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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Is that even real?  I mean, I know it's real because the pictures are right there, but it just can't be real.


    'When Kayla told me that she wanted a boob job and plastic surgery, I was glad because I wanted her to be that kind of person,' explains the 38-year-old.


    Fucking what?


    Am I the only one who thought Owens looked really out of place in that 8-man match?

    I don't mean talent wise, just that the other 7 all looked like wrestlers and Owens just looked .... well.... not.




    No-one looks less like a wrestler than Cesaro. When the camera cut to the four babyfaces standing and watching he looked like an amatuer cyclist who'd happened upon a news crew on his Sunday morning ride.


    He just looks so uncomfortable all of the time and he makes me uncomfortable watching. Shame because he is genuinely excellent once the bell rings.



    Who would you say looks like a wrestler these days, out of curiosity?  While he talks like he's got a mouth full of marbles, I'd say he looks more like a wrestler than loads of others.

  3. Anyway, the answer to Handspants' question is Bayley.

    Christ, she's not attractive at all is she? I was watching NXT the other day and even my other half, who always sees the best in peoples' looks, commented on her horse-like face.

  4. Speaking of total strangers, Facebook today decided I give a shit that 2 people I don't know, have never met, or even heard of, are in a relationship because someone on my friends list posted a comment on it.


    Yep this happens to me all the time.  Plenty of strangers are getting married recently and it feels like I was there because the entire day has been photographed and plastered on my feed.  It seems like the more people I delete the more these posts show up too.

  5. I've heard that it's decent; I've never seen it. I'm willing to believe that though, because I like Will Smith when he's being funny but not when he's being serious.


    Give it a go.  Even if you don't like it, Eva Mendes' wonderful tits make it worthwhile.


    Chalk me down for a liker of Hitch. Shit, I didn't even mind Here Comes the Boom. I think with these types of comedies it depends what sort of mood you're in when you watch them.


    Yeah I quite liked that too.  I went to see it in the cinema on my own because I got stood up.  It made a rather depressing night quite enjoyable.

  6. Why do the blacked-out spoiler tags start a new line?  Like this:


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    blah blah blah and SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    another spoiler and SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


    I've typed this:

    [spoiler2]blah blah blah[/spoiler2] and [spoiler2]another spoiler[/spoiler2] and [spoiler2]cenawinslol[/spoiler2]
  7. It's been a slow week at work so I've been going through old threads as far back as I can find.  The following caught my eye which was posted less than two weeks before it actually happened:


    If Lawler just spontaneously checked out at the announce table like Buffalo Ray in series 6 of the Sopranos, leaving Cole to hold the broadcast together while Vince or whoever loses his shit over the headset. That'd be a shocker.


    Fair play, Pinc.  PM me who wins the Undertaker/Lesnar match?

  8. Which one?  The Disturbed version was pretty good.  He had a few more afterwards that would have been OK for new wrestler, but totally wrong for Austin.  The one he came out to at Survivor Series 2001 is a guilty pleasure, I can't get Youtube up on my work PC, but it's the one that has a weird heavy breathing part half way through, sort of like "haa hee haa hee haa hee".

  9. I've started running regularly recently with the hope of doing the Cardiff Half Marathon.  However, I'm getting pretty severe shin splints literally within 20 seconds of starting.  I've tried various stretches and warm-ups but to no avail, and I've got some tidy shoes which I only bought a few months ago.  I play Ultimate Frisbee on a Monday too but I'm having to skip a week every so often because I genuinely feel like my shins are going to snap.  Does anybody have any tips?

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