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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Zack Ryder gets way too much shit from people. A character assassination years ago and recently he's been anything but shit.

    Yeah, I agree to an extent. I'm not really a fan or anything, but he's been doing alright in NXT. His beard suits him well, too.

  2. Best of luck Houchey baby.


    I've just applied to do a masters in scriptwriting at the University of South Wales.  I have no idea if it's a good idea or not, but I've been writing shitty old scripts for years and I've got a bunch of them hanging around so it seems like something I'd enjoy.  Plus, Cardiff is a massive BBC hub at the moment and even more offices are opening up within the next few years, so it seems the work will be there.

  3. I usually find that Indeed are pretty good to use but as with anything it helps if you apply for something you have experience in to be seriously looked at. 


    Speaking of which, I have just come back from WrestleMania, have had three weeks holiday and return to work tomorrow, never have I felt so depressed, think I'm looking for new jobs again, new challenge, more cash, that sort of thing. 


    I'm in exactly the same boat as you Briefcase.  I've felt like crying on the way to work for the past two days.  I've got an easy job, I work for a very good, relaxed company and I get on well with the people I work with, but I have the most dull, boring, dead-end job you can imagine.  I really had high hopes of doing to do my masters at a drama school in September but I didn't get in, so now I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life.

  4. Onyx, have you seen the Paradise Lost trilogy? It's the same subject. The first was filmed during the actual trial, the second while they were imprisoned, and the third in the same time frame as West of Memphis. Check them out if you haven't, they're really good.


    Unfortunately, the thing that lets WOM down is the hypocrisy of scolding the West Memphis police department for pointing the finger at the three kids without any real evidence, then doing more or less the exact same thing with the one stepdad. Paradise Lost also does this in the second film with the other stepdad, only more obvious.


    Still, they're all fascinating documentaries.



    He looked fucking ridiculous.

    D-d-d-disappointed to hear that. I was stood near him a few days ago at Axxess and remarked to make mate how incredible he looks in a suit and that I hope he'd wear more of them upon his return.That crowd aside (although that doesn't really mean anything since he was consistently getting fairly good reactions for a while before his injury), he was easily the most over bloke in Dallas last night not named Enzo or Cass.

    It's a massive shame he's not a) American or b) good on the mic, because he absolutely oozes charisma in the ring and carries himself like a superstar.

    I wouldn't worry about him becoming champion if I were you though (even though it would be AWESOME). Malbranque has more of a chance of getting in Sasha's knickers than that happening.

    Spending a bit too much time on Reddit? That's really pushing it...

    Nope, I've probably only been on it a handful times. Pushing what, exactly?

  6. He looked fucking ridiculous.

    D-d-d-disappointed to hear that. I was stood near him a few days ago at Axxess and remarked to make mate how incredible he looks in a suit and that I hope he'd wear more of them upon his return.


    That crowd aside (although that doesn't really mean anything since he was consistently getting fairly good reactions for a while before his injury), he was easily the most over bloke in Dallas last night not named Enzo or Cass.


    It's a massive shame he's not a) American or b) good on the mic, because he absolutely oozes charisma in the ring and carries himself like a superstar.


    I wouldn't worry about him becoming champion if I were you though (even though it would be AWESOME). Malbranque has more of a chance of getting in Sasha's knickers than that happening.

  7. I'm absolutely appalled that people didn't like Cesaro's suit and thought he looked like a loser! That is objectively wrong! The bloke looked more of a superstar than he ever has!


    The middle of this show absolutely killed the live crowd. At one point, a group of people started throwing around a beach ball, and after the third one was confiscated you could hear a pin drop until Enzo & Cass came out.

  8. The strong rumour Zayn did his shoulder in again on the dive though, hence being taken out the main event with the angle, that could be devastating for him.

    Yeah that rumour came from him holding his shoulder after the brawl out in the ring, aka selling.

  9. Yeah the Goldberg rumours seem to come up more or less every year and I don't really understand why as he strikes me as the type of guy who is totally done with wrestling and wouldn't come back unless they threw him tens of millions.


    I mean, would anyone even give a shit after the initial pop?

  10. I was there live and it was easily the best atmosphere I've ever experienced at a wrestling show.


    I didn't think the night would get any better than the opener, but I was wrong. I'm absolutely thrilled for Jordan and Gable, and the reaction their win got was deafening. High fiving strangers and the lot. I was worried the botch and subsequent "botchamania" chant would derail the match but they managed to pull it back with ease.


    Zayn vs Nakamura was something special. There's not a lot to say about it that hasn't been said already. I'm gutted to see Sami leave NXT though, not really looking forward to the million matches he'll soon be having with The Miz or Bray Wyatt.


    Main event was great and I also thought the stoppages added to the match due to Joe's excellent reactions. That's his best performance since he got to WWE, and probably since about 2006 actually.


    I regained my faith in humanity when a small "Chris Benoit" chant broke out when Joe used the crossface and it was instantly booed by everybody in earshot.


    I lost my shit when Bobby Roode appeared. I can't wait for this.

  11. Batman vs Superman spoilers:



    It's shit. The "storyline" is shit. Henry Cavill is shit. Jessie Eisenberg is shit. The CGI is shit. In fact, the only thing that isn't shit is Ben Afflek.


    Batman: ARGH IM GOING TO KILL SUPERMAN! Oh hold on, his mother has the same name as my mother? Ah nevermind then.



    I pay for two accounts because I forgot my log in details and can't be bothered to cancel one of them. I like to think I'm helping WWE out with that extra subscription when I see people go on about cancelling all the time


    .There is such a thing as a password reminder.  Still it makes up for Slapnuts cancelling his every month after the free trial.



    I actually forgot to cancel it last month so they've finally had some money from me.  I'm mortified!

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