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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. I haven't listened to it yet, but I found it quite lazy that HBK was the latest guest considering he's already done a two-parter on Austin's podcast, and recently did a two-parter on Jericho's too.  I don't feel like there's anything new to talk about.


    And now Flair is the next guest, who's also done a two-parter on Austin's podcast and has recently had Austin on his.  Surely there are better options?


    She's a horrible bitch, that's her character and she's great at it, IMO. People want to see her show some arse (williams.jpg) and whether she does enough is clearly the issue, but maybe they're looking at this with a view of doing something big at 'Mania. Surely the fact she's remained so strong throughout the year only leads to a hotter and bigger pay off down the road? It worked brilliantly for a while during the Bella feud and the Rousey angle was dynamite.


    There's not going to be any pay off and you know there never will be. 



    Spot on.  People were saying this all the way through the Daniel Bryan angle, and it didn't happen.  She got in the ring and slapped the fuck out of him after he beat Triple H instead.  There was a brief period at the end of 2014 after Survivor Series where the faces had the upper-hand, but she was back on TV a few weeks later to continue her status as the top heel.  She's fucking dreadful, probably the worst thing about WWE at the moment, and definitely one of the main reasons I don't watch Raw anymore.

  3. Worst Wrestler of the Year

    Big Show


    Worst Match of the Year

    Royal Rumble Match


    Worst Event of the Year

    WWE Survivor Series


    Letdown of the Year

    Roman Reigns winning the Royal Rumble

    The build-up to Wrestlemania 31


    Stupidest / Worst Moment

    Big Show winning the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

    Big Show and Kane dumping everybody out of the Royal Rumble

    Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose calling Daniel Bryan a turd

  4. Match of the Year

    Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins vs. John Cena - Royal Rumble

    Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Takeover London


    Event of the Year

    NXT Takeover Brooklyn

    Wrestlemania 31


    TV Show of the Year


    Breaking Ground


    Feud/Angle of the Year

    Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens


    Best Moment

    Samoa Joe's NXT debut

    Seth Rollins cashes in MITB at Wrestlemania 31

    Sami Zayn's Raw debut


    Funniest Moment

    Royal Rumble 2015 match


    Best Podcast

    The Steve Austin Show

    Talk is Jericho


    And it seems there's a lot of Stephanie haters in the UKFF house. So how did she win best heel of 2014 on the UKFF Awards?

    Because a year is a long time for someone to go from good to absolute shite



    She was shit in 2014 as well, I think it speaks volumes about the quality of heels that year.

  6. My sister shares stuff like that far too much. Her phone bill kept rising each month earlier this year to the point it was about £50 a month. My parents pay her bill and they asked me to look through them and see if I could find the reason. Turns out she'd been texting those 5 digit numbers where you put your name next to a bloke's name and you'll get a reply telling you whether or not you're meant to be together.


    She's 18.

  7. This week WOOOOO Nation features Flair interviewing Sting. Could be some good stories in that one


    I listened to my first two (well, one and a bit) episodes of Flair's podcast the other day.  The first one was the Hulk Hogan one out of total curiosity.  Hogan was on the phone for the interview which I absolutely hate, but I understand it's not always possible for the guest to be there live, but even Flair, the fucking host, was on the phone!  It was horrendous, and Flair is difficult to understand at the best of times.


    The second was the one with Austin from just before Summerslam.  This time they were both there live which was nice, but Austin couldn't get a word in for the life of him.  It was as if Flair was the guest and Austin the host.  I don't think I'll bother with it again unless one gets a rave review.

  8. Rick, do you watch Raw live every week? You're absolutely bonkers if so. Get some sleep man, it's probably more fun anyway.


    Yeah, it seems fucking mad that people have watched the full show before 8am.  Do you have young kids that refuse to sleep beyond 4am?

  9. That happens a lot on mine, mainly with Genesis. It's very hit and miss, some days it'll work like a dream, other times the exact stream I was watching the night before will refuse to work. What app were you using?

  10. Mine came with all the add ons it seems. Only I can't find the robocop one. Also, long shot, but are there are free add ons for USA Network and HBO?


    Phoenix has live US TV with both of those channels on there.  They don't work particularly well for me, but they have worked on occasion.

  11. The only indication that anyone in WWE knows who Conor McGregor is was Becky Lynch stealing his, "we're not here to take part, we're here to take over," line earlier in the year. I wouldn't be surprised if Lynch came up with that herself though. Other than that, I highly doubt anyone of importance knows who he is. They clearly don't watch the UFC. They know who Rousey is, sure, but they haven't actually watched any of her fights if their attempt to make stars out of their own women is any indication.


    Even if the WWE brass knew about Conor, and had followed or studied his UFC career, I've got zero confidence that they'd be able to successfully take from it or manage to emulate what he's achieved. They're in completely different businesses, doing completely different things.


    I'd be surprised if Vince knows who Conor McGregor is, but surely the writers would.  It may be as simple as a writer telling Vince about an Irish fighter who is becoming something of a mainstream celebrity, and Vince's shrivelled brain has decided that Sheamus could do the same thing.

  12. If there's heat on screen, there's nothing going on off-screen. Did you not listen to Joey?


    Does that work the other way around too?  If so, Ziggler must have been balls deep in Lana a few months ago.


    Hes a top UFC fighter


    I expected his push to be mid next year too, hopefully he isnt on top til then

    WWE aren't going to push someone because they are the same nationality as some UFC bloke.



    What makes you so sure?  WWE are desperate to cash-in on any pop culture trend, and at the moment Conor McGregor is arguably MMA's biggest draw - a large part of his persona is that he's Irish, and I'd be surprised if Sheamus' current push isn't slightly related to McGregor's popularity.

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