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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. I'm going to sound like a right miserable git here, but I've been really enjoying Raw since Wrestlemania and now Stephanie is back I have absolutely no desire to watch it.  The inevitable Shane vs. Stephanie feud is just a fucking horrifying thought.

  2. Ugh.  At the end of it all, here's a guy having a pop at an aspect of a WWE show which hasn't happened in at least 4 years, and then telling a bloke who no longer works for them that he "won" while working for a company struggling to hold onto their pathetic TV deal and taping every 6 months in front of 300 people.

  3. Hamburgers in gravy is good eating. Like giant Campbells meatballs they are.


    This is probably my favourite review of all time.  The "fucking Jesus" bit gets me everytime.

  4. You could try shooting for an overall number of good reps, adding one each session. Keep it below failure, so if you say you can do 6 on your first set usually, get 5 on your first set then rest. Aim for 4 next set, then 3, 2, and 1. That's 15 total reps within failure. If you get all those reps solid, take 5 as your max reps per set and add 1 to the next lowest set i.e. 5, 5, 3, 2, 1. Hope I'm making sense? I tried this a year ago and got to 5 sets of 10 over a couple of months. T-nation recently reposted the article, Russian something-or-other training.


    Edit: found it - https://www.t-nation.com/training/tip-do-the-russian-fighter-pull-up-program




    Is there an easier way to improve pull-up strength other than just keep doing pull-ups? I can do about 6 on my first set, then 3 on my next, then probably 1 or 2 thereafter. I try and do about 5 sets once a week but I just don't seem to be improving whereas every other dickhead in the gym is busting them out like wanks.


    Just do negative reps, they're respectable and you don't stand out as being weak if you do them instead of regular pull ups. They're great for strength and size but unless you're really skinny, there's no shame in not being able to do pull ups. The strongest guys in most gyms don't do them because they can't.



    Thanks both, I'll give them a go and report back.


    It's less about shame and more about my own personal improvement really.


    (but it'd definitely be nice to do millions of them, especially when girls are around)

  5. Is there an easier way to improve pull-up strength other than just keep doing pull-ups? I can do about 6 on my first set, then 3 on my next, then probably 1 or 2 thereafter. I try and do about 5 sets once a week but I just don't seem to be improving whereas every other dickhead in the gym is busting them out like wanks.

  6. For the last two nights, Stephanie has looked a lot younger than usual. She's looked amazing.


    Really?  I've found the opposite.  I mean, she's still an absolute stunner, but I think she's definitely looking her age.  Plus, there's something about the faces she pulls and the way she does her hair that makes her look like a hoob.

  7. AJ Styles and Festus are two of WWE's most pushed wrestlers, what a time to be alive.


    I'm genuinely intrigued with the whole Bullet Club thing.  So many possibilities and I'm none the wiser to which is likely to happen, I'm liking it.

  8. Can someone explain to me how WCW works on the network? Like, there's the World Championship Wrestling show from the 80s. Is that the earliest stuff? And is that JCP? And is that the main weekly show in conjunction with the PPVs?


    Honestly, I've tried reading up about the history of WCW quite a few times and I'm none the wiser.  I have no idea what the difference is between, WCW, JCP, GCW, NWA etc.  

  9. A lot of the crowd's silence is due to them taping some of the matches at stupid o'clock in the morning.  I went to the 8am Axxess session on the Sunday, got there around 9am and they started taping some matches at around 9:30.  My mate and I were out late the night before, slightly hungover, and making any sort of noise aside from the odd grunt was out of the question.  I'd assume quite a few people were in the same boat.

  10. Slapnut:

    Regarding your MA - if your heart is in Drama, then apply for those courses. Don't do an MA in something because you think it's what you might enjoy or it'll get you out of your job, do it because you are genuinely passionate about it. I work in university admissions, and the people who apply for stuff on a whim or come to us through Clearing are always the ones who drop out quickest. If one Drama course has turned you down, keep applying, and don't be afraid to ask for feedback why you were unsuccessful.

    I don't know if you know, the Student Loans company have brought in post-graduate student loans, but you can only get one. If you have one for something you don't care hugely about, you won't then get funded to do something else that you do want to do further down the line.

    The problem with applying with any other decent acting MA is that they are based in cities where I simply can't afford to live. I have no idea how people go to drama school in London unless Mam and Dad are fucking loaded. The benefit of going to the Royal Welsh College is that I could have lived at home and saved a shit load of cash on rent etc.


    Plus, the way the industry is today means that you either have to a) be rich, b) have supermodel looks or c) know people high up in the industry to make a living from it. None of those points apply to be, and the only way to make point C happen is by going to a good drama school. Catch 22.


    Writing your own shit is one of the best ways to get ahead in the industry today. You're much more likely to make contacts by sending decent scripts off rather than pointless acting CVs that say nothing but "I can do an Irish accent and I was an extra in Casualty the other week".


    It's something I've wanted to do for years and it was more or less a toss up between that and acting for my degree, and the latter won. Having a BA in one and an MA in the other can only be a good thing.

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