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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Pitcos, I installed The Beast on my Fire Stick earlier today. It buffered a lot when I was trying to watch BT Sport but everything else worked OK.


    Genesis and Phoenix are the two best apps for movies, live TV and sports though I reckon.


    Well I ended up getting rid of The Beast last night, it was making everything run too slow - I'd be waiting a good 5 minutes to get a basic Netflix stream up and running.


    I'm back with Genesis and Phoenix and it runs like a dream again.  I've finally got to grips with Navi-X too and, while I'm not fussed on the layout, the amount of content is astounding.  I downloaded USTV Now last night too which works well if you want basic US TV channels.

  2. My apologies if this is classed as live discussion, but I don't see it that way because I've switched this shit off already.


    I don't have work tomorrow and I was up late anyway, so I thought I'd chuck Raw on while I nod off. Admittedly, I missed the first 10 minutes or so, and I tuned in just in time to see Roman Reigns coming down to the ring grinning like a muppet. In all fairness, the crowd were loving him, but fucking hell he's dull when he's not wrestling.


    Stephanie McMahon then squared up to him and I stuck Bob's Burgers on instead. Life is too short for this shit.

  3. Thanks Slapnut, don't suppose you could explain in very basic terms how you did it, as though talking to a small child or a nan? PM if need be.


    Can I make the same request? I have Amazon Fire Stick.


    Me too.

    A link to a decent How To would be great, I have googled, but if someone has a comprehensive how to that covers all bases simply it'd be appreciated

    I followed this which is probably as basic a guide you'll find:



  4. Pitcos, I installed The Beast on my Fire Stick earlier today. It buffered a lot when I was trying to watch BT Sport but everything else worked OK.


    Genesis and Phoenix are the two best apps for movies, live TV and sports though I reckon.




    All you need is "Genesis" really, if you're into your films. "Navi-X" for the cinema releases.

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to use Navi-X. It's an awful layout and I can't seem to be able to find anything to watch.

    "Navi-X" is pretty simple here. A big button appears that says "Start Press Here" and then you're in.

    It's just full of bugs for me. Most things I try to watch either give me a "loading" message but fail to load, or I get the Fire Stick "waiting" message which freezes the device and I have to restart it.

  6. All you need is "Genesis" really, if you're into your films. "Navi-X" for the cinema releases.

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to use Navi-X. It's an awful layout and I can't seem to be able to find anything to watch.


    Genesis is good when it wants to be, but there are days when I'm getting constant "unplayable stream" issues.

  7. I've recently got a Fire Stick and installed Kodi. While I'm happy enough with the plethora of free HD films and TV shows, a lot of the add-ons flat-out refuse to work. For example, watching US TV is near enough impossible and the only app I got it working on (Phoenix) abruptly stopped working a few weeks ago.

  8. The best ISP I've been with was Utility Warehouse for this sort of thing.  Absolutely no buffering issues whatsoever on the Network, and I even got the advertised speeds which nobody ever seems to get.  Much better than the shower of shit that is EE which starts buffering every few seconds as soon as the clock hits 5pm.

  9. We got to my stop and I asked her if she'd like me to stay on until her stop. When I asked, tears started running down her face because of what she called "my tremendous kindness and bravery". I don't think that's true. I just saw someone in need, and it was my human nature to do what I could.


    This part is so self-fellating it makes me feel sick.

  10. Eva Marie is racking up wins and keeps doing the universal sign language gesture of "I want the belt around my waist".


    I'm no fan of Eva Marie, but somebody on Reddit the other day was having a pop at her because that belt around the waist gesture was just out of camera frame.  It was an absolutely hilarious example of clutching at straws.

  11. Facebook is infuriating, but I can't bring myself to delete it because it's the only source of contact I have with a lot of people.  I've deleted most of the people I couldn't care less about, but total strangers still show up on my timeline just because one of my friends has liked their post.  It's even started to show posts from total strangers that have been liked by none of my friends, and with whom I have no mutual friends with, yet I have absolutely no interest in the post and I can't for the life of me figure out how or why it's forcing itself upon me.

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