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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. I think some people are over thinking the whole "why would Taker do this"? thing.


    You ask "why?" And all I can think is "why not?". Frankly the character dosent care for such trivial family disputes. He's not pro Vince, but he isn't anti Shane either.


    The Taker dosent care if his opponent is Lesner, Barakus, Lita, Mark Henry, Savio Vega or Shane McMahon. He's been put into a match and he's going to go wrestle it. He's too proud to go and throw a match for a family squabble that dosent concern him.


    On the other hand, Undertaker has been referred to as the "conscience of the WWE" on numerous occasions and it strikes me as bizarre that somebody described as such would be fighting on behalf of super-heel Vince McMahon.

  2. In all fairness to Ralhpy, I've been charged $11.99 a few times and it's not so much the extra money that wound me up, it was not knowing why the fuck they're charging certain people extra that annoyed me.  It didn't help that the customer service Twitter account is as useful as a chocolate potato.

  3. Last night I dreamt I was an office chair and people kept sitting on me and laughing.  I thought that would be the weirdest thing to happen today, but then I woke up and read the news.  Seriously, what the fuck?  At some point somebody in a creative meeting (most likely Vince) genuinely suggested Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match at Wrestlemania, and they weren't laughed out of the room!


    I recently read a bit of fantasy booking on Reddit that suggested Kofi Kingston should hit the Trouble in Paradise on Michelle McCool's heavily pregnant stomach leading to a Wrestlemania match with Undertaker.  If you'd have asked me which of these two scenarios would be more likely, I would have said the Kofi one.

  4. Well, my first pastrami attempt went poorly due to the oven being far too hot. However, I've spent most of today giving it a second go and it's turned out quite well. It spent about 4 hours in the smoker which didn't turn out great because my smoker is a heap of shit, but then I popped it in the oven at about 100 degrees for 3 hours which worked better. It's a bit tougher and saltier than I'd like, but I think I know where I've gone wrong.



  5. I did enjoy that CKY song from THPS (abbr.)

    Diddledi BOWWWMM baddledaddledaddledidd'n doodooDOOD'N doodledoo dood'n etc.

    Until your man who wasn't a Margera that couldn't sing, started to sing.


    I think you're talking about 96 Quite Bitter Beings.  At least that's what entered my mind when I said that aloud.

  6. Those 'What?' chants are easily the worst thing about the WWE audiences, but it's up to the talent to modify the cadence of their promos to avoid it.  It seems most promos these days are delivered in exactly the same way: "Last night.....at Fast Lane.......on the WWE Network......I wrestled Kane......and I was screwed.......".



    Corbin has undoubtably improved between the ropes, but I haven't seen any improvement or development of the character since day 1.

    The man said himself on more than one occasion in 'Breaking Ground' that it's so different coming from American Football where you're encouraged to show no emotion to wrestling where your expressions are so important. So he knows that he should be more animated, but still only shows that one blank look. He looks at the crowd blankly during his entrance, looks blankly at his opponent before locking up, and looks blankly at the hard camera after winning a match.

    This contradicts itself. You say there is no character development then go on to say how it was explained to you why he has a vacant look on his face. The fact that it was explained why he shows no expression in a legitimate story is character development. If we didn't know why he always stares into the distance then you'd have a case for no character development.


    Fair enough if you don't like it and don't think it works, but to say Corbin has had no character development is flat out wrong.

    Breaking Ground isn't a legitimate story in the context of NxT.



    It sort of is though.  The Bayley vs. Carmella match was based on their friendship which has only really been covered on Breaking Ground.

  8. That gigantic gentleman wearing a bright red tshirt in the front row is going to be very distracting over the next few weeks.


    Dear God, how many seats do you think he had to buy?


    I'm another Corbin fan, and I think a lot of it has to do with watching him on Breaking Ground.  In fact, I like most people in NXT based on Breaking Ground.  I can even tolerate Mojo Rawley somehow, as irritating as he is.


    Bloody can't wait for Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe.  Is that next week?

  9. I just started Insanity.  Maybe I'll just stay unfit.


    Seriously, it was only the fitness test too where you mark down how many reps of each exercise you can do in a minute.  These fucking supermodels (including a real smart Asian lady who will be the subject of my next wank) were all "Well I did 87, and I could only do 60 when I started!" while I'm lying on the floor writing the number 12 on my tracking sheet.


    Blinding headache now too.

  10. It's been three weeks since my return to the gym after having the cast off my wrist and I'm struggling.  I'm weak as fuck, and I know that's to be expected after a broken wrist, but it's disheartening to be lifting half the weight I used to on certain exercises.  That part isn't worrying me so much though, because I know I'll build that back up soon.  However, the fitness side of things is absolutely killing me.  If you put me in a room with 3 morbidly obese people, my 11.5 stone slim frame would easily be the most unfit of the lot.  A few days ago I was using that thing where you load weights onto this metal contraption and push it across the floor (I have no fucking idea what it's called), except I wasn't actually loading any weight onto it, and after literally 2 minutes I was seeing double.


    I lose weight just walking up the stairs, so I'm worried the weight would drop off me if I did more cardio, and I'm probably too slim as it is.  But at the moment I feel like shit fitness-wise, and I look a bit....doughy.  Not fat, more like skinny-fat.  My stomach sticks out far more than it should but my arms are skinny as fuck and my chest is non-existent.

  11. Yeah I'm wet brining it with rock salt, sugar, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, allspice, ground ginger, honey, garlic and bay leaves.


    The curing salt (or Prague Powder as some websites call it) is apparently necessary to give it its pink colour which, let's be honest, is half the appeal.


    I want to try making pastrami but the recipe I found requires curing salt, but they don't sell it in Tesco it seems. Does anybody know where to get some? Or would anybody be able to suggest an alternative?


    Are you doing the covering it in salt then chucking it in the oven wrapped in tin-foil method or brining it before rubbing it in spice and steaming it?

    I'm brining it and then chucking it in the oven wrapped in tin foil. It's actually in the fridge brining right now, but I'm trying it without the curing salt at the moment and I'm worried it'll just turn out shit.

  13. I want to try making pastrami but the recipe I found requires curing salt, but they don't sell it in Tesco it seems. Does anybody know where to get some? Or would anybody be able to suggest an alternative?

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