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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. I'm not sure I'd put Rusev & Sheamus in the Cena vs Authority match. I can't see Rusev surviving the match even if the Authority win so why put him in a position where he has to 'lose'? He could take a DQ or count out but again, what's the point? Wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback on Team Cena if he keeps squashing people for the next couple of weeks.

    Or Rusev is the sole survivor? I'm imaging some kind of interference based finish similar to the big match at SS2003, allowing Rusev to beat Cena (pinball of course as Cena doesn't submit)

  2. Watching Survivor Series 92 on the network and the opener is Headshrinkers v Owen Hart & Koko B Ware.


    Did Koko ever win a match on TV or PPV. I honestly can not think of a single time seeing him beat anybody. Even as a kid I thought "this guy doesn't beat anyone. He's rubbish"

  3. Haven't got round to his third book yet, but yes his band are what they are, and that's a band of a never-will-be rockstar in Rich Ward fronted by a pro wrestler. They will never be a credible band as long as they keep putting 'featuring WWE Superstar Chris Jericho' on everything they do.


    As for his audience numbers, that's just typical wrestler exaggeration. I assume the Download appearance he is referring to is 2012 when they played the second stage, which can not accommodate 30,000 spectators, so he's clearly just talking Brutus Beefcake levels of shit rather than admit that his band is a novelty

  4. I only just got it last month so it's all still completely new to me, but really enjoying it. Having the multiple characters is a big plus. Not sure how through it I am (last one I did had Trevor jumping out of a plane and parachuting down) as I've just been playing it and not really explored the wider world for the hidden away missions

  5. Re Jericho- it was a couple of years back. He had done some kind of appearance and fans basically rushed him on the way to his car. The woman who kept asking "can I get a picture with you?" seemed to try to get into the car with him which is when he blew his nut, and rightly so. You never what kind of mentalist your going to encounter and you shouldn't have to put up with someone getting into your car because they want a photo.

    The Rhet Titus thing looked staged, but if it wasn't then that was one one hell of a shot.

    And I love that L.A.Park fan punch

  6. Yeah I find it hard to agree with any argument that the BBC is good value for money these days when they waste huge amounts of licence payers money on utter wank like this:



    EDIT: Maybe this should be a separate thread on off topic.

    Whose the gimp at 1:28 who can't even seem to 'la la la' in tune?


    My wife's thick sister does it again:

    Sister: Oh I love this song. (Brian Wilson appears) whose that old bloke on the piano

    Me: That's Brian Wilson

    Sister: whose he

    Me: from The Beach Boys

    Sister: who are they?

    Me: the band that wrote this song you love do much

    Sister: never heard of them, they can't be that good

  7. Also, what the fuck is a 12A?

    It replaced the 12 rating at the cinema around the time when the first Sam Rami Spider-Man came out.

    It's for films recommended for 12 years old and over but under 12s can see it they are accompanied by an adult.

    It's only for cinema releases, once they reach DVD/BluRay they are rated the standard 12

  8. Last nights tapings saw the following for the 11/12 live NXT Takeover: Evolution



    Career vs. Title Match

    Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville ©


    NXT Women's Title Match

    Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte ©


    NXT Tag Team Title Match

    Aiden English and Simon Gotch vs. Sin Cara and Kalisto ©


    Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs. The Ascension


  9. I must admit, when I found out how they're working the model these days I face-palmed. Because the kind of people who will pay $9.99 a month for unlimited wrestling (in theory) are the same ones who will pay $29.99 for a monthly PPV. The network is giving away money.

    For what your getting, the price is an absolute steal, no one can deny that. It seems to be a case that the demand isn't there for what they need to break even. I saw a reported that said the setup costs for it in the region of $75m-$80m. How accurate that was I don't know, but that is a massive amount to risk if you can not make it back.

    It just depends how long they are prepared to run with it before deciding it's a dead-duck

  10. The WWE is likely to get bought out or go broke.


    The network model simply won't work - the market isn't there for the product, they're going to lose lots of money, and the dividend can't be paid. The cost cutting is causing the situation to get worse - see them paying for advertising for non existent UK PPVs, the equally non existent communication over the UK launch, the failure to update the network let alone produce new and interesting programming, and finally the cost cutting on key employees that live and breath the company. The creative model won't let anyone break out of the pack and their existing stars are breaking down or will only work big shows for big money.


    The numbers next week could mean this all happens in a year.

    No they won't.


    If the network fails, they'll just abandon it and take a financial bumming for a couple of years. To elevate that, they'll cut a lot of deadwood to claw back what they've lost.

    If Vince can survive a federal trial against him, the XFL failure, they can survive the failure of the network.


    Easiest way to save money would be to ditch WWE Films

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