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Posts posted by DEF

  1. 1 minute ago, quote the raven said:

    I also went down the transformers collecting rabbit hole. 

    How do so many companies get away with 3rd party models? Also if you start collecting a range, can you mix and match or does that throw the scale out? Looks like mine field 

    I was wondering that. Why don't Hasbro kick off? Seems mental. Looking on Ebay there is an insane amount of them. They look great to but I can't allow myself to fall down that rabbit hole. 

  2. Just now, quote the raven said:

    This turned up today... I’m blaming DEF 


    A wise choice sir. I'm also going to crack that on today. It's been a couple of years. For some dumb reason I collect different releases of it. I think I have something like 14 versions from VHS, DVD, UMD and Bluray.

  3. 1 minute ago, Chris B said:

    No, it's not just you. Not all of the characters are well-known, and there are a LOT of them. I'm probably going to reread it all at some point, specifically because of this - I know I lost track in places.

    By the way, MTMTE/Lost Light Cyclonus is one of the biggest badasses in comics. Superb stuff.

    I read Volume 1 of MTME last night and agree it is a little confusing at first but I found as it went on started to get the hang of it. Highly enjoyable read too. It's really well written IMO.

    Swerve is my current favourite but Cyclonus is incredibly intriguing.

  4. I'm probably going to get a bit of a bollocking from my better half but I've just preordered this bad boy on Amazon.

    Some folk have already got it from the US and it's as big as Fortress Maximus. I've seen photos of it next to the original which was probably the best thing Father Christmas ever got me and it absolutely dwarfs it.

    Screenshot_20200710-104921_Amazon Shopping.jpg

  5. Just now, Frankie Crisp said:

    You can’t be on about Mission: Impossible not having memorable plots/stories, surely?

    Well if you are comparing them to the greatest action movies of all time, yes. Die Hard, Predator, Terminator, Demolition Man, Con Air, John Wick etc. The stories of those films are absolutely as memorable as the action. Those IM films are interchangeable in that regard. Absolutely top notch action but you can't possibly argue they are on their level because the stories just don't mean as much. Not that they aren't good stories but they aren't nearly as memorable and important.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Frankie Crisp said:

    I got old and assumed the glory days were behind me and then we get served with the films you mentioned. I mention the Mission: Impossible films in conversation to mates who dismiss them as some flyaway nothingness. I need better mates.

    To be fair they don't have memorable plots. Great/good action films yes but not exactly memorable stories.

  7. I went to Amsterdam back when I was 19 and whilst all my mates were getting high I drank a bunch of beer and bought myself Trypticon from a local comic shop. Also the only time I ever saw ECW action figures.

    Regarding the bay films. Its actually responsible for nearly killing my love of transformers. The first film I think actually has about an hour of a good film in it somewhere. But every sequel just got worse and worse. The last bay directed one was the last straw.

    I care about Optimus Prime's character traits possibly to an unhealthy degree. Having him execute Decepticons and what not made me feel really horrible and turned me right off Transformers for a long time. Not only that but it was a horrifically shit film too. To the point it made me really angry.

    Bumblebee was really good mind you and it really helped start mending my interest in the franchise. I haven't been collecting the toys for years but I bought a couple on a whim last year and I got the proper itch again. That's partly why I started this thread. When I'm discussing or reading about stuff I like it fires me up.

    Re the Headmasters Japanese series. I actually have the complete DVD boxset somewhere. Had it for probably about 15 years and never cracked it open. They any good? Always thought it might be a slog not having the characters proper voices.

    Can't help with a Sub version but here's a dub

    Transformers - Headmasters Watch Cartoons Online.tv

  8. 3 hours ago, BigJag said:


    The book in the above link will be released at the end of the month. The author had a hand in creating the G1 cartoon. I believe I've heard the guys name, Flint Dille, before. Although I may be getting it confused with Floro Deery who did a lot of concept art for TFTM.


    It says Ultra Magnus at the top of this piece. To me the character looks more like Galavatron or a Junkion.

    In the Transformers For Beginners vid for Ultra Magnus they cover this. It was the original design by the animators of the cartoon (slight hang over, could have been comic) before Hasbro presented them the toy. The theory is they then just used the design for Orion Pax.

    Even after that in the Japanese promo reel for TFM, Magnus hadn't had the colours confirmed by Hasbro so he appears in red and black like the original Japanese toy. See at about the 2.22 mark.


  9. 1 hour ago, air_raid said:

    At the very least I believe it got a release in Japan, all of the tracks are on YouTube with different cover art for each series with Japanese style text everywhere. I noted the official title for the awesome combat theme lifted straight of the movie (from the Unicron medley, plays during his attack of Cybertron, similar melody to Megatron Must Be Stopped) is Call Of The Primitives - it plays during that episode at the point of transition between the genesis of Tornitron and the battle on the moon. It basically should play whenever Cons are laying waste to anything.

    I did abit of googling and apparently they released the soundtrack on limited edition vinyl a couple of years back but only on vinyl.

    Re Cybertronic Spree they are great fun. They did a crowdfunding campaign for the TFTM soundtrack cover album that they did last year which I contributed to. Honestly it doesn't touch the proper ost. But they are incredibly fun with their normal 80s covers and look incredible live. I'd love to see them live.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    This sounds utterly horrifying, you bloody wrong'un. 

    The scores from the LOTR trilogies are fantastic.  

    It's an acquired taste. Also Tubular Bells will shit you right up in the middle of nowhere 3am with the right fog and lighting. It's great fun.

  11. Just watched the first 10 eps of that Transformers for Beginners YouTube and its incredibly well done. Frankly I had no idea what fit in to which continuity and what not before it.

    In my head everything is G1 and I just wedge everything else into it or the Bay train wreck universe but that's probably because they are the only two I ever really watched. I pretty much finished with the cartoons after Beast Wars which in my mind is a G1 prequel.

  12. I'm particularly fond of horror scores. I work nights and have to do patrols over the grounds. Nothing better than putting Suspiria or Halloween on as I walk round in the deep fog, lit up by flood lights and sinister shadows.

    The Good The Bad and The Ugly gets a fair bit of rotation as well.

  13. Watching TKTVS right now. It really holds up. Always wondered what Alpha Trion transformed into as a kid.

    Anyways the ost score for Transformers G1 was tremendous. I get all the goosebumps from it. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing bits of it in other cartoons like Humanoids. Does anyone know if it ever got some sort of a release. I'd love to add that to my music collection.

  14. I think I'm going to whack the Key To Vector Sigma on today thanks to this thread. Haven't watched it in probably 15 years. An absolutely belting story.

    I was wondering how easy is it to get stuff like that limited Back to the Future TF toy in the UK? Do they get releases outside the US or is simply Ebay or nowt?

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