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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. I really hate talking about this but I need other peoples' perspectives on the situation.  At the end of October my girlfriend came down with a bout of depression (eventually diagnosed as a dissociative disorder) and went to live back at her parents' in Essex.  She wouldn't talk, cried a lot, panicked easily over small insignificant things, and generally became something of a recluse.  She's had small bouts of this in the past which have only lasted a week or two, so I didn't think too much of it.  2 and a half months later and she's still there.


    She's improved a fair bit since then, she's talking normally again and seems to be interacting with her family and friends up there, but she is flat-out refusing to come down and visit, saying that she doesn't feel comfortable being on a train or a bus on her own for an extended period of time.  This would be understandable in a way, but we're going to Dublin on Saturday for the weekend (which I booked before she got depressed) and she's choosing to catch the train to Bristol airport on Saturday morning before the flight instead of Friday evening and spending the night at my place.  She's citing the trains being much cheaper on Saturday morning for this, but I've checked and there's only £10 difference which, when you consider coming down Saturday morning risks missing the flight, doesn't seem like a lot to me.  This is also without mentioning the fact you can get the Megabus for as low as a fiver.


    We haven't exchanged Christmas presents yet because we haven't seen each other since before then, but I know she's got me something which takes place in Cardiff on Wednesday (the day after we get back from Dublin), but she's actually going through the fuss of either changing the date or seeing if anybody else can take her place in whatever the activity is because she doesn't want to be left alone in my house when I'm in work on Wednesday.  My argument is that she needs to push herself to try and get better otherwise she's not going to improve.


    I'm trying to approach the situation as delicate as I can because I know she can't help the way she feels, and I've never suffered with depression so I don't really know what it's like, but I can't help but feel there's more to the situation she's not telling me.  I'd understand if she was completely shut in her house and not venturing outdoors, but in the past month she's been up to Crewe to watch a panto with some family members, into London with her friend to watch a play, and the other day she sent me a video of a Christmas party she was at in which she was in good spirits and dancing.  It doesn't seem like she's struggling that much, certainly not so much that she has to avoid coming down to visit, but obviously I don't know what's going through her head so it's not fair of me to make that judgement.


    Her mother isn't helping either.  I've never known somebody to treat their 26 year-old child so....childishly.  I know it's motherly instincts to protect your child and everything, but she genuinely treats her like a teenager to the point it can't be helpful.  Plus, whenever I go up to visit and I do something that her mother doesn't agree with, something very small and insignificant like leaving to go home an hour earlier than she would like, she treats me like shit in the most passive-aggressive way you can imagine.  Sometimes it's only small things, like giving me the cold shoulder or responding to my farewell with a simple "Ok bye" and then leaving the room.  It's difficult to explain really.


    I really just needed to get all this off my chest as it doesn't look like it's about to improve anytime soon, and I'm constantly saying things to her that probably come across as harsh, but I'm genuinely trying to be helpful.  I don't suppose I really have much of a question except what are your thoughts on this?  It'd be nice to hear other peoples' opinions.

  2. then a ladder match main event with Finn and Owens that earned its stipulation rather than being that because August was Ladder Match Month.


    Christ, yes.  This discussion could probably take up an entire thread, but this is easily one of the worst things about WWE and has been for a few years.

  3. That sounds shit, and I'm sorry. But I did laugh at the irony of pulling a muscle whilst making a protein shake :laugh:


    Ridiculous isn't it?  I can't bring myself to laugh at it yet, but it'll be something I'll look back on fondly I'm sure.


    I keep telling you bastards, to try turmeric, ginger and Cissus tea if you're injured. A wonderful, natural painkiller that will not cause catabolism like Ibuprofen or paracetamol.

    It tastes like scutter water from the throne, but it's very, very effective!!!!


    I was actually going to try it last time you recommended it, but there was no turmeric in the house.  I've since bought some though so I'll give it a go tonight and report back.  Although, with my recent luck I'll probably re-break my wrist pouring the water.

  4. Well I'm feeling like fucking shit lately.  I broke my wrist at the end of October and only had the cast off this week, so I haven't done any exercise in about 2 months.  A few days before Christmas I was making a protein shake, and as I was shaking it I pulled a muscle in my neck.  It was horrific, I couldn't move for a few days.  A few days after it healed, I was sat at my desk at work for longer than usual and it royally fucked my upper back.  I spent most of New Year's Eve lying on my mate's floor while slowly getting pissed because, again, I couldn't move properly.


