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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. And the fact that Iron Man has already 3 standalone movies, anything over 3 films is taking the piss. I know Batman had 4 the first time around, but we've discussed Batman & Robin so much that we all know it shouldn't have happened (but are secretly happy it did, the first 15mins or so are craptacular).


    I wouldn't trust that list either. Like I said before, every character now seems to have their own spinoff film. It'll get to the point that someone will have a walk on in one film then suddenly have their own film. I'm suprised Hawkeye didn't get his own after showing up in Thor for all of 15 seconds


    What the fuck has happened to Main Event. It was a real fun show in the lead up to Wrestlemania and up until around July, but last night was were I finally said "fuck this".

    The first 12 minutes were taken up by the Dusts and The Usos doing some shit Mr & Mrs style match game, and I said to myself I'll see whose in the first match (whenever that happens) otherwise I'm done. Then R-Truth came out...I didn't even bother to find out who he was going to be against

  3. With John Cena vs Randy Orton having a Number One Contenders match at the next Pay Per View, barring Elimination Chamber and Royal Rumble matches, when was the last Number 1 Contenders Match on Pay Per View?

    So Cena loses to Ambrose in a Contract on a Pole match to face Rollins and is now in a Number One Contenders match? While Ambrose, the guy who won, faces Rollins for "I beat you" Bragging Rights ?

  4. Going to his 'mainstream recognition' credentials. Try as he might to forge a name for himself with Fozzy, they will always be that band with 'Wrestling superstar/WWE superstar/WWE star....' Chris Jericho in it. Without pro wrestling, he's a nobody

  5. That's always been Jericho's problem. He thinks his achievements are bigger than what they truly are. I'm not saying I hate the guy, I don't. But he thinks himself a top10 guy when he is nowhere near

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