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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. In a similar vein, is there an extension for the iPhone app that stops posts my friends have liked from appearing on my timeline?  My feed is constantly full of total strangers' holidays, graduations, wedding proposals, kids etc. because a friend has liked the post.

  2. I love Asian women.  Absolutely fucking love them.  Even a moderately attractive Asian woman is 10 times more attractive than any other race.  In fact, I met an Asian woman at an acting class recently who wasn't particularly attractive but not unattractive either, and within 5 minutes I was thinking of ways I could dump my girlfriend for her.

  3. Seems some cunts on a certain cul-de-sac are thinking I’ll stay away because they call me grey haha.  Two-faced motherfuckers won’t get rid of me easily (nore than out else?) you see me everyday reet in your mush.  Intimidated, haha, as if!


    I did my best.


    Genuine question, what pleasure do you get out of giving a rimjob?  Is it the knowledge that the recipient is enjoying it, or something more?


    I'll be honest, Kickbags, I've no fucking idea. Maybe coz it's taboo?

    I have had a thing for it since I was a kid. My mate Hazel reckons it's something to do with me not being potty trained properly, which is preposterous because I'm not our Stevey Justice. I know how to plop.

    I think it stemmed from Euro 88. My mate Paul O Connors' da was in Stuttgart, and we ransacked his parents room looking for something and we found a stack of Razzles. There was a sallow skinned woman with jet black hair, presenting herself like a panda, pulling her cheeks apart and I thought it looked inviting. More so than the pink part.

    But I'm not gay. Unless it were Miriam Rivera.

    So yeah, blame Stuttgart.


    I'm not into ladies bleaching their sunburst flag either. Like there's no bullseye? Does that make sense? It just might as well be a slightly clenched palm I'm looking at



    I don't actually think there's a better explanation than that.  If you like it, you just....do.

  5. Genuine question, what pleasure do you get out of giving a rimjob?  Is it the knowledge that the recipient is enjoying it, or something more?


    I saw a thread on Reddit recently where loads of people confessed their love to administering a nice arse lick and I just can't grasp how it could possibly be enjoyable.

  6. The idea that anyone is paying for Sky Movies in this day and age kinda boggles my mind.


    Agreed.  My old man is trying to reduce his Sky bill at the moment, yet point blank refuses to get rid of Movies in exchange for Netflix or similar.

  7. You know that little arrow on the right hand corner of a quote, it's meant to take you to the original post right?  At the moment it just seems to be taking me to the very first post of the thread (which isn't the quoted post).  I've tried a few different quotes in a few different threads.  Anybody else having similar problems?

  8. I'm not a happy man right now.  I've spent the last week in Washington DC and New York, and I paid for both hotels on my debit card when I arrived.  Both totals are showing on my bank statement (£277 and £383 respectively), but today when trying to use my card I found that I'm overdrawn.  I called the bank and they told me there are two pending transactions from each hotel for £315 and £436 respectively, and that's on top of what I already paid.  The bank told me the hotels were holding the cash and they needed to release the funds, the hotels told me the bank is holding the cash and they need to release the funds.  Both hotels also told me that they hold security deposits which are released upon check out, the first hotel holds $60 and the second $100.  Neither hotel could tell me why they took so much.


    So now I'm basically overdrawn until the £750 decides to return to my account.

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