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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Rollins is still probably my favourite when I tune in (which admittedly is very rarely these days).  However, I can't possibly imagine watching him do the same thing week-in-week-out.  I wouldn't necessarily say that's anything against him though, because everybody seems to do the same thing week-in-week-out.

  2. Does any kind soul know of any decent methods of cooking sweet potato so they'll still be tasty the next day?  I make some lovely sweet potato wedges but, as I cook in bulk, they end up being left in the fridge overnight which makes them a bit soggy and unpleasant.  I made some sweet potato "cakes" the other day by mashing the potatoes with garlic, chilli, diced cougette and a bit of egg to hold them together, then pan fried them in a bit of olive oil.  They were really nice, but took absolutely ages to cook so they're not much of an option unfortunately.

  3. Eh, I think you have a bigger problem with "smarkwanks", whatever they are, than with the age-old problem of a shitarse getting a push.

    That's hit the nail on the head for me.


    And I still take issue with the idea that the crowd are being cunts because they are booing a heel who they dislike. They get hammered on here when they cheer the heels, so what reaction are they allowed to have? Come on, somebody please give me an explanation because I really don't get it.

  4. Is Samuel Adams decent on draught? 


    Depends if it's a seasonal version.  I had one in New York called White Water IPA once and it tasted like toilet water.  Regular Samuel Adams is ok though.

  5. In uni, my housemates and I had a Hardcore Championship which was obviously defended 24/7.  It was usually won by simply placing a finger on the champion as they had both shoulders resting on the back of the sofa while a third party counted the pinball, but on the odd occasion it would change hands after a full on assault.  We decided to stop after one occasion where the current champion was being attacked by my other housemate and he fell half way down the stairs and fucked his ankle.  It didn't stop said attacker from pinning him mind, ignoring the screams of "GET THE FUCK OFF ME I'VE BROKEN MY LEG!".

  6. As cunty as the Full Sail crowd can be, they are booing Eva Marie because they just do not like her.  And why would they?  She's been nothing but absolutely shit, and somebody above mentioned her lack of redeeming qualities which is spot on.  She has never shown herself to be anything other than thick as pig shit and everything I personally dislike about a person.


    This isn't a Roman Reigns-style rejection.  For starters, she's a heel, and we're supposed to react the way Full Sail have reacted.  They've done absolutely nothing wrong in this instance - they are just booing somebody they don't like.

  7. She has heat for not being signed but being over and used on TV? Wrestling!


    Also the Eva Marie hate is bollocks. NXT IS a developmental. I think the Full Sail fans are almost as bad as the Impact towards.

    It's not bollocks though, they can hate whoever they want, and Eva Marie is absolutely shit. I bet she'd get the same reactions in other arenas.

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