    Anyway, that only healed properly on Tuesday or Wednesday.  This morning I got to work and started stretching my neck, nothing too strenuous, just a few circles.  At one point I rolled my neck forward and it cracked, and now I'm in fucking agony yet again, only this time it feels like the very top of my spine/bottom of my skull.  My head feels heavy as fuck and even the simple movement of raising my arm absolutely kills.  I'm dreading getting up out of this chair because I'm genuinely afraid my legs will give way.


    I've never had a history of neck or back problems, but this has all been in the last two weeks.  I'm 24 for fuck's sake, I shouldn't feel like Kurt Angle when I want to scratch my head.  I put the first neck issue and the back issue down to bad luck, but now I'm genuinely worried.

  5. every time i click the "start your free month" button, rather than giving me the chance to enter new/different details, it just instantly redirects me to a page that just says "you've already had your freebie"





    This has happened to me before, are you logged in on WWE.com before you even click on the Network?

  6. I watched the first two yesterday but there was nothing that made me want to come back for 8 more episodes.

    I'm feeling exactly the same, although I've watched 3 episodes. I'll probably end up watching them all in case it gets better, but I'm not understanding the overwhelming positivity in the slightest.


    Plus, he's definitely guilty.

  7. Slapnut's sister is 18 — shouldn't she be allowed to throw money (preferably her own, though obviously not in this case) away if she wanted to?


    She should by law, but based on her personality and mental age (admittedly due to learning difficulties), she most definitely shouldn't.


    Reading the results, this stuck out to me:


    Reigns says he hasn't seen her husband since he laid him out at TLC


    So either WWE have already forgotten Triple H was on Takeover, or in kayfabe Roman Reigns doesn't watch or isn't even aware of NXT.


    It seems Stephanie squared up to him again too.  No thanks.


    WWE and NXT are essentially two seperate worlds. They have done lots of things where they've ignored what happened in NXT land. It's a development terrority similar to OVW and FCW, nothing more to the main show.



    They reference NXT all the time, whether it's Sami Zayn's debut or Kevin Owens showing up with the NXT Title.  Triple H being an uber heel on Raw but a face on NXT is almost understandable, but to pretend he hasn't been seen since Roman attacked him is fucking lunacy, especially since Triple H even talked about being attacked when he opened Takeover!


    It's much more than a development territory like FCW or OVW - they have a weekly show on the Network and they've just done a sold out show at Wembley!

  9. The only Nolan films I've seen are the Batman films, The Prestige and Inception.  I liked the Batman films and The Prestige, but Inception was rubbish.  I've not had much ambition to watch his others.  You're not wrong by saying just because his films are popular doesn't make them good, but it backs up my original point that enough people like TDKR that it can't be much of a surprise that Empire gave it 5 stars.  The sheep thing can be applied to any director too - not too sure why it has any more relevance with Nolan than it does anybody else.


    You should be put in prison for really liking TDKR.


    Don't you like to be peed on?

  10. Reading the results, this stuck out to me:


    Reigns says he hasn't seen her husband since he laid him out at TLC


    So either WWE have already forgotten Triple H was on Takeover, or in kayfabe Roman Reigns doesn't watch or isn't even aware of NXT.


    It seems Stephanie squared up to him again too.  No thanks.




    Empire gave it 4 stars. Which amazed me because they usually give the big 5 to a film they've been hyping so much (such as Dark Knight Rises). And also because they gave Attack of the Clones a 5 star review when that was released.

    Is Empire some sort of parody magazine? Fucking hell fire Dark Knight Rises AND Attack of the Clones getting five stars is some fuuny shit.



    Does it really surprise you that Dark Knight Rises got 5 stars?  Even if you didn't like it, it's a critically acclaimed ending to a critically acclaimed trilogy.


    that's mainly though because people jerk off to Nolan. After The Prestige his films have been poor, terrible soundtracks too unless you like Hans Zimmer on 11. TDK had a good Joker in Ledger. TDKR even made Tom Hardy look (well, sound) shit. 



    Come on, really?  Maybe people just like his films.  I'm not his biggest fan, but I really liked TDKR, so it's not at all surprising to me that a lot of other people liked it.  


    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean there's some fictitious circle-jerk going on. 


    Empire gave it 4 stars. Which amazed me because they usually give the big 5 to a film they've been hyping so much (such as Dark Knight Rises). And also because they gave Attack of the Clones a 5 star review when that was released.

    Is Empire some sort of parody magazine? Fucking hell fire Dark Knight Rises AND Attack of the Clones getting five stars is some fuuny shit.



    Does it really surprise you that Dark Knight Rises got 5 stars?  Even if you didn't like it, it's a critically acclaimed ending to a critically acclaimed trilogy.

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