime alive? (Paraphrasing)

    To be honest I think it's a big reason why it's so indelible in the hearts and minds of goofs like me. Even if it was only because the execs had no idea anybody actually cared about the characters and wanted to shift a new line of toys.

    Prime's death is incredibly well handled for full emotional impact. If he wasn't real to a kid before that then he damn well was after it. Is there another toyline cartoon that has had THAT sort of emotional impact since or before I'm not sure and I think it helped galvanise a fan base that maybe would have walked away otherwise because it made it damn real.

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